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Can Dogs Eat Carne Asada? Vet Reviewed Facts & FAQ

Written by: Patricia Dickson

Last Updated on June 22, 2024 by Dogster Team

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Can Dogs Eat Carne Asada? Vet Reviewed Facts & FAQ


Dr. Lauren Demos  Photo


Dr. Lauren Demos

DVM (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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You may be familiar with the phrase “puppy dog eyes.” That is why saying “no” to a dog is next to impossible when they want something, whether they want to play, get up on the couch with you, or eat a bit of what you’re eating; dogs have mastered that art of guilt-tripping. But the last thing a dog owner ever wants to do is hurt their dog. So, let’s say you’ve prepared carne asada, and your furry friend is making it very clear they want some, too. Is it safe for them? Yes, dogs can eat carne asada occasionally, but it should not become part of their regular diets.

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Is Carne Asada Safe for Dogs?

Carne asada translates to “roasted meat” in English and is a Mexican dish that most commonly includes skirt or flank steak marinated in citrus juices, garlic, and spices. However, beef is sometimes replaced with chicken or pork.

Before giving your dog carne asada, you should carefully check to ensure the beef is fully cooked and all the bones have been removed. The main problem with carne asada is the toppings. Several toppings can go on carne asada, one of which is avocados.

In large portions, avocados can cause stomach pain, pancreatitis, and intestinal blockages in dogs. However, the most significant risk of feeding your dog carne asada is when it is loaded with onions and garlic, which are toxic. Signs of onion toxicity include a loss of appetite, pale gums, and lethargy.

Also, beef is fatty, and while small amounts of fat are good for your dog, too much can lead to weight gain and other health issues.

Mexican meat at the grill, arrachera
Image By: Christian Renteria, Shutterstock

How to Prepare Carne Asada for Your Pet

The first thing to remember is that you should never give your dog food loaded with spices, especially garlic and onion powders. Ensure the Carne Asada you prepare for your furry friend lacks any seasonings.

It’s also never a good idea to feed your dog raw steak because it can harbor bacteria and parasites that can make your pup sick. Other than that, there’s no reason your dog shouldn’t be able to have carne asada as a treat from time to time, but you never want to feed it to them in place of their well-balanced, high-protein diet.

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Final Thoughts

Although some of the food we enjoy can be shared sparingly with our dogs, it’s better to avoid serving human cuisine and rely on high-quality dog food to keep your canine healthy. Carne Asada is one of the foods you can share with your dog in moderation, but only occasionally, and never with onions, garlic, or spices. Beef is a nutritious protein for your dog, but it is often seasoned too heavily when prepared for people in dishes like carne asada.

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