Ask the Vet


10 Best Dog Breeds for Introverts: Info, Pictures & Personality (Vet Answer)

Most dogs are excellent companions for introverted people. Dogs provide an easy, non-judgemental relationship that has benefits that go both ways; your dog benefits from your love and care while you get stress relief, emotional support, a reason to get out of the house, and even a conversation starter! Contrary to popular belief, introverts are […]

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vet checking up pembroke welsh corgi dog

Ectopic Ureters in Dogs: Our Vet Explains the Causes, Signs & Treatments

The urinary tract is a complex system of storage and release. It’s responsible for forming urine by removing excess fluid and waste products from the blood. It also keeps the good things that the body shouldn’t dump out, such as certain electrolytes. It then moves the newly created urine to the bladder for storage and

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A girl holding a dog's paws

If Your Pet Dies at the Vet Do You Still Pay? Vet Explanation & Advice

Any time a pet dies, there is sadness and devastation, but none more so than if one dies while at a veterinary hospital. After all, you brought your pet there for care and potentially life-saving measures. In addition to grieving your lost pet, you now also have a veterinary bill, but do you still have

If Your Pet Dies at the Vet Do You Still Pay? Vet Explanation & Advice Read More »


My Dog Ate Skittles: Our Vet Explains the Risks, Signs & Next Steps

Who doesn’t love the massive amounts of chocolate, sugar, and other bad-for-you goodies found in every store.  But what us veterinarians don’t love are the dogs who get into the candy stash. Even if you think you have all of the candy out of reach and/or hidden, leave it to your dog to find a

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My Dog Ate a Wasp: Our Vet Explains the Risks, Signs & Next Steps

All of us are likely aware of people who have serious allergies to bees and/or wasps and become worried that the same thing can happen to our dog. Oftentimes we notice our dogs lying in the sun, minding their own business, only to be interrupted by a buzzing wasp around them. If your dog is

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broken eyeglasses

My Dog Ate Glass: Our Vet Explains the Potential Risks, Signs & Next Steps

Dogs eating glass is a risky situation. Shards of glass can damage the gastrointestinal tract or even perforate it, which can be a life-threatening situation. However, the risk depends on what the glass is like. You need to take your dog to the vet, but we will give you a quick rundown of what you

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Dog Jack Russell Terrier dog getting bandage after injury on his leg at home

How Can I Tell If My Dog’s Leg is Broken or Sprained? Our Vet Explains the Signs & What to Do

Dog owners never want to see their canine companions in pain. Unfortunately, there’s only so much we can do to supervise our dogs and prevent injuries. Accidents happen to us, and they can happen to our dogs too. Dogs are known for their energetic demeanor and love for exercise, and these two factors may predispose

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french bulldog eating or drinking from a bowl

How Much Should a French Bulldog Eat? Vet Explained Puppy to Adult Feeding Guide

Getting a new puppy is always so exciting! You have this little bundle of fur just wanting to eat, sleep, and play with you. As a veterinarian, we often get asked how much food is appropriate to be feeding a specific dog, in this case, a French Bulldog. This, of course, is not an easy

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jack russel with a crate of toys

My Dog Swallowed a Squeaker: Our Vet Discusses Risks, Signs & Next Steps

Most dogs have a favorite type of toy, and it’s usually one that squeaks. This type of toy is typically either plush or plastic and includes a device that makes a high-pitched noise when squeezed. While sometimes irritating, these noises tend to become background music in your home. However, it can be a big problem

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Corn Cob Waste

My Dog Swallowed a Corn Cob: Our Vet Explains Signs, Next Steps & Prevention Tips

You had company over for a barbecue, and your furriest family member stole an ear of corn on the cob from someone’s plate. Is it going to be a problem? If so, what do you do when your dog eats a corn cob? What to Do if Your Dog Ate a Corn Cob Start by

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Saran Wrap

My Dog Ate Saran Wrap: Our Vet Explains the Potential Risks, Signs & Next Steps

There are some dogs who will get into and eat anything. I’ve met dogs who have swallowed socks, tinfoil, and even an entire stuffed animal. Even if your dog is not the type of dog who gets into things, sometimes the temptation is too great. This is especially true if there is something your dog

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Fresh and dried oregano herb on wooden background

Can Dogs Eat Oregano? Our Vet Explains Nutrition Facts & Info

Oregano (Origanum vulgare) is an herb commonly found in fresh and cooked salsa, pizza, and pasta sauces. Its slightly bitter and pungent flavor is very bold and makes a dramatic impact on whatever recipe it’s found in. With a taste so intense, you might wonder if oregano is a dog-friendly herb you can share with

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miniature dachshund

6 Miniature Dachshund Health Problems: Our Vet Discusses Causes, Signs & Prevention

Miniature Dachshunds, sometimes affectionately referred to as Wiener Dogs or Doxies, are a smart and vibrant breed. While they are smaller than their Standard Dachshund counterparts, they have the same (but smaller) body type with very short legs and a long-bodied torso. Like most specific dog breeds, Mini Doxies have various frequent health conditions that

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Beautiful earrings on green fabric background

My Dog Ate an Earring: Potential Risks, Signs & Next Steps (Vet Answer)

Let’s say you’re getting ready for a night out. You’ve laid out your outfit and gotten ready. All that’s left is the jewelry, but you find yourself missing an earring and a guilty-looking pup sorting by the bed. Do you panic? What Do You Do if Your Dog Ate an Earring If your dog might

