Dr. Joe Mallat DVM (Veterinarian)

Joe is a veterinarian from Sydney, Australia. When he's not working, he enjoys cooking, exercising, and exploring the Australian wilderness. He has worked for 2 years at a mixed-species practice on the mid-north coast of New South Wales, treating animals of all sizes. His areas of particular interest include wound management, internal medicine, and oncology. Joe's love for the profession comes not only from helping dogs, but also from helping their parents and working with wonderful teams of people. Joe completed his Bachelor of Veterinary Biology and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Sydney in 2020.

Dog Jack Russell Terrier dog getting bandage after injury on his leg at home

How Can I Tell If My Dog’s Leg is Broken or Sprained? Our Vet Explains the Signs & What to Do

Dog owners never want to see their canine companions in pain. Unfortunately, there’s only so much we can do to supervise our dogs and prevent injuries. Accidents happen to us, and they can happen to our dogs too. Dogs are known for their energetic demeanor and love for exercise, and these two factors may predispose […]

How Can I Tell If My Dog’s Leg is Broken or Sprained? Our Vet Explains the Signs & What to Do Read More »

Closeup of Poodle dog with white fur and red tear stains under eyes

Dog Tear Stains: Our Vet Discusses Signs, Causes & Treatment

While dogs don’t shed tears when they are sad or overjoyed, they do produce tears for a number of reasons. Many people will be familiar with the reddish-brown tear staining that can occur under a dog’s eyes, particularly in small-breed dogs. For our canine friends, these tear stains can be uncomfortable, or a sign of

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Two pumi or Hungarian shepherd dogs in a studio

Can Dogs Get Sick from Other Dogs? Info & Common Diseases (Vet Answer)

Dogs are becoming increasingly popular as pets and with good reason. These loyal, intelligent, and affectionate animals make great family members. Dogs are highly social creatures, and most dogs enjoy the company of other dogs. Society has become more and more “dog friendly”—we have dog beaches and dog parks, doggy daycare centers, dog salons, and

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golden retriever dog and his owner in waiting room at vet clinic

How to Make Your Dog Live Longer: Our Vets 6 Tips to Increase Your Pup’s Lifespan

The good news for any new dog owner is that our dogs are living longer than they ever have! This is largely due to three things: the uptake of preventative care and vaccinations; advances in canine nutrition and veterinary medicine; and an increase in owner commitment to their pet family members. If you’ve recently taken

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sick puppy in vet clinic

My Puppy Is Having Seizures – What’s Going On? (Vet Answer)

Witnessing a seizure episode in your puppy can be distressing and overwhelming. Seizures are caused by abnormal and uncontrolled electrical activity in the brain. They can last anywhere from 10 seconds to several minutes, though it often feels like longer than this in the moment. What causes seizures in puppies? And what should you do

My Puppy Is Having Seizures – What’s Going On? (Vet Answer) Read More »

young veterinarian woman examining teeth and mouth of cute lovely pomeranian dog at veterinary clinic

Rodent Ulcers in Dogs: Our Vet Explains Signs, Causes & Treatments

The term “rodent ulcer” sounds awful, doesn’t it? Thankfully, these ulcers have nothing to do with rats (or any rodent, for that matter). Additionally, they are neither life-threatening nor particularly uncomfortable, though they can be a bit of a nuisance. Rodent ulcers are red skin ulcers that typically appear on the lips and face of

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condom in red packaging

My Dog Swallowed a Condom: Here’s What to Do (Vet Answer)

If you’re missing a condom and suspect your dog has eaten it, don’t panic. Dogs will eat all sorts of harmless and dangerous things; thankfully, most cases of condom ingestion don’t result in any issues. Having said that, you might be left wondering a few things. Why do dogs eat condoms? And what are the

