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Aidi Dog Breed: Pictures, Info, Care Guide & Traits

Written by: Ashley Bates

Last Updated on July 22, 2024 by Dogster Team

aidi dogs

Aidi Dog Breed: Pictures, Info, Care Guide & Traits

If you’re looking for a cheerful protector as your new best friend, the Aidi fits that title beautifully. These medium-sized dogs are athletically built, intensely bright, and loyal to family. They take guardian roles very seriously and do well as watchdogs, too. So, you could have the total package deal.

Breed Overview


20 – 24 inches


50 – 55 pounds


12 – 15 years


Black, white, tawny, black and white, red

Suitable for:

Active families, only-dog homes


Loyal, playful, powerful, obedient

Of course, the sweet Aidi might not be the best pick for anyone. Let’s go over all the details about the breed so you can see if they’re a match for your lifestyle.

Aidi Dog Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Aidi Puppies

Aidis are incredibly rare and, therefore, hard to find. Breeders will have one or both parents on-site so that you can get a feel for their temperament. Aidi puppies are often peppy and playful—all should have cheery expressions and kind eyes. These dogs are not registerable by the AKC.

Even though the breed is slightly uncommon, you might be able to find an Aidi or Aidi mix at a local rescue or shelter. These dogs come with proper vetting, spay or neuter, and a history of health issues. You might not find Aidi puppies as quickly, but you can find an adult one in desperate need of love.

Image Credit: Erik Lam, Shutterstock

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Aidi

The Aidi is a brilliant herding dog from North Africa. These dogs were meant to be on guard at all times, so you might notice that your dog’s attention is always on any noise or commotion going on. Their intensity and playfulness make them excel at yard games and other exercises.

Early socialization is essential for these dogs. They are friendly, but they can be a little bit aloof and territorial without exposure to strangers and animals. An Aidi may very well need an only-dog household to be at their happiest.

These dogs are vigilant, noticing any sign of change or potential danger around the home. They are on call at all times, willing to defend their hearth and home. With proper training, they make terrific watch and guard dogs.

Aidis also has a fierce intelligence, which makes them easy to work with. They love having tasks on the to-do list and will gladly accompany you with any errands you have to run. Even though these dogs are sometimes standoffish, they are affectionate and friendly, too.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🧑‍🧑‍🧒

Aidi’s can make wonderful additions to many homes and lifestyles. These dogs love to be on the move with you and relax when the time comes. You might even find your Aidi at the foot of your child’s bed at night, guarding the area.

The Aidi was developed to be very excellent with children. They are good caretakers, constantly doting over little ones. They will be great protectors of the household as well. If your dog feels like one of your children is in danger, they will be the first to jump to the defense.

The Aidi will want to be a part of your daily lives and thrive on attention. These traits make the Aidi a wonderful companion animal that will stay by your side. They can work very well in homes with older adults or children as long as they’re well-socialized and mannerly.

When it comes to people, the Aidi is very charming. They might make friends with your company, but it can take them a minute to warm up. They have to size the person up first to ensure that they aren’t a threat.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?

Unfortunately for multi-dog households, Aidis don’t really like other dogs and might even be aggressive or territorial. If you already have a pooch, this breed might not work out. However, they might get along fine if they are raised together—but it is a gamble you might not want to take.

You should really only have this breed if they are the only dog in the household. This trait might work in your favor if you only plan to have a singular pet at a time.

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Things to Know When Owning an Aidi:

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Because of an Aidi’s high energy, they work best on high-quality dry kibble dog food. Make sure that the recipe is high in protein, replenishing their muscle power. Avoid fillers like corn, wheat, and soy.

These dogs have no dietary restrictions that are breed-specific. But it would be best if you always fed your dog according to their weight and life stage. Feed your dog dry kibble, wet food, a combination—or even consider raw or homemade diets.

Puppies that come home should gradually transition from their existing puppy chow to new food. Before making any dietary changes on your own, always consult with your veterinarian before the switch.

Exercise 🐕

Aidis have a love for play, and they won’t slow down. These dogs benefit from interactive games like fetch, tag, and frisbee tosses. They are a perfect mate if you’re looking to get a little more exercise in your daily routine.

Aidis will happily accompany you on a walk around the neighborhood or hike in the woods. These dogs require at least 1 hour of exercise to burn off their daily steam.

If you have a securely fenced-in yard, your Aidi will love taking trips outside to bark at the birds and jump around freely.

If your Aidi doesn’t get enough physical outlet time, it can result in unwanted destructive tendencies. You can avoid that by making sure they have lots of space, a variety of toys, and interaction with you.

aidi puppies
Image By: Adwo, Shutterstock

Training 🎾

Because of Aidis’ brilliance, they do very well with training and benefit from learning new tasks. Once you go over basic obedience with his dog, they make excellent companions and are very mannerly on a leash. They follow directions effortlessly once they learn their boundaries and expectations.

Aidis do have a stubborn, independent streak, so yours might very well be more challenging to train. But Aidis are also very sensitive and in tune with your emotions, which can work in your favor.

Always use positive reinforcement methods and avoid over-correcting your dog. This breed is particularly sensitive to criticism, so you won’t need to use much force to convince them to obey.

Grooming ✂️

Aidis have plush fur that is unusual for an African breed. They have an almost sheepdog-like appearance. Because of their dense coats, they need weekly care.

To avoid matting, you should give your Aidi a nice weekly brush. They don’t have any special coat requirements, but you should bathe them every 4 to 6 weeks for optimal coat health.

After bath time, always make sure to trim nails, clean ears, and brush teeth to keep your Aidi looking their best.

Health and Conditions 🏥

Aidis are generally very healthy dogs with no known health issues to speak of. But they can get sick or develop possible conditions for a wide range of canine breeds. The good news is, you’ll likely save tremendously on vet bills because Aidi’s are hardy, healthy, and easy to care for.

To get ahead of any health issues, make sure to keep up with regular annual checkups. Always keep your pooch up to date with any vaccinations and general care.

Minor Conditions
  • Eye Problems — these consist of glaucoma, cataracts, and other visual problems.

Serious Conditions

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Male vs Female

Both male and female Aidis are incredibly wonderful to have as a companion. However, there are some visual differences between them. Males tend to be larger than females, touting a broader bone structure. Females tend to be daintier with leaner muscle tone.

Both boys and girls can be very affectionate towards their families. However, girls tend to be a bit on the calmer side, more in tune with the emotions around her period boys tend to be a little bit more playful and hyper, ready to romp around with the children at a moment’s notice.

Both males and females have aggressive tendencies towards other dogs, but males tend to be more territorial than females.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Aidi Dog

1. Aidis Are An African Breed

The lovely Aidi originates in Morocco.

2. The Aidi Is Not Registered with the AKC

Unfortunately, in the US, the AKC doesn’t recognize this breed. But they may be in the future.

3. The Aidi’s Plush Fur Is Unusual Of African Dog Breeds

Because of the hot temperatures in Morocco and surrounding areas, it’s unusual to find a dog with a very thick coat.

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If you made it to the end of this article, you might be curious to know more about how to get an Aidi puppy. While finding a purebred Aidi can be a challenge, search locally to find breeders. If you don’t find any in your area, you might have to fill up the tank for a road trip.

Even though Aidi’s are rare and hard to find, the breed is worth knowing about. Hopefully, the more dog lovers learn about this sweet pooch—the more breeders can expand the breed.

Featured Image Credit: Erik Lam, Shutterstock

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