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How to Cook Beef Liver for Dogs: Vet-Approved Recipes & FAQ

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on August 4, 2024 by Nicole Cosgrove

sliced beef liver with knife on black stone cutting board

How to Cook Beef Liver for Dogs: Vet-Approved Recipes & FAQ


Dr. Luqman Javed Photo


Dr. Luqman Javed

Veterinarian, DVM

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Beef liver is a nutritionally dense organ meat ingredient that can be used as a fantastic addition to your dog’s diet. It is a great source of protein, is low in fat, and contains a plethora of vitamins and minerals that are healthy for your pup. It also has a unique flavor that can make it an enjoyable treat for even the pickiest of eaters.

The key to cooking beef liver correctly is to ensure that it’s done safely and thoroughly. In this article, we’ll provide some tips and recipes on how to cook beef liver for dogs so that they can enjoy this nutritious treat!

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Is Beef Liver Safe for Dogs to Eat?

Beef liver is considered a safe and nutritious ingredient for your pup when offered as an occasional treat. For dogs on a non-raw diet, liver should be cooked before being incorporated into their meals. Beef liver is a good source of vitamin A and B, iron, and other vitamins and minerals. These nutrients play key roles in many metabolic processes all over your pup’s body and contribute toward their overall health and well-being. However, treats should make up no more than 10% of your dog’s diet. As such, beef liver should be served once or twice a week as part of a balanced meal plan.

Beef liver on a wooden background
Image By: Sergey Lapin, Shutterstock

Beef Liver Cooking Tips

When it comes to cooking beef liver, there are a few important points to keep in mind. Always make sure to check the expiration date of the product before serving and avoid using any beef liver that has gone bad. Avoid adding any ingredients that could be harmful to your pup, such as onions, garlic, or salt.

You should also take care to not overcook the liver, as this will make it tough and difficult to digest. Beef liver can be cooked in a variety of ways, such as baking or poaching. Cooked beef liver can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. If you plan on keeping it longer than that, it’s best to freeze it and thaw when ready to use.

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Beef Liver Recipes for Dogs

The following recipes use simple ingredients that are safe for your dog to eat. Be sure to adjust the quantity of liver used in each recipe depending on the size and activity level of your dog. Consult with your veterinarian or a canine nutritionist if you’re not sure on how much liver you can feed your pup.

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Baked Beef Liver

This simple recipe is a great way to enjoy this tasty treat without too much effort!

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C).
  2. Place 1 pound (450 grams) of beef liver on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
  3. Bake for 30 minutes, turning the liver over halfway through cooking time.
  4. Once cooked, allow to cool before serving to your pup.

Poached Beef Liver

For a softer texture, try poaching your beef liver.

  1. Place 1 pound (450 grams) of beef liver in a large pot filled with water.
  2. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes.
  3. Once cooked, allow the liver to cool before serving.

Liver Food Topper

If your pup isn’t a fan of eating plain liver, try adding it to their regular kibble as an added nutrition boost.

  1. Place 1 pound (450 grams) of beef liver in a food processor and blend until it reaches a paste-like consistency.
  2. Add the blended liver to your pet’s regular meal for extra nutrition and flavor.

Baked Beef Liver Treats


dried liver dog treats
Image By: Hajai Photo, Shutterstock

For an added twist, try this recipe for baked liver treats!

  1. Preheat your oven to 350°F (180°C).
  2. Cut 1 pound (450 grams) of beef liver into small cubes.
  3. Place the cubes on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and bake for 20 minutes.
  4. Once cooked, allow the treats to cool before serving to your pup.

Frozen Liver Treats

To make a frozen treat your pup will love, try this recipe!

  1. Place 1 pound (450 grams) of beef liver on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
  2. Bake for 30 minutes, turning the liver over halfway through cooking time.
  3. Once cooked, remove from the oven and allow to cool before cutting into cubes.
  4. Place cubes in an airtight container and freeze for 2 hours before serving as a yummy frozen treat!

Dried Liver Treats

To make a crunchy treat your pup will love, try making dried liver treats.

  1. Preheat your oven to 250°F (120°C).
  2. Cut 1 pound (450 grams) of beef liver into small cubes.
  3. Place the cubes on a baking tray lined with parchment paper and bake for 1 to 2 hours or until completely dry and crispy.
  4. Once cooked, allow the treats to cool before serving to your pup.

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Other FAQs About Beef Liver for Dogs

Q: Are there any alternatives to beef liver for dogs?

A: Yes, other types of organ meats, such as chicken livers or turkey hearts, can be served in place of beef liver. Additionally, you can provide cooked lean meats such as chicken, turkey, and fish as part of your dog’s meal plan.

Q: Is beef liver safe for puppies to eat?

A: Yes, beef liver served in moderation can be safely enjoyed by weaned puppies. Consult your veterinarian before feeding beef liver to your pup if they are under 12 weeks of age.

Q: Does beef liver contain any unhealthy fats?

A: Yes, beef liver contains saturated fat, also known as the “bad” fat. However, the amount of fat in beef liver is low. A 100-gram serving of beef liver contains just 1.3 grams of saturated fat.

Q: Should you fry beef liver for dogs?

A: Most healthy dogs can tolerate lightly fried servings of beef liver with no issues (when served in moderation). However, fried liver isn’t recommended for dogs that are overweight or obese, as the added oils will undoubtedly increase the fat content of the end product.

Q: Should I salt beef liver before feeding it to my dog?

A: No, it is best to avoid adding salt to your pup’s meals. Too much sodium can be harmful for your pet.

jack russell terrier having treats
Image Credit: Reddogs, Shutterstock

Recap: Safety Tips for Giving Your Dog Beef Liver

  • Always check with your veterinarian before feeding your dog any new food, including beef liver.
  • Choose fresh or frozen organic beef liver for the best quality and safety.
  • For dogs on a non-raw diet, cook the beef liver thoroughly before serving it to your pup.
  • Avoid adding any ingredients that could be harmful to your pup (such as onions or garlic).
  • Serve no more than once or twice a week, as part of a balanced meal plan.
  • Allow cooked beef liver to cool before serving it to your pup.
  • Store cooked beef liver in the refrigerator for up to 3 days, or freeze it if you plan on keeping it longer than that.
  • Consult with a veterinarian before offering liver to young puppies.
  • Remember that treats should only comprise roughly 10% of your dog’s daily nutritional intake, at most.
  • In addition to beef liver, consider other organ meats or lean meats as part of a balanced meal plan or treat options.

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Cooking beef liver for dogs is a great way to keep them healthy and happy. With just a few simple ingredients and the right techniques, you can create tasty treats that your pup will love. Be sure to always keep a close eye on your furry friend while they enjoy their delicious meal! Happy cooking!

Featured Image Credit: Dmitry Melnikov, Shutterstock

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