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21 Pet Ownership Statistics by State to Know: 2024 Update

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 7, 2024 by Dogster Team

US States Pet Ownership Facts and Statistics

21 Pet Ownership Statistics by State to Know: 2024 Update

Note: This article’s statistics come from third-party sources and do not represent the opinions of this website.

There are hundreds of millions of pets in the US with dogs being the most popular and the most populous type. There are approximately 80 million dogs alone, compared to 60 million cats, and although pet ownership does vary from state to state, generation to generation, and family to family, dogs and cats are the most popular pet animals in all states. Even the most popular breeds of dog are very similar in different areas, with Golden Labradors, Retrievers, and German Shepherds, generally being the most popular.

However, there are some anomalous states, as well as some states that have unique laws and ownership figures worth looking at. For example, it’s illegal to keep gerbils as pets in California, and, in a handful of states, more households own cats than those that own dogs.

Read on for 21 statistics regarding pet ownership across the US.

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The 21 Pet Ownership Statistics by State

  1. 66% of US households own at least one pet.
  2. Almost half of all US households own dogs.
  3. A third of US households own cats.
  4. 58% of Texan households own at least one pet.
  5. Labradors, German Shepherds, and Bulldogs are the preferred dog breeds in Texas.
  6. Depending on where in California you live, you may only be allowed a maximum of three or four dogs.
  7. Labradors, French Bulldogs, and German Shepherds are the most popular dog breeds in California.
  8. Californian dog owners are the most likely to buy their dogs restaurant food or drink.
  9. In California it is illegal to keep ferrets and gerbils as pets.
  10. It is illegal to keep hedgehogs as pets in California, Georgia, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, and New York.
  11. More households in Connecticut own cats than dogs.
  12. The Turkish Angora is the most popular cat breed in Connecticut.
  13. Vermont has the highest cat ownership rates, with 45% of households owning at least one cat.
  14. The American Shorthair is the most popular cat breed in Vermont.
  15. Wyoming has the highest pet ownership rate, followed by West Virginia and Nebraska.
  16. The Savannah is the most popular cat breed in Wyoming.
  17. DC has the lowest pet ownership rate, followed by Rhode Island and South Dakota.
  18. In Montana and Arkansas, 52% of households own a dog.
  19. Less than a quarter of households in Massachusetts own a dog.
  20. Just 16.7% of households in Rhode Island own cats.
  21. More than half of New Yorkers spend more money pampering their dogs than themselves.
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General Pet Ownership

1. 66% of US households own at least one pet.

(Forbes 1)

Pets can provide companionship, are considered a member of the family rather than a possession, and can even help with both physical and mental health. Providing a dog with daily exercise is an effective way of ensuring that owners also increase their own activity levels. And having to care for a cat, while also enjoying the company one provides, can reduce stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression. Approximately two-thirds of all households in the US clearly understand these benefits and own at least one pet.

Pet owner with Pit Bull puppy
Image Credit: dogboxstudio, Shutterstock

2. Almost half of all US households own dogs.

(Spend Me Not)

Dogs are generally considered higher maintenance than other pets. They can be demanding of their owner’s time and attention, need regular exercise, and generally need ongoing socialization and training to ensure that they behave the way owners want them to. However, this doesn’t put owners off as almost 50% of US households own at least one dog, making it the most common pet species in the country.

3. A third of US households own cats.

(Spend Me Not)

Cats might be more aloof and independent than dogs, but some owners prefer this kind of relationship with their animals. Cats do still need feeding and need access to fresh water, and while they might not need regular walks like dogs do, they do still need physical exercise and mental stimulation to thrive. Approximately a third of US households own at least one cat, but many cat owners do have multiple cats.

woman owner petting and playing with her cat at home
Image Credit: Stokkete, Shutterstock

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4. 58% of Texan households own at least one pet.


Although it doesn’t have the highest pet ownership rate, Texas does have a reasonable rate of pet ownership with 58% of households owning pets. This not only includes cats and dogs but other pets. Rabbits, birds, and fish are among some of the other popular types of pets, while small caged animals are popular because they don’t need to be walked and can be kept even in small apartments.

Exotic pets like lizards and snakes are also becoming increasingly popular, although some states do have laws prohibiting the ownership of certain species, especially venomous or endangered species.

