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How Much Does an Akita Bark? History, Facts & FAQ

Written by: Ed Malaker

Last Updated on April 5, 2024 by Dogster Team

white akita dog barking and lying on the grass

How Much Does an Akita Bark? History, Facts & FAQ

The Akita is a muscular dog from Japan that is a popular choice for protection, and their attractive appearance makes them a great show dog. Many people considering this breed worry about how much they bark. Fortunately, they don’t bark much and are good for apartments or areas with many neighbors. Keep reading as we discuss this breed’s barking tendencies and provide additional information that will help you decide if this wonderful animal is right for your family.

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The Akita Breed

Akita dogs are large,1 powerful canines originating from Japan. Breeders created them for hunting, guarding, and protecting families, and they are also known for their intelligence, independence, and reserved nature. They are large, often standing 24–28 inches tall and weighing as much as 130 pounds. Their coat can come in many colors, including fawn, white, black, and red. They have a large head and an upright, curled-over tail, making them easy to identify. They are highly protective yet bark very little, with many owners referring to them as silent hunters. However, they will bark when needed and the sound is loud and intimidating.

happy akita inu dog resting at the park
Image Credit: Kristina Chizhmar, Shutterstock

When Do Akitas Bark?

Alert Barking

Akitas are instinctively protective and will bark to alert their owners of potential threats or intruders. This bark is often deep and authoritative, intended to convey a sense of danger.

Territorial Barking

Akitas are known for their strong territorial instincts and may bark when strangers or other animals invade their territory. A show of dominance usually accompanies this bark and can be prolonged if the perceived threat persists.

Anxiety or Fear Barking

Akitas can bark in unfamiliar environments or stressful situations if they are anxious or scared. This bark may have a higher pitch and be more rapid. Other signs of distress can also accompany it.

akita inu puppy is barking in the winter park
Image Credit: Tikhomirov Sergey, Shutterstock

Attention-Seeking Barking

Akitas are intelligent dogs and may resort to barking to gain attention or to communicate their needs. This bark may accompany other behaviors like pawing at their owners or nudging.

Boredom or Loneliness Barking

Akitas are social animals and require plenty of mental and physical stimulation. They may resort to barking out of boredom or loneliness when left alone for too long without adequate exercise or interaction.


Frequently Asked Questions

Are Akitas Hypoallergenic?

Unfortunately, the Akita is not hypoallergenic. They have a thick and dense coat that sheds throughout the year, especially in spring and fall.

Are Akitas Good for First-Time Owners?

Akitas can be stubborn and difficult to train, and they need a great deal of exercise to stay healthy and happy, so they may not be ideal for first-time pet owners. However, if you have access to professional trainers and groomers and a large family that can help you out, the Akita can make a good pet.

white akita inu
Image Credit: Happy Monkey, Shutterstock

Can Akitas Be Alone for Long Periods?

The Akita is an independent and intelligent dog that likely won’t mind being home alone while you go to work. However, if you are gone too long, they might suffer from separation anxiety and misbehave. Always ensure that they have plenty of food, water, and toys to play with before you leave.

What Is the Akita’s Tolerance to Hot and Cold Weather?

You Akita will likely be at home in cold weather, and they love running and playing in the snow. However, they have less of a tolerance for warm temperatures and will need plenty of access to shade and water during the summer months.

Do Akitas Drool?

Most of these dogs are light to moderate droolers, so your Akita shouldn’t make a big mess out of your home.



Akita dogs usually bark very little, causing many people to refer to them as silent hunters. However, they do bark when they have something to convey, and many people describe it as loud and intimidating. Reasons that they might bark include warning you of a possible intruder, warning strangers and other animals to stay away, attention seeking, and being bored. Ensuring that your pet gets plenty of exercise and mental stimulation will help reduce barking even more, making them suitable for apartments and city life if necessary.

Featured Image Credit: Fernando Tanji, Shutterstock

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