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150+ Unique Female Dog Names With Meanings

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 10, 2024 by Dogster Team

Unique Female Dog Names with Meanings

150+ Unique Female Dog Names With Meanings

When you adopt a dog, you’re responsible for a lot of things, like food, exercise, veterinary care, and housing. But one of your more fun responsibilities is choosing a great name for your furry friend. You can always go for classic dog girl names like Ginger, Daisy, or Alice, but why not choose a powerful name with a fascinating meaning?

To help you find the perfect name for your new dog, we’ve gathered the best puppy girl names with meanings. We’re drawing from world languages like Arabic, Hebrew, Latin, and Greek, plus ancient goddesses, warrior princesses, and more. Whether your furball is unique, strong, or cool, you’ll find an amazing name on this list with a meaning that you’ll love! Let’s get started.

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Unique Female Dog Names With Meanings

female french bulldog playing ball_
Image Credit: Piqsels

When it comes to great dog girl names, you can’t go wrong with something unique. You won’t regret choosing a name as unusual and special as your female dog! Why not try one of the Hawaiian, Arabic, or Norwegian puppy girl names on this list?

  • Abigail: Father’s joy (Hebrew)
  • Adina: Delicate (Hebrew)
  • Aiofe: Beauty (Irish)
  • Aisling: Dream (Irish)
  • Alexandra: Helper (Greek)
  • Alice: Kind (English)
  • Aloha: Hello and goodbye (Hawaiian)
  • Althea: With healing power (Greek)
  • Amelia: Industrious (German)
  • Anne: Favored by God (Hebrew)
  • Arabella: Elegant (Latin)
  • Arcadia: Peace, heaven (Greek)
  • Astrid: Divinely beautiful (Scandinavian)
  • Avery: Wise (French)
  • Ayesha: Alive (Arabic)
  • Benoîte: Blessed (French)
  • Callie: Most beautiful (Greek)
  • Cassia: Cinnamon (Latin)
  • Catira: Blonde (Caribbean)
  • Celestia: Heavenly (Latin)
  • Cinderella: From the ashes; classic fairytale character (English)
  • Circe: Bird (Greek)
  • Claire: Brilliant, clear (Latin)
  • Constantia: Steadfast, constant (Latin)
  • Cora: Girl, daughter, related to Persephone (Greek)
  • Cordula: Heart (German)
  • Cynthia: Moon goddess (Greek)
  • Darlene: Darling (English)
  • Delilah: Delight or flirt (Hebrew)
  • Della: Noble (German)
  • Dorit: Gift from God (Danish)
  • Edan: Fiery (Irish)
  • Eilidh: Radiant (Scottish)
  • Eira: Snow (Welsh)
  • Eleanor: Shining one (Greek)
  • Electra: Shining (Greek)
  • Ella: Fairy maiden (English)
  • Elvire: True (French)
  • Esme: Beloved, esteemed (French)
  • Eva: Life (Hebrew)
  • Evadne: Pleasing (Greek)
  • Evangeline: Bearer of good news (Greek)
  • Farrah: Happy (Arabic)
  • Faye: Fairy (English)
  • Faye: Faith, loyalty (French)
  • Fleurette: Flower (Dutch)
  • Freyde: Joy (Yiddish)
  • Grace: Generous (Latin)
  • Gwendolen: White ring (Welsh)
  • Hannah: Favored one (Hebrew)
  • Ilda: Friend (Innuit)
  • Ilona: Joy (Finnish)
  • Ingrid: Beautiful (Scandinavian)
  • Isi: Deer (Choctaw)
  • Jocelyn: Joyful (Latin)
  • Jocosa: Merry (English)
  • Kaitlyn: Pure (Greek)
  • Kalila: Beloved (Arabic)
  • Keava: Gentle, kind (Scottish)
  • Kerensa: Love (Cornish)
  • Layla: Dark beauty (Egyptian)
  • Leilani: Royal child (Hawaiian)
  • Luna: Moon (Latin)
  • Mackenzie: Child of the wise leader, born of fire (Gaelic)
  • Maeve: Intoxicating, alluring (Irish)
  • Malia: Beloved (Hawaiian)
  • Manu: Bird (Hawaiian)
  • Mila: Hardworking (Russian)
  • Naila: Successful (Arabic)
  • Nanea: Fascinating, intriguing (Hawaiian)
  • Nevaeh: Heaven spelled backward (English)
  • Ophelia: Help (Greek)
  • Oriane: Sunrise (French)
  • Perdita: Lost one, mother dog in 101 Dalmatians (Latin)
  • Perrine: Stone (French)
  • Reveka: Captivating (Hebrew)
  • Ruth: Friend (Hebrew)
  • Samantha: Listener (Hebrew)
  • Shayna: Beautiful, God is good (Yiddish)
  • Sigrid: Beautiful victory (Norwegian)
  • Sophia: Wisdom (Greek)
  • Stella: Star (Greek)
  • Vivian: Lively (Latin)
  • Wangchuk: In power (Tibetan)
  • Zahra: Flower (Arabic)

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Strong Female Dog Names With Meanings

Image By: Ricantimages, Shutterstock

If your puppy has the heart of a lion, you’ll want a strong name for her! Here are 45 great names for tough female dogs. Whether you opt for a Hawaiian, Chinese, or Gaelic name, your little warrior will love living up to her name.