5. Labradors, German Shepherds, and Bulldogs are the preferred dog breeds in Texas.

(Reader’s Digest)

Labradors and German Shepherds are two of the most popular dog breeds in the US and the world, and they feature high in the ranking of most popular dog breeds in most states. They are the two most popular breeds in Texas, with the Bulldog coming in third. Although the Bulldog has a grumpy expression, it is a friendly breed. It can suffer breathing difficulties, however, as a result of its brachycephalic face shape. Its stocky build means that even though it is a short dog breed, the Bulldog can weigh as much as 50 pounds.

young man holding labrador dog
Image Credit: Maksym Azovtsev, Shutterstock

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6. Depending on where in California you live, you may only be allowed a maximum of three or four dogs.

(Get Jerry)

Although it does depend on exactly where in California you live, most municipalities have a limit of three or four dogs kept as pets on one property. It is possible to get a kennel permit to keep more than this, but this is generally reserved for professionals and businesses. The state also has limits on the number of cats that a person can own, and you may need a permit if you want to keep more than 10 felines.

7. Labradors, French Bulldogs, and German Shepherds are the most popular dog breeds in California.

(Reader’s Digest) (AKC)

Like Texas, California’s three most popular dog breeds include Labradors and German Shepherds. Like Texas, the remaining spot is taken up by a Bulldog breed, but this time it’s the diminutive French Bulldog. The French Bulldog has recently usurped the Labrador as the most popular breed in the US In 2012, the French Bulldog was only the 14th most popular breed in the country so its popularity has risen sharply in the past decade thanks to its playful and loyal nature.

german shepherd dog resting his head on his owner doing training
Image Credit: Natalliaskn, Shutterstock

8. Californian dog owners are the most likely to buy their dogs restaurant food or drinks.

(Forbes 2)

California may not have the highest pet ownership figures, but those that do own pets in the state are the most likely to pamper their pets by buying them special food and drink orders at restaurants and other venues.

9. In California it is illegal to keep ferrets and gerbils as pets.

(California Department of Fish and Wildlife)

California has a climate that is similar to the desert climate of some common pet animals. Because state authorities are concerned that escaped or released pets would successfully establish colonies in the habitat, they have made it illegal to own ferrets and gerbils, to protect local and indigenous populations.

Young ferret trying to bite breeders hand
Image Credit: Julie Gaia, Shutterstock

10. It is illegal to keep hedgehogs as pets in California, Georgia, Hawaii, Pennsylvania, and New York.

(World Population Review 1)

Similarly, it is also illegal to keep pet hedgehogs in California. Again, there is concern that released hedgehogs would become a pest in the local area.

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11. More households in Connecticut own cats than dogs.


In the vast majority of states, there are more dog households than cat households. However, in Connecticut, where 50% of households own at least one pet, 27% own a cat compared to just 24% that own a dog. The other states where there are more canine households than feline households are Idaho, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont.

woman touching her turkish angora cat
Image Credit: Oleksandr Schevchuk, Shutterstock

12. The Turkish Angora is the most popular cat breed in Connecticut.

(Shane Co)

Although it tends to be the same breeds of dogs that are popular in most states, different states tend to prefer different cat breeds. In Connecticut, it is the Turkish Angora that is the most popular cat. The Turkish Angora is intelligent, sociable, and friendly. It doesn’t tend to be a vocal breed, but Turkish Angoras usually love water.

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13. Vermont has the highest cat ownership rates, with 45% of households owning at least one cat.

(Statista 1)

Vermont has the highest rate of cat ownership with 45% of households owning at least one cat. Cats are more popular than dogs in the state, with just 28% of households owning pups. The prospect of having to regularly walk a dog in the harsh winter months could be part of the reason that dogs are less popular.

gray Maine Coon cat in the hands of the owner
Image Credit: glebantiy, Shutterstock

14. The American Shorthair is the most popular cat breed in Vermont.

(Shane Co)

Vermont is home to two wild large cat breeds, the Eastern Bobcat and the Canada Lynx. The American Shorthair is the most popular domestic feline in the state. American Shorthairs are muscular cats that were first brought to the US by settlers that used them to protect the food on their ships.

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15. Wyoming has the highest pet ownership rate, followed by West Virginia and Nebraska.

