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200+ Italian Dog Names: Female & Male Ideas With Meanings

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 10, 2024 by Dogster Team

Italian Dog Names

200+ Italian Dog Names: Female & Male Ideas With Meanings

Bringing your new dog home is an exciting time. But welcoming this new family member to your household wouldn’t be complete without giving them a name! If your dog is an Italian breed, like a Saint Bernard, Italian Greyhound, or Neapolitan Mastiff, you might want to go with an Italian name. Perhaps your family is of Italian descent, and you’d like to keep the tradition alive.

Whatever your reason is for choosing an Italian name, we have a list of unique and lovely male and female Italian names for dogs here to help you make the right choice. The meanings of these names are also included, ranging from flowers to warriors and blessings, so you can choose the perfect Italian name for your new pet. This name will be something that you use for the rest of the dog’s life, so choose one that’s fun for you to say too!

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Italian Male Dog Names

German shorthaired dog on the lawn
Image By: MVolodymyr, Shutterstock

Choosing a great boy Italian dog name is easy. Whether you’re looking for something powerful, like “victorious in battle,” or something softer, like “friend” or “teacher,” we’ve got you covered! Find the one that best suits your new male dog.

  • Aldo: Rich
  • Dante: Lasting
  • Elmo: Worthy to be loved
  • Enzo: Rules the house
  • Alberto: Nobel
  • Fabio: Bean grower
  • Gino: Famous
  • Ernesto: Serious
  • Giovanni: Gift from God
  • Guido: Guide
  • Leo: Lion
  • Luigi: Famous warrior
  • Matteo: Gift of God
  • Leonardo: Bold lion
  • Ilario: Cheerful
  • Lanza: Lancer
  • Paolo: Little
  • Marco: Warning
  • Rocco: Rest
  • Sergio: Attendant
  • Tito: Giant
  • Vito: The victor
  • Bruno: Brown-haired
  • Mario: Bitter
  • Alessandro: Defender of man
  • Carlo: Manly
  • Lupo: Wolf
  • Pelo: Fur
  • Toro: Bull
  • Zitto: Quiet
  • Bacio: Kiss
  • Arturo: Bear
  • Donatello: Gift
  • Ettore: Loyal
  • Flavio: Blend
  • Giuliano: Youthful
  • Piero: Rock
  • Primo: Firstborn
  • Ugo: Intelligent
  • Valentino: Brave
  • Gabbana: Creative man
  • Aio: Teacher
  • Amico: Friend
  • Bravo: Good boy
  • Dolce: Sweet
  • Faro: Lighthouse
  • Piccolo: Small
  • Bambino: Child
  • Bellissimo: Very beautiful
