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What Grocery Stores Allow Dogs? 2024 Update

Written by: Brooke Billingsley

Last Updated on July 8, 2024 by Dogster Team

puppy dog sitting in a shopping cart

What Grocery Stores Allow Dogs? 2024 Update

Many people love to take their dogs everywhere with them, even shopping. While many stores have pet-friendly policies, you may have found that you struggle with finding a grocery store that will let you bring your pet dog in. If you encounter this, it’s important that you don’t misrepresent your dog as a service animal. This behavior often results in making it harder for people who require the assistance of a service animal to go shopping.

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Are There Any Dog-Friendly Grocery Stores?

No, there are no dog-friendly grocery stores in the United States. According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), animals, including dogs, are not permitted in grocery stores or inside food establishments. This rule is in place to keep everyone safe by keeping potentially sick or poorly behaved dogs away from everyone’s food. This also makes grocery stores a safer and more comfortable place, and you don’t have to worry about your dog trying to shoplift snacks while you shop.

border collie dog with a shopping cart or trolley on grocery
Image Credit: smrm1977, Shutterstock

What if My Dog Is an Emotional Support Animal?

While Emotional Support Animals (ESA) are offered some protections by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), they are not protected in the same way that service animals are. Service animals must be trained to perform a task that helps their handler manage a disability or medical condition. These types of pets are not specially trained to perform any tasks; they simply provide companionship and comfort to their handler through their presence and affection.

Many people opt to lie about their dog being a service animal so they can take them to more places. This is not only illegal but also damaging to the image of service dogs. When people take their poorly behaved dogs into public places where they aren’t allowed, then people begin to associate poorly behaved dogs with service animals. This lowers the acceptance that people have for service animals, which can make it very difficult for service dog handlers to go into all the places they need to go, all of which are places where they are legally allowed to take their service dogs.

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Are There Any Dog-Friendly Stores in the US?

pushing a cart in a supermarket
Image Credit: Fit Ztudio, Shutterstock

While this is going to depend on the area and the specific store, there are some places where you can take dogs, although you should call your local store directly to confirm that they’re allowed to go inside before you leave!

Some potential dog-friendly stores to take your dog to include:

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It’s a lot of fun to take your dog with you everywhere, but grocery stores are not an appropriate place for your dog to visit. There are tons of dog-friendly stores across the country, including hardware stores, pet stores, and clothing stores. There are also lots of restaurants that can legally allow dogs on their outdoor patios, so your dog doesn’t have to stay home alone whenever you’re out. However, you should not attempt to take your dog to places where they aren’t allowed. This can hurt people who require the assistance of service dogs, and it can put your dog and others into an uncomfortable or dangerous situation.

Featured Image Credit: skrotov, Shutterstock

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