(World Population Review 2)

Wyoming is the state with the highest pet ownership rate of any state. An impressive 72% of households in The Equality State own a pet of some sort. 36% of households own a dog while 30% own at least one cat.

woman with parakeet
Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock

16. The Savannah is the most popular cat breed in Wyoming.

(Shane Co)

The Savannah Cat is a hybrid breed that was developed in the 20th Century and crossed the serval with domestic cats. The modern breed is loving with family and loves to get outdoors for adventure. If you keep one as an indoor cat, you will have to find ways to ensure that your Savannah is getting enough regular exercise to stay fit and healthy.

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Other States

17. DC has the lowest pet ownership rate, followed by Rhode Island and South Dakota.

(World Population Review 2)

While Wyoming has the highest pet ownership rate, Rhode Island and South Dakota have the lowest rates with just 45% and 46% respectively. DC actually has a lower rate than both of these, though, and just 38% of households have one or more pets.

a female owner holding her pet turtle
Image Credit: Ivan Smuk, Shutterstock

18. In Montana and Arkansas, 52% of households own a dog.

(Statista 2)

Montana and Arkansas have some of the highest dog ownership rates of all the states. More than half of all households own at least one dog, cats are not as popular in these states with 23% and 35% ownership rates respectively.

19. Less than a quarter of households in Massachusetts own a dog.


Massachusetts has the lowest ratio of dog-owning households in the country. Just 24% or less than one-quarter of households own a dog. They have a similarly low rate of cat ownership, too, with around a quarter of households keeping one or more feline companions.

St. Bernard dog with owner in the park
Image Credit: SasaStock, Shutterstock

20. Just 16.7% of households in Rhode Island own cats.


While Massachusetts has a low cat ownership rate, and the lowest dog ownership of any state, it is Rhode Island that has the lowest number of cat owners. Just 16.7% or around 1 in 6 families share their homes with cats.

21. More than half of New Yorkers spend more money pampering their dogs than themselves.

(Forbes 2)

Apartment living is common in New York, which can prohibit a lot of people from owning dogs. But those that do, spend some serious money on their canine companions. More than half of dog-owning New York residents spend more money pampering their pooches than they spend on themselves.

Image Credit: Pixel-Shot, Shutterstock

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Frequently Asked Questions About Pet Ownership

How Many Dogs Are There in the US?

As there is no census of dogs and dogs do not generally have to be registered, it is impossible to give an exact number of dogs in the country. However, the American Veterinary Medical Association estimates that there were 77 million dogs in the US in 2018, and this number is likely to have risen well above the 80 million mark since the pandemic. (AVMA)

How Many Cats Are There in the US?

Similarly, there is no register of cats, but the AVMA said that there were 58 million cats in 2018, so it is likely that the US has a cat population of at least 60 to 65 million today. (AVMA)

Girl and woman owners holding-cats-in shelter to adopt
Image Credit: BearFotos, Shutterstock

How Big Is the Pet Market in the US?

The pet market in the US is worth nearly $140 billion a year. Pet food and treats account for the biggest spend, totaling nearly $60 billion. The second biggest expenditure is on vet bills and healthcare, with costs of over $35 billion. (American Pet Products Association)

What Is the Most Popular Dog Breed?

In the US nearly 200 dog breeds have been ranked by the American Kennel Club according to total numbers of registrations. Although the Labrador Retriever has held the top spot as the most popular breed for more than 30 years, the French Bulldog has supplanted it at the top of the table and is now the most popular breed in the country. (AKC)

What Is the Most Popular Cat Breed?

The French Bulldog has, this year, caused an upset in the dog breed rankings, but the top dog breed list remains quite predictable. Labradors, Retrievers, German Shepherds, and now French Bulldogs are always at or near the top of the list. With cat breeds, it is a little more difficult to predict. However, the loving Ragdoll is the country’s most popular feline, with the massive Maine Coon coming in 2nd and the relatively low-maintenance Exotic in third place. (The Cat Fanciers’ Association)

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The US is a nation of pet lovers, and the close bond between Americans and their pets only grew between 2020 and 2022. Today, two-thirds of households across the nation own at least one pet, with dogs being the most popular and having the highest population of pet types. Cats are the second most popular, with rabbits, birds, and fish coming in behind.

Wyoming has the greatest affinity to animals with 72% of households owning a pet, but it is New Yorkers and Californians that are the most likely to pamper the pets they do have, spending more on their pets than on themselves and being the most likely to buy their pets special orders from eateries.

Featured Image Credit: Monika Wisniewska, Shutterstock

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