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Two Peas in a Pod: Ways Penny and I Are Exactly Alike

Hi, I’m Savanna! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my spunky Chihuahua mix, Penny. We’ve probably all heard of those human and dog look-alike contests, where other people and judges vote on which dog looks the most like their owners. I wouldn’t enter one of those contests with Penny, because honestly she and I […]

How Did My Tropical Dogs Handle Snow? Adapting to a New Environment

Hi, I’m Allison! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my three mixed-breed dogs from Thailand, Jelly, Lorraina, and Manic. Have you ever been to Thailand? Or, at least, have you seen photos of this gorgeous Southeast Asian country? To state the obvious, Thailand gets HOT. The average temperature is in the mid-80s. While the […]


Can Dogs Eat Nutritional Yeast? Vet-Verified Nutrition Facts & Info

Can Dogs Eat Nutritional Yeast? Vet-Verified Nutrition Facts & Info

Nutritional yeast is all the rage among health-conscious eaters looking for delicious and nutritious ways to zest up their meals. With its generous mix of protein and essential nutrients, you’re right to wonder if you can offer this vegan-friendly ingredient to your dog. Luckily, our dogs can safely enjoy all the benefits of nutritional yeast! […]

Sciatic Nerve Injury in Dogs: Vet-Explained Causes, Prevention & Treatments

Sciatic Nerve Injury in Dogs: Vet-Explained Causes, Prevention & Treatments

The sciatic nerve is a large nerve in our legs and, similarly, is present in the canine hindlimb. You might be familiar with it, especially if you have experienced sciatica, which tends to give humans a lot of trouble. Sciatica causes nerve pain that shoots from your rear down your leg, which is the path […]

How Often Should You Bathe a German Shepherd? Vet-Verified Grooming Guide

How Often Should You Bathe a German Shepherd? Vet-Verified Grooming Guide

Bathing a German Shepherd too often can potentially cause issues with their fur and skin. However, not bathing often enough can also lead to skin complaints and leave your GSD with a bad odor. Bathing should be part of your regular care and maintenance plan with your canine companion, and you should aim to bathe […]

All Dogs Deserve a Comfortable Retirement: Pain Relief for Older Dogs

All Dogs Deserve a Comfortable Retirement: Pain Relief for Older Dogs

Hi, I’m Dr. Karyn! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my five funny dogs, Poppy, Bailey, Kodah, Ned, and Fred. It is something of a misplaced point of pride amongst many owners of elderly dogs about managing to keep their dogs off painkillers, as though this is some sort of great achievement. In reality, […]

How Many Puppies Do Beagles Have? Our Vet’s Pregnancy Guide

How Many Puppies Do Beagles Have? Our Vet’s Pregnancy Guide

Congratulations! Your Beagle is pregnant. While you wait to greet the newest additions to your family, you might start wondering how many puppies to expect. How many pups should your healthy female Beagle have, and how can you tell? How Many Puppies Do Beagles Have? Beagles can have varying numbers of puppies, but according to […]

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