If you already have a dog but would love to add a cat to your family, you might assume that it’s a no-go. But that’s not the case at all! While it’s true that some cats and dogs don’t get along, there are plenty of cat breeds that are friendly around dogs. That said, it’s easiest to introduce a cat to the idea of living with a dog while they’re still kittens.
Choosing one of these 14 cat breeds will give you the best chance of creating a happy household where your cat and dog can end up bonding. You might even find them napping and playing together, the ultimate signs of a happy household!
The 14 Cat Breeds That Get Along With Dogs the Most
1. Birman
Temperament | Friendly and playful |
Shedding | Medium |
Weight | 6–12 pounds |
Lifespan | 12–16 years |
The beautiful Birman comes from Burma, now Myanmar, where they were kept as temple cats. Legend has it that their distinctive coats and bright blue eyes were bestowed on them by a goddess. That might be a myth, but the Birman’s outgoing and playful attitude makes them a perfect choice of cat for a home with dogs.
They’re quiet but love to be involved with daily life. Their inquisitive nature means they might even enjoy the chance to go for a walk when you’re taking your dog!
2. Abyssinian
Temperament | Outgoing and playful |
Shedding | Medium |
Weight | 6–10 pounds |
Lifespan | 9–15 years |
It’s thought that the Abyssinian breed hails from Southeast Asia, and this breed may have been used on British and Dutch ships as a mouser. The Abyssinian cat has a wonderful, playful, and engaging personality. They love to live life to the fullest and can often be found exploring the highest reaches of their homes.
They make a great addition to a house with a dog, as they’ll always be ready for a game and will be happy to learn tricks alongside their canine friends.
3. Bombay
Temperament | Smart and outgoing |
Shedding | Low |
Weight | 8–15 pounds |
Lifespan | 12–20 years |
The stunning Bombay breed was originally created in the 1950s by crossing black American Shorthairs with sable Burmese cats. These energetic and affectionate cats are adaptable, which makes them the perfect choice of cat for a busy, multi-pet household.
They do love to be the boss of all animal members of the household, so they may remind dogs to know their place! They enjoy learning new tricks and spending plenty of time with their owners.
4. American Shorthair
Temperament | Adaptable and friendly |
Shedding | Medium to high |
Weight | 7–12 pounds |
Lifespan | 15–20 years |
The history of this iconic breed stretches back to the cats that came to America on the Pilgrim ships of 1620. These cats were prized as mousers, and they soon became a fixture on many American farms. These adaptable cats are laidback, and while they do enjoy playing, they also love a good snooze!
They’re sociable with both people and other animals alike. Most American Shorthairs get along well with dogs.
5. Norwegian Forest Cat
Temperament | Friendly and gentle |
Shedding | High |
Weight | 13–22 pounds |
Lifespan | 12–16 years |
The Norwegian Forest Cat is built to survive the freezing conditions of a Norwegian winter, but these days, they’re just as happy soaking up the comforts of a warm home! These cats might be large, but they’re also extremely gentle and friendly with their families.
They may be a little wary of strangers, so you may find them hiding in the highest spot that they can find. They get along well with dogs, and you may find them both playing in your backyard pond, as this breed loves water!
6. Maine Coon
Temperament | Affectionate and adaptable |
Shedding | High |
Weight | 9–18 pounds |
Lifespan | 9–15 years |
This all-American breed has been around since the 1800s, when they were prized for their ability to keep farms and ships free from rodents. These large cats are slow maturing and may not reach full size until they’re 5 years old. Maine Coons are affectionate but not overly demanding.
They get along well with other pets and will be happy to entertain themselves by playing with the dog until dinner time. They don’t enjoy sitting on people’s laps, but they do love snuggling close on the couch.
7. Ragdoll
Temperament | Gentle and smart |
Shedding | High |
Weight | 10–20 pounds |
Lifespan | 12–17 years |
The chilled-out Ragdoll will get along well with dogs simply because they can’t be bothered to do any different! These easygoing cats have a beautiful longhaired coat and striking blue eyes. They’re a relatively recent breed, having only been accepted by the Cat Fanciers’ Association in 2000.
