Amanda Steele

Amanda Steele is a freelance writer, sometimes poet, and life-long animal enthusiast. She has a degree in Creative Writing and has worked as a professional writer for over five years. Amanda loves all pets whether adorable or strange and is a parent to 10 scaly and furry kids that she spends most of her time doting on. Her mission is to help others see the value in all the creatures we share this world with, and she specializes in cats, dogs, ferrets, and reptiles. While Amanda writes about a lot of other topics, too, anything animal-related is her favorite.

pitbull puppy eating from plate

11 Best Canned And Wet Dog Food For Pitbulls in 2025: Reviews & Top Picks

As the person responsible for your dog’s well-being and health, you likely take your pet’s nutrition very seriously. Canned and wet dog foods are great options for many pet owners as they are easy to use, and pit bulls generally love them. For pit bull owners specifically, you’ll want to consider a few things when

11 Best Canned And Wet Dog Food For Pitbulls in 2025: Reviews & Top Picks Read More »

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