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Astrology Alert: What Are Libras Like as Dog Lovers?

Written by: Dogster Team

Last Updated on July 4, 2024 by Dogster Team

a black dog in the park at night

Astrology Alert: What Are Libras Like as Dog Lovers?

By now, Dogster readers know that I’m big on astrology. I’ll notify you when Mercury, the travel and communication planet goes retrograde, because of how this affects dog lovers. (Incidentally, Mercury will do its retro thing Nov. 6, stationing direct again on Nov. 26, so your post-Thanksgiving holiday shopping experience promises to be stress-free.)

My cosmic niche is exploring how people’s star signs are revealed in their lifestyle choices. I write the monthly Star Style column on astrology and lifestyle/design for Meredith Corporation’sTraditional Home magazine.

Living with dogs is a lifestyle choice, so I’m fascinated by the different ways people of different signs display affection for beloved pets. Right now, until Oct. 22, it’s Libra season, so the celestial spotlight shines on those born under the sign of the scales.

Ruled by Venus, planet of love and beauty, Libra adores fashion and design, so any dog who lives with a Libra native will enjoy a life of high style. The home Libra shares with a beloved dog is a sweet home indeed. Libra natives have an unerring, innate gift for design — it’s the sign of the scales, after all, so that explains their instinct for balance, which is important when you’re decorating any environment, indoors or out.

Not surprisingly, many world-class designers are Libras, among them Donna Karan, Ralph Lauren, Adrienne Vittadini, Clodagh, and Barbara Barry (who has a new luggage collection). These designers move with grace between the worlds of fashion and home design. The above-mentioned designing Libras are also all serious dog lovers, as is Celerie Kemble, who is often photographed with her sidekick, a Parson Russell Terrier named Anchovy.

Libras’ lucky dogs have more critter comforts than most, resting their heads on the plushest dog beds, enjoying food and water served in bowls elegantly elevated for dining and drinking comfort, wearing designer collars, playing with lots of fancy toys, and stepping out for brisk winter walks in the most stylin’ coats and sweaters.

The Chihuahua dog is very sensitive to the cold weather. Photography ©Eudyptula | Getty Images.
The Chihuahua dog is very sensitive to the cold weather. Photography ©Eudyptula | Getty Images.

Libra Dogsters proudly wear their hearts on their sleeves, displaying K9 love for all to see, but they will do so in high style. For proof, check out the cool Companion Wear bracelet codesigned by Libra Laura Betti of Pause Dog Boutique.

Libras heart the arts in every form, whether it’s painting and poetry or music and dance. This is the sign most likely to collect dog art and/or commission a portrait of a beloved pet, whether as a photograph, a painting, a sculpture, a drawing, or folk-art sign. A dog belonging to a Libra who makes his living as an artist can expect to do a fair amount of modeling duty — as talented wood-carver Tim Racer‘s pit bulls can attest.

Many Libras play the piano, so the Libra dog will chillax to lots of ivory-tickling at home, as the multitalented Isaac Mizrahi’s two lucky adopted dogs, Harry and Dean, would tell you (if only they were as talkative as their human).

Admirably selfless in love, Libra natives always place the needs of their loved ones ahead of their own, which goes double for their beloved dogs and for all animals. They will relentlessly crusade for the cause of adopting shelter dogs.

Libra Doug DeLuca of Federal Company, sought-after designer of interiors and exteriors in the Washington, DC area, whose many fans include the Viking Range Co., adores his two adopted shelter dogs, Bandit and Stella; Doug also sits on the board of his favorite charity, the Washington Animal Rescue League, and tirelessly advocates on behalf of WARL’s adoptable dogs and cats. In classic Libra style, he walks the dog-walk, wearing an “ADOPT” cap that proclaims pound-pup pride!

Libras’ sweet tooth is legendary, but they will take care to bake or acquire sweets with an eye to safely sharing a morsel with their beloved canines. That means no chocolate cakes or cookies, as the theobromine in cocoa is toxic to dogs. Libras will elect to indulge instead in gingerbread, banana bread, carrot cake, lemon cake, or pumpkin pie, so Spot may safely snatch up some crumbs. Libran Daniellan Louie of New York City’s Ivy Bakery creates mouthwatering treats for dogs in addition to the many irresistible goodies she lovingly whips up for human consumption — and, in true Libra spirit, she’s wonderfully gracious about working with dog lovers to customize treat recipes for canine customers.

World-famous astrologer Katharine Merlin (check out her forecasts every month in Town & Country magazine) is a Libra with a Sagittarius Moon, so she has a passion for horses, animals, and nature in all its glorious forms. She’s a Dogster, too, with fond memories of her late, great Collies Jill (the dog of her childhood) and Jessie. Luckily for her readers, Merlin is busy at work on a new book, The Sun Sign Chronicles, and a new pet horoscopes feature on her web site! Watch for it!

Dr. Jennifer Jablow (above) is the ultimate Libra Dogster: New York City’s dentist to the stars treats celebrities as well as the famed Ford Models. She lavishes love on her Shih Tzus, Bianca and Chester, but her spare time is spent rescuing less-fortunate dogs and volunteering her time to help raise awareness of pet adoption. “Rescued dogs are the real stars,” she says. “They’re so grateful when you open your heart and home to them. They overcome so much in their lives, and yet they’re still open to loving again.”

To help dogs put their best teeth forward, Jablow created Pawfect Smile, the K9 version of IntelliWhite, her signature oral-care system which takes the handy form of a pen. A portion of proceeds from sales goes to one of Jablow’s pet causes, North Shore Animal League America.

“Pawfect Smile is formulated with human-grade ingredients, in flavors pets and people can agree on vanilla and peanut butter,” she says. “So dogs love the way it tastes, and we love the way their breath smells.” That’s so Libra!

When the dentist is a Libra, even she has a weakness for sweet baked goods. Jablow’s favorite confection is a cupcake, and when I adopted a Pit Bull who was already, to my dismay, pre-named Cupcake, she pleaded with me not to change the dog’s handle. Okay, I replied; then to be fair, her full name is … Cupcake Jablow! True to her sign, the good doc did not object.

If you like what you hear and you’re looking for a Libra life companion, know that this sign enjoys cosmic compatibility with almost everyone, so your chances are very good! The signs that are most compatible with Libra are Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Gemini.

Libra Dogsters and friends/lovers of Libra Dogsters, we’d like to hear from you, so please share your thoughts in the comments!

Featured Image Credit By: shymar27, Shutterstock


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