Keri-Beth Clur

Keri-Beth is a freelance writer from South African who specializes in animals. She has grown up with a range of pets, volunteered at many shelters, and is highly passionate about pet care. Currently, Keri-Beth is raising two dogs - Benji, the Golden Cocker Spaniel, and Gracie, the Boerboel. With so much information out there, Keri-Beth has made it her questo to make pet care as easy and straightforward as possible for any pet parent in the world. In her spare time, Keri-Beth enjoys photography, camping, and spending time with her husband, who is a professional drummer.

Cute papillon dog eats food from plates in the room

Why Doesn’t My Dog Chew His Food? Vet-Reviewed Facts & FAQ

Unlike humans, most animals don’t appear to savor their food by eating it slowly. Some dogs just fill their bellies as fast as possible, whether they’re very hungry or not. Their instinct is stronger than their appreciation for flavors and textures, even if there is no threat of losing their meal to another animal. In […]

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beagle hunting

18 Dogs With High Prey Drives & Tips for Raising Them (Info, Pictures & History)

Dogs come in different shapes, colors, and sizes—as well as prey drive intensities. Some dogs love to cuddle and sleep most of the day away, while others are constantly on the hunt. It can be hard to snap these dogs out of their fixation once they’ve spotted a small moving animal, while other dogs may

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chihuahua standing on the grass

International Chihuahua Appreciation Day 2025: When & How It’s Celebrated

Chihuahuas are the tiniest dog breed on the planet, and on International Chihuahua Appreciation Day, the world celebrates them. Chihuahuas have been celebrated every year on May 14th since 2010, thanks to former Miss British Columbia, Nadia Alterio. She announced that this day would be celebrated along with her Chihuahua’s birthday, and it has been

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woman cleaning french bulldog ears

5 Dogs Prone to Ear Infections: Vet-Reviewed Facts & Signs

All dogs can get ear infections, but breeds with long, floppy ears are more likely to experience this all-too-common problem. Other dogs prone to ear infections are those with allergic skin disease and those that swim frequently. Although some ear infections can resolve on their own, severe infections can be very painful and can result

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Black Bullmastiff

12 Surprising English Mastiff Facts: Vet-Approved Guide

The English Mastiff is a gorgeous dog breed that can weigh as much as 200 pounds. Although a giant breed, these dogs are loving, gentle, and wonderful companions, good with older children and other pets. The English Mastiff is also a loyal protector who won’t let strangers through your front gate without your reassurance and

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dog wearing cone

When to Take a Cone Off a Dog After Neutering: Vet-Verified Care Tips

The reality is that most dogs hate wearing a cone, but with time, many dogs usually get used to it and adapt quite well. Some dogs don’t, and thankfully, there are other options you can try out instead of the cone. If your veterinarian has recommended a cone for your dog, you should only take

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boston terrier posing in the park

8 Dogs Prone to Cushing’s Disease: Vet-Approved Health Guide

If you have a dog with Cushing’s disease, it’s important to educate yourself on the condition they’re living with. Medically known as hyperadrenocorticism,1 Cushing’s disease is a condition whereby either the pituitary gland or the adrenal glands, cause an overproduction of the hormone cortisol. It occurs more commonly in senior dogs than humans or cats

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My Dog Keeps Eating Birdseed, What Should I Do? Vet-Approved Tips

Some dogs are so picky that they won’t touch certain dog food flavors. On the other hand, others love to eat almost anything and everything, whether good or bad, edible or not. A food-loving dog may gravitate toward your bird feeder or at least under it. Birds love to splash in birdbaths and tend to

My Dog Keeps Eating Birdseed, What Should I Do? Vet-Approved Tips Read More »


12 Best Dog-Friendly Vacation Destinations in the UK (2025 Guide)

The UK has wonderful green fields, quaint villages, lots of history, stunning views, and blue oceans, making it full of beautiful vacation destinations. They’re also big lovers of pets and have many dog-friendly activities, parks, dining options, and accommodations. The days of traveling and exploring new destinations on your own while your pooch was left

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male border collie playing

How Much Exercise Does a Border Collie Need? Vet-Reviewed Requirements & Activities

Life with a Border Collie is a lot of fun, but it can also be demanding. These sheepdogs were bred to herd, and they do a good job at it, being able to herd just about anything, including family members. These dogs are incredibly clever, having broken records for being the most intelligent dog breed,

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Pembroke Welsh Corgi vs Pomeranian

Pembroke Welsh Corgi vs Pomeranian: Key Differences & Similarities

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi and the Pomeranian are popular breeds. Although they have a few characteristics in common, they are quite different. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a few inches taller than the Pomeranian and a few pounds heavier, but both are energetic and make great companions. The AKC recognized the Pomeranian as a breed

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Red dachshund in a wheelchair

IVDD in Dachshunds: Vet-Verified Signs, Causes & Care

You’ve probably come into contact with many Dachshunds in your life because they’re such popular pets. You may even own one yourself. These little dogs have long faces, short legs, long backs, and vibrant personalities. They’re fearless and aren’t afraid to show aggression toward other animals that are much larger than themselves. These dogs are

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My Dog Ate a Prenatal Vitamin

My Dog Ate a Prenatal Vitamin! Vet-Verified Risks, Signs & Treatment

If you’re trying to fall pregnant, are breastfeeding, or are an expectant mother, you know that your prenatal vitamin is packed with all the vitamins and minerals you need for yourself and your developing baby. Unfortunately, that very tablet that is essential for mommies-to-be is very dangerous for your dog’s health. If your dog got

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pomeranian dog take a bath in blue bathtub with white foam bubbles shampoo

10 Best Dog Shampoos for Pomeranians in 2025: Reviews & Top Picks

The Pomeranian breed has been around for a long time, having been recognized by the AKC in 1888. During the many years since then, these little dogs have climbed the AKC ranking list for most popular breeds, and it’s undoubtedly got a lot to do with their magnificent coats and lovely personalities. These perky canines

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man holding clean dog food bowl

How Often Should You Wash Dog Food & Water Bowls: Vet Approved Advice

For many of us, our pets are our world, and we try our best to love and care for them the same way we would our family members. That means cleaning up after them, feeding them high-quality food, staying on top of their feeding schedules, and playing with them daily. However, love and care are

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My Dog Ate Gum

My Dog Ate Gum, What Should I Do? 3 Vet-Approved Steps to Take

If your dog ate gum, your first thought might be that they are going to have an intestinal blockage, but that’s not actually the biggest concern. Instead, the presence of xylitol is what veterinarians worry about most as it is commonly found in gum and is toxic to dogs. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that

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girl and her dog walking in the park

10 Amazing Off-Leash Dog Parks in the UK in 2025 You Won’t Want to Miss

Off-leash parks are a great place to give your dog the freedom to run, explore, and socialize with other dogs and people. These parks often have fenced-off sections within an existing park to prevent your dog from escaping or getting lost. Owners also benefit from off-leash parks because they’re able to socialize with other dog

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