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Are Dogs Allowed in Cabela’s in 2024? Pet Policy Explained

Written by: Patricia Dickson

Last Updated on May 27, 2024 by Dogster Team


Are Dogs Allowed in Cabela’s in 2024? Pet Policy Explained

If you’ve ever been browsing your local Cabela’s shelves, you might be surprised to see quite a few patrons there with their canine pals. But does this shop allow dogs into their stores? The answer is yes, Cabela’s is dog-friendly.

Many pet owners love to take their furry friends with them to do their shopping, but not all stores allow it. Cabela’s is one of the dog-friendly stores, but it’s still a good idea to familiarize yourself with their policies for having your dog in their locations.

We’ll discuss Cabela’s canine policy and everything you need to know when shopping with your favorite pup.



What Is Cabela’s Pet Policy?

Cabela’s pet policy states that they are a dog-friendly establishment and that pets are allowed into their stores as long as state and local regulations are followed. Service animals are exceptions to any statutory restrictions and are always welcome.

The policy states that if you’re unsure whether the Cabela’s in your area allows pets, it’s best to look on your local store’s website or call.

Cute little puppy dog sitting in a shopping cart
Image Credit: skrotov, Shutterstock

Are Dogs Allowed in All Cabela’s?

While Cabela’s overall pet policy allows leashed and well-behaved animals, each location has its own rules and regulations, and some do not allow pets. This means that if a state, city, or county has laws against dogs in stores or laws against certain breeds of dogs being allowed in stores, Cabela’s stores will follow those laws.

If you’re unsure whether the Cabela’s in your area allows pets, it’s best to call and ask before taking your pet to the store.

What Does Cabela’s Expect from You and Your Pet?

When you’re in a Cabela’s store, they expect your dog to be friendly, well-behaved, and always on a leash. If your dog makes a mess, you should clean it up and notify the staff so they can disinfect the area immediately.

man and his dog at a pet store
Image Credit: Erickson Stock, Shutterstock

Some Cabela’s Have Outdoor Kennels

If the Cabela’s in your area allows no dogs inside, or you don’t want to take your dog in the store with you, some locations offer outdoor kennels for dogs that you can rent. The kennels are safe, comfortable, and clean, giving you the perfect place to leave your dog while you’re shopping inside the store.

Tips for Taking Your Dog Inside Cabela’s

To ensure you and your dog enjoy your shopping experience at Cabela’s, you can follow these tips:

  • Never allow your pet to bark at or growl at customers or other dogs
  • Always keep your dog on the leash
  • Never let your dog go up to other people or jump on them
  • Keep your dog away from the displays and products
  • Bring your own supplies to clean up after your dog should an accident happen
  • Let your dog use the bathroom outside before you take it into the store

a male silky wire-haired dachshund dog on leash
Image Credit: Anakumka, Shutterstock

Why Would You Be Asked to Leave Cabela’s?

If your dog is well-behaved and on the leash, you will never be asked to leave a Cabela’s that allows dogs on the property. However, you will be asked to leave if you don’t abide by the pet policy.

If your dog is off the leash, aggressive, getting into things, or using the bathroom and you don’t clean it up right away, you will be asked to leave the store and not allowed back inside with your pet. Your best bet is to follow all the rules and ensure your dog is always on the leash for the best shopping experience.


Final Thoughts

Cabela’s has a dog-friendly policy, and dogs are allowed as long as they are on a leash and well-behaved at all times. You also need to ensure you clean up after your dog, or you will be asked to leave the store.

While Cabela’s is a pet-friendly store, the individual stores abide by the state, county, and city regulations regarding dogs in public areas, so not all stores will have the same pet policies or allow dogs. There are some Cabela’s that rent out kennels so that you can shop while your dog waits in one of them.

Your best bet is to call your local Cabela’s to see their pet policy and if they allow dogs before you take your pet to the store.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: dannfish, Pixabay

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