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How Much Does It Cost to Spay or Neuter a Dog? 2024 Price Guide

Written by: Dogster Team

Last Updated on July 11, 2024 by Dogster Team

dog undergoing spaying or neutering surgery

How Much Does It Cost to Spay or Neuter a Dog? 2024 Price Guide


Dr. Paola Cuevas Photo


Dr. Paola Cuevas

Veterinarian, MVZ

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Spaying or neutering your dog is a big decision because it’s a surgical procedure that always comes with its own risks. Another big factor in the decision is the cost of the surgical procedure. Price shopping for spaying or neutering can benefit you, especially if your dog has no high-risk medical conditions. For high-risk pets, it’s best to stick with your veterinarian or whoever they refer you to since they are most familiar with your dog. So, how much does it cost to spay or neuter a dog? On average, spaying costs $200–$400, and neutering costs $75–$250. Here are the things you should know about how much it is to get a dog fixed.

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What’s the Difference Between Spaying and Neutering?

Spaying is equivalent to an ovariohysterectomy in a human and is performed on female dogs. Neutering, also called castration, is performed on male dogs. Neutering can be performed on male dogs before or after the testes have dropped.

Much Does It Cost to Spay a Dog?

How much it costs to spay a dog will vary significantly based on where you live and the size of your pet Your income may play into the cost if you are using a low-cost service. Other factors that impact the cost include your dog’s health status and age. Female dogs in season, pregnant, or obese will cost significantly more to spay than other female dogs.

The average cost of a spay for a healthy dog that is not in season is $200–$400. Low-cost clinics often spay a healthy, young dog for less than $200, with some spaying small dogs for as little as $40–$50.

dog at vet clinic about to undergo surgery
Image Credit Olimpik, Shutterstock

What Does a Spay Surgery Involve?

Spaying a female dog involves the complete removal of the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes. When a dog is in heat, the organs are swollen and prone to bleeding, making the surgery riskier. To spay your dog, the surgeon will make an incision on the lower portion of the abdomen, allowing them to access these organs. Some surgeons will use internal sutures, which don’t require the removal of stitches after surgery. However, some surgeons use non-dissolvable sutures, which must be removed approximately 10–14 days after the surgery.

Some bruising around the incision site can occur with spay surgeries, but the incision typically heals with minimal scarring. In fact, it can be difficult to tell if a female dog has been spayed or not if she is found as a stray since the scarring can be so mild. Your dog may need to wear an e-collar, colloquially known as the “cone of shame,” after surgery to keep her from licking or chewing at her incision.

What Does the Cost Typically Include?

The cost of your dog’s spay will vary depending on where your dog is spayed and what additions you agree to or decline. Generally, the price of the procedure will involve more than just the surgery. The cost will also include the cost of surgical supplies, anesthesia, and the time of the veterinarian and their staff. It may also include IV fluids and additional medications needed before, during, and after the procedure.

Your vet may also want to perform a pre-op blood panel on your dog to ensure there is not an underlying medical condition. Other expenses often included in the cost include pain medications, antibiotics, and an e-collar.

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Much Does It Cost to Neuter a Dog?

Like spaying a dog, the cost of neutering a dog will vary based on the size and age of your dog and the area you live in. However, neutering a dog is significantly less expensive than spaying a dog due to the less invasive nature of the surgery. The exception to this is if your dog has cryptorchid testes, which means the testes are still inside the body and have not dropped.

This surgery is more invasive than a normal neuter and often costs close to what a spay would cost. To have your dog neutered, the average price is $75–$250. If you’re wondering how much it costs to neuter a dog in a low-cost clinic, it will likely cost you less than $75, with some low-cost clinics only charging $20–$40.

Veterinarian doctor is making a check up of a australian shepherd dog at clinic
Image Credit: Ermolaev Alexander, Shutterstock

What Does a Neuter Surgery Involve?

Neutering is a lot more straightforward than a spay surgery. Neutering a dog involves making an incision at the base of the scrotum and removing the testes through the incision. This incision is often closed with internal sutures, although some surgeons use external sutures. Sometimes, surgical glue is used in small dogs.

If your dog has one or two cryptorchid testes, the surgeon will have to make an incision in your dog’s abdomen to remove the retained testicle. It is less involved than a spay surgery but is still quite invasive. A cryptorchid neuter is a much higher-risk procedure than the average surgery. It’s important to understand, though, that a cryptorchid testicle can still be fully functional, so your dog can still produce pups if left intact.

What Does the Cost Typically Include?

The cost of a neuter involves many of the same expenses as a spay, including the surgery, the surgeon’s and staff’s time, surgical supplies, anesthesia, and medications needed before, during, and after the surgery. It will also likely cover the cost of medications you might need to take home, like antibiotics, pain medications, and an e-collar. Pre-op blood tests are recommended for any animal that undergoes anesthesia, so even with a low-risk surgery like a normal dog neuter, a blood panel is still recommended. This will help rule out underlying conditions you may not be aware of.

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In Conclusion

Getting your dog spayed or neutered can be a big expense, but it is worth it. Medical benefits are associated with spaying and neutering, and an animal that has been spayed or neutered cannot reproduce. In many areas, there is an overabundance of dogs and puppies that need homes. Many animals are euthanized annually because of this issue, so spaying and neutering can help reduce the risk of unwanted or unexpected litters of puppies.

If you are unsure about neutering or spaying your dog, talk to your veterinarian. They can guide you and help you understand the pros and cons of having these procedures done. When it comes down to it, the final decision is yours, so you have to weigh the pros and cons carefully to ensure you are doing the best thing for your dog.

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Featured Image Credit: Eduard Goricev, Shutterstock

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