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8 Things to Do When a Neighbor’s Dog Won’t Stop Barking

Written by: Kathryn Copeland

Last Updated on April 13, 2024 by Dogster Team

Brown and white dog barking

8 Things to Do When a Neighbor’s Dog Won’t Stop Barking

No matter how much you love dogs, it can be hard to love your neighbor’s dog when they bark at all hours! These circumstances can lead to lost sleep and a stressed-out household, especially if you have a family and a dog yourself!

So, what is the best way to deal with this issue? We have a few tips here that should hopefully lead to a quieter neighborhood.

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The 8 Things You Can Do When The Neighbor’s Dog Won’t Stop Barking

1.  Document the Barking

The first thing that you should do is try to gauge when and why the dog is barking. This can prove helpful when you approach your neighbor, but it’s also a way to document the barking if you need to contact the authorities.

It can also help if you can determine why the dog is barking. Is the dog barking incessantly at people on the sidewalk, or do you believe that they are bored? Does the dog bark only at specific times on specific days?

For example, are they barking every afternoon at the postal worker or every Wednesday morning at the garbage truck? When it’s time to approach your neighbor, you can bring your records, which can help the owner get a fuller understanding of what’s going on when they’re away. After all, how can you stop a dog from barking if you don’t know what’s causing it in the first place?

2.  Speak to Your Neighbor

The next thing that you need to do is have a conversation with your neighbor. This could potentially solve the situation immediately if your neighbor is agreeable. But be sure to go there with an open mind. If you’re feeling aggravated or frustrated in any way, wait until you’re in a better mood.

Don’t start by leaving notes or calling animal control. Even if you don’t know your neighbor well, speak to them calmly and in a friendly manner about how the barking is affecting you and your family.

Also, don’t assume that they are bad dog owners. Just talk to them without any expectations, and this could easily rectify the situation.

Angry dog barking at something or someone
Image By: alexei_tm, Shutterstock

3.  Offer Advice

If your neighbor is receptive to your issues with the barking but isn’t sure how to proceed, you can offer advice. It’s possible that they aren’t aware that their dog is barking all day while they’re at work, or perhaps they know about the problem but are struggling to deal with it.

If the dog seems bored and is left alone all day, you could offer to walk the dog and check on them throughout the day if you have the time.

Otherwise, give the owner suggestions like treat puzzles and good chew toys to keep their dog occupied. You can give your neighbor many resources to help them manage the excessive barking.

4.  Ask for an Introduction

If you suspect that you’re the reason for all the barking, ask your neighbor if you can meet their dog. It might be that you’re a stranger to the dog, and they’re protecting their territory.

If the dog gets to know you, they may be less likely to bark at you in the future.

Brown dog barking in the trees
Image By: 12019, Pixabay

5.  Go on a Playdate

If you also have a dog, ask if you can bring your dog over or have your neighbor’s dog come to your yard for a playdate.

This will give the neighbor’s dog the opportunity to socialize and expend any pent-up energy. They will also get to know your place and family through sight and sound, which might help reduce the barking.

6.  Put Up Barriers

If you haven’t been able to speak to your neighbor or they’ve been less than helpful, you can take a few steps to try to stop the barking before resorting to more extreme measures.

If the dog seems to bark when you’re in your yard, consider putting up a privacy screen on your deck or add in a fence or a few bushes. If the dog can’t see you, they might stop barking.

Some people might want to try soundproofing their room if they are being woken up by the barking.

7.  Try Out a Dog Whistle

A dog whistle can be an effective way to quietly train the dog to stop barking. If you’re on good terms with your neighbor, talk to them about it first.

Every time the dog starts barking, blow the whistle. This will interrupt the barking because they won’t like the sound. After repeating this diligently every time the barking starts, the dog will start to ease off.

Not every dog will respond to the whistle, but it might still be worth a try, particularly if nothing else has worked.

8.  Make a Complaint

If you’re in the unfortunate position of having a problematic neighbor who isn’t taking your concerns seriously, this is when you might need to make things official.

First, you might need to consider calling the ASPCA or the police if you suspect that your neighbor is neglecting and abusing their dog. Otherwise, you can speak to your landlord, homeowners association, building manager, or city officials.

This is where your recordings of the dog’s barking sessions can come in handy. Also, try recording a few of the incidents of the dog with your phone to help back up your written records.

Speak to your neighbors, and ask them to file complaints if the barking is bothering them too.

You’ll likely need to file an official complaint with Animal Control. It may issue a citation to your neighbor, who is more likely to deal with the barking issue rather than face hefty fines.

Australian shepherd dog with mouth open vocalizing and barking
Image By: Ryan Brix, Shutterstock

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Why Do Dogs Bark Too Much?

There are several reasons that some dogs bark excessively. This is one way that they can communicate what they want and how they feel.

Dogs bark because they feel territorial or protective, to get attention, as an alert, or because they are bored, frustrated, or stressed.

1. Territorial Aggression

Some breeds are more territorial than others. Whether they are inside or in the yard, they will bark as a means to warn off any intruders, even postal workers or someone just innocently walking by the house.

2. Frustration

If there’s a great deal of activity happening outside, some dogs might bark out of frustration for being left out. This type of barking can also be a stress reaction to the noise and activity.

 3. Boredom

This is common if the dog is left alone for too long, particularly without any means of entertaining themselves. It can lead to compulsive behaviors that include excessive barking.



Some dogs just gotta bark. There’s no sense in getting angry at the dog, as it ultimately comes down to the owner. In the long run, though, the dog is likely bored or reacting to outside stimuli.

Just keep everything friendly, and if you determine why the dog is barking, you can bring this information to the neighbor’s attention, and things should resolve themselves after that.

At the end of the day, you might have new friends: your neighbor and their dog!

Featured Image Credit: salsa, Pixabay

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