My Dog Swallowed a Condom: Here’s What to Do (Vet Answer) Read More »

medical treatment of sick husky dog in vet clinic

Can Dehydration Cause Seizures in Dogs? Our Vet Explains

How concerned should we be about dehydration in dogs? Can it cause neurological issues such as seizures? Thankfully, dehydration is an uncommon cause of seizures in dogs. The main situation in which vets observe dehydration and seizures together is heat stroke. However, in episodes of heat stroke, there are other severe internal or metabolic derangements

Can Dehydration Cause Seizures in Dogs? Our Vet Explains Read More »

vet holding a big dog's paw

Dog Paw Pad Yeast Infections: Causes & Care Guide (Vet Answer)

Paw pad yeast infections in dogs are one of the causes of interdigital dermatitis or pododermatitis. These pesky infections are usually the result of skin allergies, though wounds and other skin conditions can also result in yeast infections of the paw. Most yeasts behave similarly—they thrive in moist, damp environments. If you’ve noticed irritation between

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My Dog Swallowed Rawhide: Should I Be Worried? (Vet Answer)

Rawhide chews have gained popularity among dog owners, providing entertainment to their dogs while simultaneously maintaining good dental hygiene. However, opinions are mixed, and it appears the jury is still out. Rawhide advocates say they are safer than bones and more natural than dental chews. Rawhide opponents, on the other hand, say they are dangerous,

My Dog Swallowed Rawhide: Should I Be Worried? (Vet Answer) Read More »

veterinarian checking up a golden retriever dog using stethoscope

Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in Dogs: Signs, Causes & Treatment (Vet Answer)

Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is a life-threatening condition in which a dog’s immune system starts attacking and destroying the body’s own red blood cells. As red blood cells distribute oxygen around the body, they are very important to almost every aspect of health and cellular function. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is often referred to as “immune-mediated hemolytic

Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia in Dogs: Signs, Causes & Treatment (Vet Answer) Read More »

veterinarian checking up a golden retriever dog using stethoscope

Hyperkeratosis in Dogs: Guide, Symptoms & Treatment (Vet Answer)

Canine hyperkeratosis is a skin condition in which dogs produce too much keratin. Keratin is one of the most important structural proteins found in skin, hair, and nails, as well as beaks and horns. In dogs, hyperkeratosis is most commonly seen on the footpads and nose, though other parts of the body can be affected.

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bottle of vitamin b thiamine

Thiamine Deficiency in Dogs: 7 Signs to Look For (Vet Answer)

Vitamins are essential to the overall health of people: they help fight infections, metabolize food, heal wounds, and regulate hormones. But what about their role in dogs? Though not often spoken of, they are just as important in our canine friends. This article will focus on Vitamin B1, also known as thiamine. Inadequate thiamine in

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Fungal Infections in Dogs: Signs, Causes & Treatment (Vet Answer)

A number of fungal infections can affect our canine companions. Some of these fungal infections are superficial or “local” diseases, such as ringworm and yeast dermatitis, which are problematic but not life-threatening. Other fungal infections, such as aspergillosis and cryptococcosis, can involve multiple internal organs and are much more serious. This article will explore common

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close up of cute dog face

How to Cure Stinky Dog Face: 5 Vet-Explained Causes & Treatment

If your dog loves to lick you, but their face smells unpleasant, you’re not alone! This is something several dog owners experience. A smelly dog face can be caused by crusty eyes, ear infections, dermatitis, poor dental hygiene, or a dirty coat. Getting your dog to a quality groomer certainly helps, but what about if

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giving shih tzu a dog supplement

6 Benefits of Eye Supplements for Dogs – Vet Recommendations

Vision is crucial to your dog’s health and quality of life. With advances in both veterinary and owner care, dogs are living longer than ever before—great news for dogs and their families! However, as dogs get older, they become more prone to age-related eye issues such as cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal disease. These are relatively

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big black dog lying on the floor and gets a massage on its thight

How to Massage a Dog with Arthritis: 6 Expert Tips (Vet Answer)