  • Aithne: Fire (Irish)
  • Alessia: Defending warrior (Italian)
  • Amara: Strong, beautiful (Latin)
  • Anala: Fire (Hindu)
  • Apollonia: Related to Apollo, god of the sun (Greek)
  • Araminta: Defender (English)
  • Arianna: Holy (Greek)
  • Ariel: Lion of God (Hebrew)
  • Audree: Strength, nobility (French)
  • Baldey: Strong, bold (Icelandic)
  • Balwinder: Mighty, related to Indra, the Hindu god of thunderbolts (Indian)
  • Bellatrix: Female warrior (Latin)
  • Bellisent: King Arthur’s half-sister, proper and strong (English)
  • Brígh: Powerful, bright (Irish)
  • Calynn: Powerful in war (Gaelic)
  • Carla: Warrior (German)
  • Charlotte: Warrior (French)
  • Chike: God’s power (Nigerian)
  • Erica: Always mighty (Swedish)
  • Etana: Strong (Swahili)
  • Fallon: Leader (Irish)
  • Fiamma: Flame (Italian)
  • Gabriella: Devoted to God (Hebrew)
  • Geesi: Brave (Somali)
  • Harlow: Army (German)
  • Hera: Hero (Greek)
  • Hilda: Battle (German)
  • Isabelle: Devoted (Hebrew)
  • Kaimana: Powerful ocean (Hawaiian)
  • Kalama: Flaming torch (Hawaiian)
  • Meja: Strength (Swedish)
  • Mia: Mine (Latin)
  • Millie: Free, determined (Latin)
  • Muirgen: Born of the ocean (Irish)
  • Nora: Shining light (Greek)
  • Rathnait: Prosperity (Irish)
  • Reagan: Little ruler (Irish)
  • Reina: Queen (Spanish)
  • Sarah: Princess (Hebrew)
  • Seraphina: Fiery, ardent (Hebrew)
  • Souzan: Passionate (Persian)
  • Tanwen: Holy fire (Welsh)
  • Titania: Great one (Greek)
  • Valencia: Vigor (Latin)
  • Yi: Resolute (Chinese)

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Cool Female Dog Names With Meanings

Belgian Tervuren dogs
Image By: SnottyBoggins, Pixabay

Is your new dog a little too cool for school? We recommend giving her one of these cool female dog names, drawn from famous goddesses and historical figures.

  • Aalish: Flame (Persian)
  • Antheia: Goddess of gardens and marshes (Greek)
  • Aphrodite: Goddess of love (Greek)
  • Artemis: Goddess of the hunt (Greek)
  • Athena: Goddess of wisdom, art, and war strategy (Greek)
  • Aurora: Goddess of the dawn (Latin)
  • Calliope: Wise muse of epic poetry (Greek)
  • Calypso: She who hides (Greek)
  • Charvi: Beautiful (Sanskrit)
  • Cleopatra: Glory of the father, famous Egyptian queen (Egyptian)
  • Daphne: Laurel tree, nymph (Greek)
  • Diana: Goddess of the moon (Latin)
  • Elham: Inspiration (Persian)
  • Ember: Burning coal (English)
  • Fiadh: Wild, untamed (Irish)
  • Flora: Goddess of flowers (Latin)
  • Freja: Lady, goddess of beauty and death (Norwegian)
  • Galatea: Milk white, mythical statue come to life (Greek)
  • Iris: Goddess of rainbows (Greek)
  • Kartini: Act or deed, prominent women’s rights activist (Indonesian)
  • Persephone: Bringer of death, ancient goddess of the underworld (Greek)
  • Phoenix: Mythical regenerating bird (Greek)
  • Potentia: Power (Latin)
  • Saga: Story, journey (Swedish)
  • Yennenga: Slim, ancient princess warrior (Burkina Faso)
  • Zoe: Life (Greek)

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Final Thoughts

Have you found the perfect girl dog name? We hope you enjoy choosing a unique, strong, or cool name with an interesting meaning. Name your puppy after a Greek or Roman goddess, opt for a powerful warrior name, or try on intriguing puppy girl names from around the world. Forget those popular dog names and pick a meaningful option for your favorite furball!

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