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What Your Dog’s Breed Says About You: Personality Traits Explored

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 3, 2024 by Dogster Team

man hugging chocolate labrador dog at the park

What Your Dog’s Breed Says About You: Personality Traits Explored

Over time, owners and their dogs start to share personality traits. They may look or act alike, such as both being yappy or sharing physical traits like hairstyle.

But the dog you choose often communicates something to others. If you’re curious what your dog’s breed says about you, check out what the research says.

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Owners Often Share the Personalities of Their Dogs

We may think we’re choosing a dog based on extensive research to choose the right fit, but sometimes, a dog’s image has a lot to do with it.

Dr. Liisa Ahlstrom at Bayer Australia’s Animal Health Division developed the Advantage Family’s “What Does Your Pet Say About You?” chart based on her experience working with various dog breeds and their owners.

According to her research and professional opinion, the dogs people choose may reflect their personality traits.1 Let’s look at some popular breeds:

The 10 Dog Breeds and What They Say About You

1. Jack Russell Terrier

jack russell terrier dog lying on carpet
Image Credit: evrymmnt, Shutterstock
Dog breed traits Human personality
Gregarious, combative, needy Competitive, energetic, talkative

Jack Russell Terriers are super smart dogs, sometimes smarter than their pet parents! Both pooch and parent love a bit of the old give-and-take, so you may fight, but you’ll make up just as quickly.

2. Pug

pug dog standing in the forest
Image Credit: marketalangova, Shutterstock
Dog breed traits Human personality
Highly sensitive, guarded, mischievous Introverted, humorous, appreciates cuteness

Pugs are among the absolute sweethearts of all dog breeds. They need a lot of love, so they’re a perfect match for someone who likes to spend time at home. But be careful; you probably appreciate their cute face so much that you overlook their mischievous side.

3. Chihuahua

Chihuahua dog standing on grass
Image Credit: anetapics, Shutterstock
Dog breed traits Human personality
Defensive, loyal to a select few, playful Sociable, a bit feisty, loyal to a fault

We already know Chihuahuas have big personalities. They will be the first to go into battle protecting those they love. Is that the same for their owners? Sort of! If you own a Chihuahua, you probably share their level of loyalty to those you love. Plus, both of you have a playful (and sometimes feisty) side.

4. Pomeranian

pomeranian puppy running
Image Credit: wirakorn deelert, Shutterstock
Dog breed traits Human personality
Lively, independent, bold Just and fair, extroverted, aloof

Pomeranians have the reputation of being seemingly classy and dignified. And while this might be true for some, their bold and outgoing personality comes out with people they know. These traits can match their owners, who can be extroverted in the right setting but aloof in the wrong one.

5. Saint Bernard

Saint Bernard dog standing on the shore of the river
Image Credit: Rita_Kochmarjova, Shutterstock
Dog breed traits Human personality
Playful, loyal, watchful Patient, adventurous, gentle

These gentle giants are often found in the homes of people who are patient and gentle. While a Saint Bernard might seem imposing, they are watchful and good with children. Those who have one of these dogs as a companion often have the traits of being calm, understanding, and adventurous.

6. Schnauzer

miniature schnauzer dog sitting outdoors
Image Credit: Debra Anderson, Shutterstock
Dog breed traits Human personality
Intelligent, energetic, bossy Ambitious, sophisticated, artistic

Schnauzer owners—regardless of the dog’s size—tend to be playful, energetic, competitive, bossy, and adventurous. Like the breed, they’re quick to learn, ambitious, and opinionated. Choosing a mini adds a few traits, including an eclectic and unconventional attitude and a lifestyle of leisure and arts.

7. Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever

Year-old Golden Retriever in the yard
Image Credit: Hakase_420, Shutterstock
Dog breed traits Human personality
Friendly, sociable, eager to please Extroverted, active, family-orientated

The favorites of hunters and country folk, their owners are a lot like these fun-loving breeds—friendly, adventurous, and highly social. Dr. Ahlstrom also noticed that Golden Retriever and Labrador Retriever owners can be a bit secretive and analytical.

8. Great Dane

Great dane dog in beautiful landscape
Image Credit: Al_Er, Shutterstock
Dog breed traits Human personality
Sophisticated, calm, noble Patient, thoughtful, loving

As you might expect, Great Dane owners desire attention, shock, and a larger-than-life persona. They’re confident, dramatic, and enjoy the spotlight, but that can also mean some competitiveness and aggression.

9. Beagle

beagle dog standing at the park
Image Credit: Vicky1981, Shutterstock
Dog breed traits Human personality
Adventurous, loud, friendly Outgoing, curious, boisterous

If you like no-frills hunting breeds like the Beagle, you’re likely to be fiercely independent, inquisitive, and comfortable on your own. These dogs’ owners are often task-oriented, industrious, and stoic, keeping their emotions reined in.

10. Greyhound

Italian Greyhound dog standing on the grass
Image Credit: Alexandra Morrison Photo, Shutterstock
Dog breed traits Human personality
Gentle, agile, quiet Outdoorsy, competitive, focused

The sleek and graceful image of the Art Deco period, Greyhound owners tend to attract owners who are the life of the party, adventurous, and nature-loving. Like these swift hounds, Greyhound owners appreciate their freedom and hate to be confined.

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Some Breeds Attract Certain Personality Traits Rather Than Reflecting Them

While Dr. Ahlstrom’s research is revealing, The Kennel Club performed a study to determine what dominant personality traits the UK’s most popular breeds attract with revealing results. Check them out!

  • Jack Russell Terriers: One of the most popular UK breeds and the favorite of King Charles and the Queen Consort, often attract people with loyalty and faithfulness. Close to 90% of Jack Russell owners displayed these traits.
  • Cocker Spaniels: This breed captures the attention of curious, creative, and family-oriented people. Positive and happy people with even emotions go for Golden Retrievers, a breed known for their happy-go-lucky nature.
  • Border Terriers: A popular breed among celebrities and a working terrier, this breed surprisingly draws the attention of charming, lively, and exuberant people rather than stoic and diligent owners. Those traits are more likely to go for a Springer Spaniel, a gun dog that was owned by Tilda Swinton, Prince Harry, and Marilyn Monroe.
  • Staffordshire Bull Terriers: This former fighting dog that was bred for strength, tenacity, and intimidation is often paired with affectionate and trustworthy people. The Miniature Schnauzer and Dachshund attract similar personality traits like loyalty and conscientiousness, as well as people who are sticklers for rules.
  • Whippets and Pomeranians: The dreamers and creatives seek out unique breeds like these, a favorite of Queen Victoria.
  • German Shepherds: A popular breed all over the world and a favorite of Jennifer Aniston and Ben Affleck, they are widely known for their versatile work as military and police dogs, service dogs, farm dogs, and more. Incidentally, German Shepherd owners are more likely to help others, just like these faithful dogs.

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For many owners, these traits ring true, but that’s not always the case. Ultimately, dogs are all individuals, just like their owners. Whether you chose a Whippet as a free spirit, a Spaniel for your playful nature, or a lovable mutt that captured your heart, all that matters is that you provide the most loving home possible for your pup.

Featured Image Credit: Sergey Nivens, Shutterstock

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