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How Much Does It Cost to Spay or Neuter a Dog at PetSmart? 2024 Price Update

Written by: Hallie Roddy

Last Updated on June 24, 2024 by Dogster Team

dog ongoing spaying surgery

How Much Does It Cost to Spay or Neuter a Dog at PetSmart? 2024 Price Update

Veterinarians won’t hesitate to tell you how important it is to spay or neuter your pets. Even though there are many benefits to it, there are some people who don’t fully understand why this procedure is so important or who can’t afford it. Pet owners who can’t afford a traditional animal hospital or vet’s office often hope that chain stores such as PetSmart are willing to do it for a lower price. So, how much does it cost to spay or neuter a dog at PetSmart? The cost is anywhere between $400 and $600.

Keep reading to find out the price of the procedure through this store, as well as some essential facts about spaying and neutering animals.

Cost of Spaying or Neutering at PetSmart

You can’t actually walk into a PetSmart and expect them to perform a procedure right then and there. Instead, PetSmart will be able to find a nearby hospital or clinic that can take care of your needs. Depending on where you go, this could cost anywhere between $400 and $600.

PetSmart is partnered with Banfield Pet Hospitals to provide spaying and neutering procedures. They have a price estimator on their site that also allows you to search for the closest location to your home.












Procedure West Coast (Los Angeles, CA) Midwest (Chicago, IL) East Coast (Charlotte, NC) Pacific Northwest (Seattle, WA) Northeast (Portland, ME)
Neuter package (over 6 months) $544.95 $512.95 $488.95 $537.95 $531.95
Neuter package (under 6 months) $467.95 $439.95 $418.95 $461.95 $456.95
Spay package (over 6 months / over 50 pounds) $658.95 $618.95 $589.95 $650.95 $642.95
Spay package (over 6 months / under 50 pounds) $574.95 $540.95 $514.95 $567.95 $561.95
Spay package (under 6 months) $498.95 $469.95 $446.95 $492.95 $486.95

PetSmart Charities has also partnered with the ASPCA to connect all pet parents with clinics that will perform the surgery at a low cost. Again, they provide a link on their website to help you find the clinic that is closest to your home.

veterinarian checking up of an australian shepherd dog at clinic
Image Credit: Ermolaev Alexander, Shutterstock

What is Spaying and Neutering?

Spaying and neutering are two terms that are used to describe the surgery that prevents animals from reproducing. Spaying is used for female dogs, and neutering is used for males. These surgeries prevent unwanted pregnancies, keep your pup healthy, and reduce the number of homeless animals in our country.

The Benefits of Spaying and Neutering Dogs

Stopping unwanted pregnancy isn’t the only benefit of this surgery. Dog owners who spay their female dogs before they go into heat around 6 months old actually help reduce ovarian, mammary, and uterine cancers. It also reduces the number of sexually transmitted diseases and birthing issues.

As for the boys, neutering them reduces the chance of testicular cancer and prostate diseases. It also limits overpopulation and gives more dogs a chance at finding their forever homes.

How Does Spaying and Neutering Work?

Each of these procedures is different from the other because they are working on two separate body parts. The spaying procedure removes a female dog’s ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes. On the other hand, neutering means removing a male dog’s testicles.

There are risks associated with every type of surgical procedure. Most dogs recover fine after their surgeries. There are rare instances where a pet might have an adverse reaction to the anesthesia and experience diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, and irritation. Other dogs aren’t even able to get them because of the results of their pre-procedure tests. As always, if you have any concerns about the procedure, then you should address them with your veterinarian as soon as possible.

veterinarian spaying or neutering a dog
Image Credit: RJ22, Shutterstock

Final Thoughts

Even though some people find it unnecessary to spay or neuter their pets, there are a lot of reasons why vets try to push the surgery on you. It isn’t just so the clinic can make money. Instead, these people care about the animals and want to help keep them healthy, as well as eliminate the number of dogs who don’t have homes and have to get put down because of it. Unless you plan on breeding your dog in a safe and ethical way, there aren’t many other good reasons that keep you from spaying and neutering your pets. Thankfully, there are places like PetSmart and other organizations that are willing to do these procedures for minimal money.

Featured Image Credit: ARVD73, Shutterstock

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