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Do Dobermans Make Good Pets? What You Need to Know

Written by: Genevieve Dugal

Last Updated on May 31, 2024 by Dogster Team

girl and brown doberman dog

Do Dobermans Make Good Pets? What You Need to Know

It is true that the Doberman has a reputation as an aggressive dog, even dangerous. However, the Doberman is a lovable, gentle dog who gets strongly attached to his owner and immediate family. He is also a defensive-minded dog with extraordinary courage and power. His strong instinct for protection, however, leads him to be wary of strangers. Nevertheless, one thing is sure; he will certainly not fail to protect his territory and his family from malicious people.

Overall, Dobermans can make excellent pets, provided they have received proper training and socialization. We also recommend this breed mostly to experienced dog owners.


What You Need to Know Before Adopting a Doberman

What you want is your Doberman puppy to grow up to be a well-rounded, gentle, and tolerant adult dog. Keep in mind that this breed can grow up to 100 pounds, and while they make great pets, you don’t want to end up with a poorly socialized dog that has behavioral issues.

doberman puppies sitting
Image By: Pavel Shlykov, Shutterstock


The Doberman is courageous, intelligent, loyal, and sensitive. He is very attached and devoted to his owner: his loyalty is out of the ordinary. Besides, this gorgeous dog has long had a reputation for being a fierce dog, a reputation that has faded today. Although the Doberman is a very good watchdog due to his strong protective instinct and strong character, he is indeed very gentle, especially with children. The Doberman is very intelligent, energetic, and unwaveringly loyal to his adopted family. He hates loneliness. Emotional and sensitive, this dog needs a calm and fair owner.


The Doberman is an athletic dog. Every day, he needs a lot of exercise to stay fit and happy. He will enjoy long walks, but above all, he prefers to run alongside his owner or in a park. He is also an intelligent dog who needs to be mentally stimulated to thrive: obedience lessons, tracking, agility training, hiking, and so on. If the Doberman is too often confined, left alone, and not moving enough, he can become irritable and yes, even aggressive.

Doberman Pinscher
Image By: DragoNika, Shutterstock


Grooming the Doberman is quite easy. The maintenance of his short hair is limited to a weekly brushing. You can also massage his coat with a rubber glove to make the dead hair fall and excite the sebaceous glands, which will make the coat shiny.

You should inspect his body and ears each time you return from a walk to verify that debris or parasites have not lodged there. Also, be aware that uncropped ears are more likely to pick up dirt. But, in general, shedding and hair loss are not very important in the Doberman because he does not have an undercoat.

Living Environment

The Doberman can live in an apartment (with outings several times a day) or a house with a fenced backyard. On the other hand, this dog does not tolerate extreme cold climates, so he should be kept indoors in the winter.

Doberman Pinscher Sitting
Image Credit: 1790316, Pixabay

Quality Time

The owner of the Doberman must be of the athletic type since he is a dog that needs a lot of exercise. He or she must be available to devote several hours a week to walking and doing various activities with their dog. In addition, the Doberman fundamentally needs human companionship to be happy and fulfilled. Thus, his master must be someone present, not someone absent constantly.

Also, you need to know that this is an emotionally fragile dog; he needs to feel appreciated and not be alone too often to be happy. Prolonged isolation could lead to the emergence of his violent character. If you combine isolation with living in a small apartment, you will end up with a very sad Doberman.

If possible, set up a small corner just for him: he appreciates his independence, and the doghouse will give him great pleasure.

doberman training
Image Credit: YamaBSM, Pixabay

Are Dobermans Aggressive by Nature?

The Doberman is, above all, a defense dog. So naturally, he is very protective and will tend to be suspicious of strangers. However, he will never be unnecessarily aggressive. Socialization at a young age is essential so that he learns to distinguish between friends and enemies.

Are Dobermans Easy to Train?

The Doberman has a strong character. He is stubborn and tends to impose his place in the family hierarchy. Thus, it is essential for the owner to demonstrate his or her superiority as soon as the dog arrives at the house. Education should be firm but gentle since the Doberman cannot stand violence.

This dog is receptive to positive reinforcement; training should therefore be based on praise rather than punishment. He will become an excellent companion if he is educated in a perfectly consistent manner. Because of this, this dog is more suitable for experienced dog owners.

Doberman playing catch
Image By: YamaBSM_Pixabay

Are Dobermans Good With Other Pets?

The majority of Dobermans are dominant with other dogs, especially those of the same sex. Some subjects are prone to chasing cats, while others coexist perfectly with small animals. Remember one thing: the Doberman is affectionate and friendly to everyone if socialized and properly trained from an early age.

Pros & Cons of Keeping a Doberman

  • Makes a loyal and devoted companion dog
  • Protective and dissuasive, he is an exemplary guard and defense dog
  • Requires almost no grooming
  • Excellent jogging partner
  • Smart and versatile
  • Needs daily physical activity and mental stimulation
  • Does not tolerate loneliness
  • Has an aggressive potential if he does not receive a firm education and early socialization
  • Can be very nervous and sensitive
  • Not recommended for novices


Bottom Line

The Doberman owner must be prepared to invest in the education and socialization of his or her dog. Defense dog by nature, a poorly educated Doberman, will quickly become painful for his owner, his family, and those around him because he will tend to be suspicious, even aggressive. If this is your first dog, the Doberman is not recommended for you. This breed is suitable for an experienced owner who can show firmness and patience.

Unfortunately, the Doberman is often mistakenly judged to be a dangerous dog. In reality, the Doberman is a dog with a strong temperament but is good and loyal. Indeed, Dobermans from reputable and responsible breeders are loving family dogs and make wonderful pets.

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Featured Image Credit: Primorac91, Shutterstock

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