  • Cane: Dog
  • Polpetto: Meatball
  • Sorriso: Smile
  • Tesoro: Treasure, darling
  • Alfredo: Good counselor
  • Este: Originates from the east
  • Giorgio: Farmer
  • Orlando: Heroic
  • Roberto: Fame
  • Romeo: Pilgrim from Rome
  • Brando: Brilliant raven
  • Cesare: Longhair
  • Davide: Beloved
  • Geronimo: Sacred
  • Baffi: Mustache
  • Budino: A sweet Italian dish
  • Cannoli: Delicious Italian pastries
  • Ceasar: Roman General and leader
  • Egidio: Squire
  • Gelato: Italian ice cream
  • Guiseppe: He shall add
  • Cucciolo: Puppy, cub, or baby animal
  • Espresso: Concentrated coffee drink
  • Ignazio: Fiery
  • Topolino: Little mouse
  • Como: A lake
  • Grazie: Thank you
  • John Paul: Pope
  • Marco Polo: Venetian merchant
  • Nero: Emperor of the Julio-Claudian Dynasty
  • Pasquale: Born of Passover
  • Raphael: An Italian painter and architect
  • Ricardo: Firm ruler
  • Prosecco: An Italian white wine
  • Ruggero: Famous spear
  • Vino: Wine
  • Renzo: Laurel
  • Dario: Wealthy
  • Ferro: Iron
  • Rinaldo: Wise and powerful
  • Demetrio: Loves the earth
  • Fulvio: Yellow
  • Gregario: Watchful
  • Nevio: Spotted
  • Gustavo: Meditation staff
  • Pino: Pinetree
  • Savio: Clever
  • Stefano: Crown
  • Taddeo: Courageous
  • Ambrosi: Immortal
  • Anastagio: Divine
  • Armanno: Soldier
  • Aroghetto: Rules the estate
  • Bernardo: Brave as a bear
  • Michelangelo: Angel
  • Pio: Pious
  • Santo: Sacred; saint
  • Tino: Small
  • Alto: Tall
  • Pippino: He adds
  • Romano: From Rome
  • Tommaso: Twin
  • Cario: Caring
  • Massimo: Great
  • Angelo: Angel
  • Dino: Little sword
  • Gavino: White hawk
  • Marcello: Young warrior
  • Marquise: A noble ranking
  • Franco: French
  • Luciano: Light
  • Fiorello: Tiny flower
  • Enrico: King
  • Colombo: Dove
  • Caro: Dear
  • Antonio: Beyond praise
  • Matador: Bull tamer
  • Vespa: Wasp; hornet
  • Abramo: Father of a multitude
  • Arnaldo: Eagle
  • Arrigo: Rules the estate
  • Constantin: Firm
  • Corrado: Bold; sage counselor
  • Cristoforo: Christ bearer
  • Adriano: From Seaport of Adria
  • Apollo: Sun God
  • Benito: Blessed
  • Cicero: Pea, chickpea, or lentil
  • Giove: Jupiter
  • Drago: Dragon
  • Elio: Sun, sunlight, and sunshine
  • Pluto: Dwarf planet
  • Nano: Dwarf runt
  • Salvatore: Savior
  • Vincenzo: Win or to conquer
  • Federico: Peaceful ruler
  • Pietro: Rock
  • Nicolo: Victorious; conqueror of the people
  • Emilio: To strive, excel, or rival