Their name comes from their habit of relaxing into your arms and going floppy, like a ragdoll! They’re chilled out but will still enjoy a play session with their canine housemates.
8. Siberian
Temperament | Playful and affectionate |
Shedding | High |
Weight | 8–17 pounds |
Lifespan | 11–18 years |
This hardy breed hails from subarctic Siberia, where their thick and waterproof coat kept them protected from the harsh weather. These days, Siberian cats are happier hanging out in a home than having to fend for themselves! They love people and other pets, so they make a great choice for a home with dogs.
You might even find your cat and dog hanging out together and playing in whatever water they can find! Their playful and outgoing nature means they can easily adapt to a multi-pet household.
9. Japanese Bobtail
Temperament | Affectionate and intelligent |
Shedding | Medium |
Weight | 6–10 pounds |
Lifespan | 9–15 years |
Japanese Bobtails have been found in Japan for at least 1,000 years, and they are a popular symbol of luck. This is a reasonably talkative breed, although they don’t have a loud voice. They love to play and can often be seen carrying toys around the house or playing with a tap because they love water!
Their outgoing nature makes them a great match for dogs, which they will expect to keep them entertained while you’re out of the house!
10. Tonkinese
Temperament | Outgoing and energetic |
Shedding | Low to medium |
Weight | 6–12 pounds |
Lifespan | 10–16 years |
The Tonkinese blends the Burmese and Siamese breeds to create a loving and outgoing cat with plenty to say! These friendly cats crave attention, and whether that’s from people or a dog, they won’t mind. Tonkinese cats are outgoing and will usually be happy to meet strangers and make new friends.
They don’t enjoy being left home alone all day, so having a canine companion can be a good way to help them stay happy and occupied.
11. British Shorthair
Temperament | Laidback and adaptable |
Shedding | Medium |
Weight | 7–17 pounds |
Lifespan | 12–17 years |
The British Shorthair was one of the first purebred cats to be displayed at a cat show, and they’ve been a firm favorite with cat lovers all over the world ever since. These laidback cats take almost everything in their stride, so sharing their home with a dog won’t ruffle their fur in any way.
While they enjoy attention and affection, they’re not demanding. Their confident nature means they’re more than capable of standing their ground with puppies or energetic dogs.
12. Turkish Angora
Temperament | Playful and affectionate |
Shedding | Low to medium |
Weight | 5–9 pounds |
Lifespan | 12–18 years |
The Turkish Angora hails from the city of Ankara in Turkey, which used to be called Angora. These beautiful cats might look dignified and elegant, but they’re actually extremely playful and fiercely intelligent. This makes them great companions for dogs, as they will always be keeping each other entertained.
Turkish Angoras are charming but also determined, so if they’ve decided that it’s dinner time, you’d best listen because they won’t give up until you feed them!
13. Turkish Van
Temperament | Smart and outgoing |
Shedding | Low |
Weight | 10–18 pounds |
Lifespan | 12–17 pounds |
The Turkish Van is known for their love of water and can often be found playing with taps or putting their paws in whatever water they can find. Their distinctive coat, with a white body and colored head and tail, is instantly recognizable. These intelligent cats need plenty of interaction, so living with a dog can be the perfect solution.
They even love playing fetch, so you might want to set up backyard training sessions where your dog and cat can learn together!
14. Devon Rex
Temperament | Friendly and affectionate |
Shedding | Low |
Weight | 5–10 pounds |
Lifespan | 9–15 years |
The distinctive Devon Rex was discovered in 1959 and their curly coat is the result of a naturally occurring genetic mutation. These energetic cats take a keen interest in everything that goes on around them, and they love the interaction with other pets just as much as they love people.
Their thin coats mean they love to find warm spots for a nap, and they may just end up using your dog as a cozy pillow! They’re outgoing and will enjoy going for walks and learning tricks alongside your dog.
Featured Image Credit: Fritz_the_Cat, Pixabay