Arthritis is a common condition that affects many dogs, particularly as they age. Thankfully, there are many effective ways of managing canine arthritis. Nutritional supplements, pain-relief medications, braces, harnesses, lifestyle changes, and massage therapy can all be beneficial. This article will focus on at-home tips for massaging dogs suffering from arthritis. All dog owners can

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Newborn puppy with cleft palate

Cleft Lip & Palate in Puppies: Signs, Causes & Treatment (Vet Answer)

Cleft lip and cleft palate are birth defects caused by the incorrect formation of a puppy’s mouth during pregnancy. Similar clefts also occur in human babies. While some clefts can be visualized without any difficulty, others are far less obvious. Similarly, some clefts do not need any treatment at all, while others require corrective surgery.

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dog nipples

There Are Scabs on My Dog’s Nipples – Should I Worry? (Vet Answer)

When you decided to bring a dog into your family, you probably didn’t envision dealing with scabs on her nipples. Or his nipples, for as it turns out, male dogs aren’t immune to the problem either! So, what’s it all about? The first thing to mention is that it’s generally no reason to panic. Allergies,

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dog playing in a sweet potato field in a sunny fall

Is Sweet Potato Good for Dogs with Pancreatitis? (Vet Answer)

If your dog has been diagnosed with pancreatitis, your vet probably told you about the importance of managing their diet. Some vets will recommend a prescription or commercial diet that is formulated for dogs recovering from pancreatitis. Others may recommend simple home-cooked food for the next couple of weeks. However, it’s vital to know which

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scabies diseases on the elbow of stray dog

What Is Scabies in Dogs? Signs, Causes & Treatment (Vet Answer)

If you haven’t heard of scabies in dogs, you may have heard it called one of its other names: Sarcoptes, sarcoptic mange, or even just “mange.” However, mange can technically be caused by any parasitic mite. Here, we’re focusing on one specific mite: Sarcoptes scabiei. This is the mite that causes scabies, or sarcoptic mange,

What Is Scabies in Dogs? Signs, Causes & Treatment (Vet Answer) Read More »

woman sneezing into tissue because of allergy to cats

Can You Be Allergic to Cats But Not Dogs? (Vet Answer)

Every pet owner loves a cuddle with their furry friend. But what happens when this cuddling (or patting, or grooming) causes you to have a flare-up of allergy symptoms? This could mean you have a pet allergy—they’re surprisingly common. It’s possible to be allergic to cats but not dogs. The reverse is also possible: being

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Dog Hygroma

Hygroma in Dogs: Our Vet Explains the Causes, Signs & Treatment

Large and giant breed dogs transmit an impressive amount of force through their joints. Some of these dogs also have a tendency to lie on hard surfaces such as floorboards or concrete. When you add these two traits together, you get a dog that is at risk of developing a hygroma. Hygromas are benign, fluid-filled

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Owner giving medicine in a pill to his dog

What Can I Give My Dog for Pain Relief at Home? 8 Vet-Recommended Options

It’s never nice knowing, or suspecting, that your dog is in pain. To make things harder, they can’t tell us why they are in pain, or how significant the pain is. Dogs can experience pain just like people can, as a result of acute injuries, chronic problems, illnesses, and infections. Veterinarians are very adept at

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veterinarian checking dog's teeth

Periodontal Disease in Dogs: Signs, Causes & Care Guide (Vet Answer)

While many people consider bad breath and plaque to be “normal” for dogs, this is not the case. Dental disease is very common in dogs. More specifically, we are referring to periodontal disease. Indeed, more than 80% of dogs older than 3 have some degree of periodontal disease. This is inflammation of the gums and

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woman touching dog's stomach on couch

Why Is My Dog’s Stomach Making Noises? 7 Likely Reasons (Vet Answer)

At some point in your dog’s life, you’re likely to hear their stomach gurgling, rumbling, and churning. This is very similar to the stomach noises we make ourselves, though you might be taken aback by your dog’s stomach making such loud noises. But are these belly growls a reason to be concerned? Most of the

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