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Italian Female Dog Names

portuguese water dog in the forest
Image By: Brook Robinson, Shutterstock

Naming your new girl dog can be quite a challenge. You want something that reflects her personality but also something that sounds good. Our list of Italian female dog names will help you find the perfect one! Whether it’s a name that means “flower,” “beauty,” or “powerful warrior,” you’ll be able to select the best one for your new female dog.

  • Dolce: Sweet
  • Carina: Beloved one
  • Amore: Love
  • Bella: Beautiful
  • Benedetta: Blessed
  • Leonora: Light
  • Angela: Angel
  • Frita: Beautiful; beloved
  • Matilde: Powerful in battle
  • Amalea: Hard-working
  • Zaza: Belonging to all
  • Marta: Lady
  • Violet: Flower
  • Bianca: White
  • Simona: One who hears
  • Belladonna: Beautiful lady
  • Aletta: Winged
  • Nicola: People’s victory
  • Pippa: Lover of horses
  • Sara: Princess
  • Renata: Rebirth
  • Maria: Bitter; sea of sorrow
  • Constanza: Constant
  • Serena: Serene; tranquil
  • Perla: Pearl
  • Beatricia: Blesses
  • Ludovica: Famous in war
  • Sofia: Wisdom
  • Rosalie: Rose
  • Cameo: Sculptured jewel
  • Paola: Small
  • Carmela: Garden
  • Mona: Lady
  • Gaia: Earth
  • Ramona: Protecting hands; protector
  • Antonia: Priceless
  • Valeria: Valor; strength
  • Aria: air; song or melody
  • Mia: Wished for child
  • Ilaria: Cheerful; happy
  • Guiliana: Youthful
  • Cadenza: Rhythmic
  • Alessia: Defender
  • Verdette: Guardian
  • Nives: Be as white as snow
  • Iniga: Fiery
  • Nocciolina: Peanut
  • Ghita: Pearl
  • Esta: From the east
  • Bambi: Child
  • Caprice: Fanciful
  • Leola: Lion
  • Liliana: Lily
  • Alonza: Battle-ready
  • Aida: Happy
  • Florence: City in Italy
  • Madonna: My lady
  • Giovanna: Gift from God
  • Regina: Queen
  • Roma: From Rome
  • Rosetta: Little rose
  • Elda: Warrior
  • Olivia: Olive
  • Mercedes: Merciful
  • Elisabetta: God of plenty
  • Belinda: Serpentine
  • Greta: Pearl
  • Bruna: Dark-haired
  • Octavia: Born eight
  • Celia: Heaven
  • Flavia: Blond
  • Vittoria: Victory
  • Lunetta: Little moon
  • Carlotta: Strong
  • Agata: Kind
  • Stella: Star
  • Silvana: Forest
  • Grazia: Grace
  • Fausta: Lucky
  • Elena: Light
  • Cira: The sun
  • Clariss: Clear
  • Natala: Born at Christmas
  • Valentina: Brave
  • Contessa: Royalty
  • Allegra: Joyful
  • Ginerva: Fair one; white shadow
  • Aurora: Luminous; dazzling
  • Cara: Beloved friend
  • Rufina: Red-haired
  • Virginia: Pure
  • Pia: Pious
  • Gemma: Jewel
  • Emma: Whole or universal
  • Catarina: Pure
  • Audria: Love
  • Agnella: Pure
  • Adriana: Dark
  • Adelina: Nobility
  • Emilia: Rival
  • Rachelle: Lamb
  • Federica: Peaceful ruler
  • Camila: Young; virginal
  • Pietra: Rock
  • Trista: Sad
  • Isabella: Consecrated to God
  • Martina: Mars
  • Margherita: Daisy
  • Miriam: Princess or lady
  • Francesca: Free one
  • Laura: Satisfactory; sufficient
  • Teresa: Harvester
  • Fortuna: Fortune; fortunate
  • Olympia: From Olympus
  • Viviana: Alive
  • Anita: Grace
  • Irene: Peace
  • Donatella: Given by God
  • Giorgia: Feminine form of George
  • Chiara: Light; clear
  • Gabriella: God-given strength
  • Baptiste: After John the Baptist
  • Volante: Flying
  • Cerelia: Fertile
  • Dona: Lady
  • Nicia: People’s victory
  • Alessandra: Defender of human
  • Piapious: Female
  • Abriana: Feminine form of Abraham
  • Bria: Liveliness, animated, or vigorous
  • Eleonora: Shining light
  • Elisa: God is my oath
  • Gia: God’s gracious gift
  • Giada: Jade
  • Ilina: My God is Yahweh
  • Mirabella: Wonderous beauty
  • Noemi: Pleasantness
  • Sienna: Orange; red; name of an Italian city
  • Zeta: Born last
  • Alicia: Noble one
  • Anna: Beautiful grace
  • Arianna: Chaste or holy
  • Asia: Sunrise or east
  • Verona: Truth
  • Melissa: Bee
  • Rebecca: Join or tie together
  • Mariella: Sea of bitterness
  • Vita: Life
  • Devina: Beloved; divine; heavenly

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How to Name Your Dog

You’ve already decided that you want to give your dog an Italian name. But if after seeing our list, you still can’t decide, how can you choose a name for your dog? For starters, there’s no pressure to name your dog right away. You can spend a few days learning their personality and then see if you can find a name that fits.

But if you still can’t decide or want a name much faster, write down a few of your favorites and draw them out of a hat or put them into an online name generator. Or, create a poll on your social media accounts and let your friends and family vote on which name they like best.

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The name that you give your dog will last forever, so we understand that it’s a big decision! Italian dog names are beautiful, meaningful, and fun to say. Your pup deserves a name as special as they are, and with the names on this list, you can give them a name that goes far beyond “Spot” and “Rover.” If you haven’t found the perfect name, we hope that our list gave you a few ideas! Calling out one of these meaningful and unique Italian dog names will let you and your dog stand out everywhere you go.

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