Barnes & Noble sounds like just the place to perch on the floor with a nice book in your hands and your dog in your lap. But does the bookseller allow furry friends in its stores?
It depends on your local store. While service animals are allowed in all Barnes & Noble stores, permission to enter non-service dogs depends on store management. Some Barnes and Noble stores allow you to bring your dogs in, while others don’t. It’s best to call before your visit to confirm if your dog can tow along.
Regardless of what the store manager says, here are a few things you should know about bringing dogs into Barnes and Noble.
Does Barnes & Noble Allow Service Dogs?
As required by the Americans With Disabilities Act,1 Barnes & Noble allows service dogs. The act requires all businesses, profit or non-profit, to allow service dogs to accompany people who need them.
As a service dog owner, you have some rights you should know about. First, what can the store management ask you? The act stipulates that any business or organization can only ask you two things about your service animal.
- Do you require this dog because you have a disability?
- What task has the dog been trained to do for you?
Besides these questions, the Barnes & Noble store management cannot ask you anything. For example, they cannot ask you to explain the extent or type of your disability.
They can also not ask you to show any documents for the service dog, such as registration, training, or licensing paperwork. Your dog also does not have to perform the task of store management.
The ADA does not require service animals to wear a vest. Your dog also does not need an ID or certification.
What Does Not Qualify As a Service Animal?
Emotional support or therapy dogs are not service animals. They may give you emotional support or calm you, but they do not perform tasks related to your disability.
If your local Barnes & Noble does not allow non-service animals, you’ll have to keep your therapy or emotional support dog at home. You will not be able to take them in the sort even if you have a doctor’s note.
Can Barnes & Noble Tell You to Keep Your Dog Outside?
The store management may request that you keep your dog outside in some circumstances. All dogs, including service animals, should be kept on a leash unless the leash interferes with their ability to perform the task for which they are trained. In that case, you should use voice or signals to control your dog.
If you cannot control your dog and they are behaving aggressively, the store management might tell you to take them outside. You can still shop for books inside, but your dog will be denied entry if they misbehave.
Can Your Service Dog Sit in the Shopping Cart?
Your service dog should walk next to, behind, or in front of you. You cannot put them in the shopping cart since that is against the guidelines.
Your dog may leave dander and fur on the cart, which might be a problem for some customers with allergies.
Are Dogs Allowed in Barnes & Noble Cafe?
Dogs are not allowed in cafeterias or eateries. If your local Barnes & Noble allows you to bring non-service dogs, the cafe is still off-limits.
As for service animals, you can take them to the cafe. But make sure they are on a leash and sit on the floor.
You should not let your service dog near the area where food is prepared or served, such as the counter. Also, do not let them sit on the furniture.
Tips for Taking Your Dog to Barnes & Noble
If the store allows you to bring your dog, here are some tips to keep the visit pleasant:
- Leash Your Dog: No matter how well-trained your dog is, keep them on a leash. It will help you keep your dog in control and prevent them from running into bookshelves.
- Bring Well-Behaved Dogs: If your dog has not gotten socialization training, it’s best to keep them at home. A dog that barks too much or is overly curious might be a nuisance to other shoppers and the staff.
- Bring Treats: If you plan to spend a lot of time in the store, your dog might get bored. That leads to misbehavior. To keep your dog attentive and avoid too much barking, bring some treats or toys to keep them occupied.
- Be Mindful: Do not assume that everyone is comfortable around dogs. Some people get anxious or scared, while others may have allergies. Keep your dog away from other shoppers and the staff.
- Clean Up: You’re responsible for cleaning up after your dog if there’s an accident. Keep a bag and wipes handy. You should also inform the store staff if they have a disinfection protocol.
Final Thoughts
Barnes & Noble does not have a universal policy for dogs in their dogs. While some locations let you bring your furry friends along, others don’t. However, service animals are allowed in all stores.
You should call or email your local store beforehand to ask about their pet policy. If they allow non-service dogs, put your pet on a leash and ensure they’re on their best behavior.
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