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,Young German Shepherd Dog enjoying the water

Common German Shepherd Health Issues to Be Aware Of (Vet Answer)

Brave, loyal, obedient, and affectionate are words that are often associated with the German Shepherd dog (GSD). As their name suggests, these striking dogs were originally bred in the late 1800s for the purpose of herding livestock. As the demand for herding dogs reduced over the 20th Century, these highly intelligent and trainable dogs became

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Owner giving medicine in a pill to his sick dog

5 Common Epilepsy Medications for Dogs: Dosage & Uses (Vet Answer)

If your dog is diagnosed with epilepsy, a neurological condition with abnormal electrical activity in the brain that results in recurring seizures, you may wonder what the treatment options are for your pup. While at this time, there is no cure, there are anticonvulsants, which are medications to help prevent or reduce the severity of

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lavender plants

Is Lavender Safe for Dogs: Our Vet Explains Safety & Toxicity

You no doubt have heard conflicting information about using lavender around dogs, with the question being whether it’s safe to do so. The issue is that there are both yes and no answers, depending on the situation and different variables. Hopefully, we can help you deal with this quandary by explaining what lavender is, how

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Closeup of Poodle dog with white fur and red tear stains under eyes

Dog Tear Stains: Our Vet Discusses Signs, Causes & Treatment

While dogs don’t shed tears when they are sad or overjoyed, they do produce tears for a number of reasons. Many people will be familiar with the reddish-brown tear staining that can occur under a dog’s eyes, particularly in small-breed dogs. For our canine friends, these tear stains can be uncomfortable, or a sign of

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Litter of Small Breed Newborn Puppies Nursing on Their Mom

What to Feed a Nursing Dog to Increase Milk Production: Vet-Explained Nutrition

When a mother dog is producing milk, she needs to feed herself to feed her puppies. She needs water, calories, protein, fats, vitamins, and minerals to make lots of nutritious milk. Good nutrition starts in pregnancy, but the recommendations for pregnant and lactating dogs are different. Fortunately, providing everything your momma dog needs is very

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Two pumi or Hungarian shepherd dogs in a studio

Can Dogs Get Sick from Other Dogs? Info & Common Diseases (Vet Answer)

Dogs are becoming increasingly popular as pets and with good reason. These loyal, intelligent, and affectionate animals make great family members. Dogs are highly social creatures, and most dogs enjoy the company of other dogs. Society has become more and more “dog friendly”—we have dog beaches and dog parks, doggy daycare centers, dog salons, and

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Golden retriever dog playing with toilet paper or tissue on messy sofa

My Dog Ate a Paper Towel: Our Vet Discusses Potential Risks, Signs & FAQ

If your dogs are anything like mine, you need to keep a close eye on them at mealtimes. Throw in the excitement of a picnic or BBQ with a cocktail of food smells and the chance of a carelessly dropped sausage, and you’ve got a dog that is going to try to eat anything they

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golden retriever dog and his owner in waiting room at vet clinic

How to Make Your Dog Live Longer: Our Vets 6 Tips to Increase Your Pup’s Lifespan

The good news for any new dog owner is that our dogs are living longer than they ever have! This is largely due to three things: the uptake of preventative care and vaccinations; advances in canine nutrition and veterinary medicine; and an increase in owner commitment to their pet family members. If you’ve recently taken

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french bulldog standing outdoors

IVDD In French Bulldogs: Signs, Causes, Diagnosis, Care & FAQ (Vet Answer)

IVDD is a common condition in French Bulldogs. It stands for “intervertebral disc disease.” Frenchies are the second most common dog breed impacted by this condition, after Dachshunds. You might be interested in this disease if you’re considering a pet Frenchie or your pet is currently experiencing spinal problems. We’ll discuss why French Bulldogs are

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Female veterinarian brushing teeth of dachshund dog on pink background

10 Common Dachshund Teeth Problems: Vet-Explained Causes, Signs & Treatment

We love Dachshunds for their fiery personalities and doleful eyes. Animal care workers will tell you they can be a handful but only need some extra love to become putty in your hands. Taking good care of your Dachshund includes looking after their teeth; dental problems can be severe and painful. If you’ve noticed something

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Dog getting therapy on its hind leg

Sciatic Nerve Injury in Dogs: Vet-Explained Causes, Prevention & Treatments

The sciatic nerve is a large nerve in our legs and, similarly, is present in the canine hindlimb. You might be familiar with it, especially if you have experienced sciatica, which tends to give humans a lot of trouble. Sciatica causes nerve pain that shoots from your rear down your leg, which is the path

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woman holds several cute beagle puppies in her hands while their mother dog sits in the background

How Many Puppies Do Beagles Have? Our Vet’s Pregnancy Guide

Congratulations! Your Beagle is pregnant. While you wait to greet the newest additions to your family, you might start wondering how many puppies to expect. How many pups should your healthy female Beagle have, and how can you tell? How Many Puppies Do Beagles Have? Beagles can have varying numbers of puppies, but according to

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Sick labrador retriever dog with funnel collar

When to Spay or Neuter a Labrador? Vet-Approved Guide & Facts

Most veterinarians and animal welfare experts advocate for spaying and neutering dogs. However, more attention is being given to the optimal age of these procedures as we recognize that the standard 6-month age may not be beneficial for all breeds. So what about the Labrador Retriever? In general, veterinarians recommend that Labradors are spayed or

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