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How Much Does It Cost to Clone a Dog? Vet-Reviewed Facts & Cost

Written by: Ashley Bates

Last Updated on July 12, 2024 by Dogster Team

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How Much Does It Cost to Clone a Dog? Vet-Reviewed Facts & Cost


Dr. Paola Cuevas Photo


Dr. Paola Cuevas

Veterinarian, MVZ

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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We all know that we will have to say goodbye to our pets one day, and it never feels like our time together is long enough. It’s the dreaded thought at the back of every dog owner’s mind: the limited amount of time that we get with our pets. But what if there was a way to make your dog’s memory live on forever?

If you have considered cloning your beloved pup after they pass, you’ll need to know all the factors that influence the cost. The cost to clone a dog is $50,000. Below, we’ll explain precisely what cloning is, where you can get it done, and whether it’s in your budget.

divider-dog paw

What Is Cloning?

Cloning is the scientific process of collecting a somatic cell from a specimen and placing it into an empty egg.1 In layman’s terms, the DNA sample is extracted from the dog’s somatic cell that was given to the lab. Another dog’s egg has its nucleus removed, and the genetic information of the egg donor is lost. The somatic cell from the dog to be cloned is then inserted into the egg. Using an electrical current, the two cells are fused to form an embryo.

At that point, it is a waiting game to see if the embryo takes hold. If it does, it is then placed in the womb of a healthy surrogate female. The surrogate carries the pup to completion, giving birth naturally. So, it’s partially organic, as we can’t yet grow full bodies in a lab without a mother.

It can take quite a few tries for an embryo to take hold. The likelihood of a surviving clone is roughly 2% to 3%, which is why it usually requires creating so many fertilized eggs initially. Only a few of them will make it to the embryo stage and even fewer to the womb.

ViaGen Pets: The American Cloning Company

Cloning experiment procedure
Image Credit: TthisIsEngineering, Pexels

A company called ViaGen Pets in Texas is currently tackling the challenge of cloning people’s pets. This company reunites owners with an exact replica of their pets and also takes the lead in cloning animals other than dogs and cats.

Dogs cost $50,000 to clone. Cats are significantly less expensive to clone than dogs, costing a total of $35,000, which is a big difference.

ViaGen’s first successful cloning was of a Jack Russell Terrier named Nubia. She was born in 2012. There’s no evidence of her passing, which means that she would be over 12 years old today.

Initial Deposit

Before the cloning process takes place, ViaGen Pets requires a $25,000 deposit in advance. That is a lump sum all at once, and it doesn’t look like there’s any financing available. The website requests that you contact one of its associates for further guidance. During one of these conversations, payment options might be available depending on the circumstances. However, the company may have certain stipulations in place.

Final Deposit

The second installment of $25,000 is due once the cloning process is complete. The problem with cloning is that you never quite know when or if it will be successful. If you’re not a person who has $25,000 readily available at all times, it can pose a bit of a challenge.


stack of cash bills on white background
Image Credit: PublicDomainPictures, Pixabay


ViaGen says that it will refund if a clone is unsuccessful. It also offers other options, such as storing the DNA. If the service you’re paying for doesn’t produce fruitful results, it will take responsibility and ownership of these issues as they arise.

At this time, there does not appear to be any available discount when it comes to pet cloning.


Additional Factors to Consider

Since cloning is incredibly expensive, it can be challenging to pay for, and there is always a chance that the cloning process will not be successful. For instance, reproduction through cloning is never 100%. If you have a failed cloning or the sample is no good, that can put a major damper on your hopes with the process.

There are also ethical and moral implications about cloning that you might not have considered. Perhaps you’re the kind of person who doesn’t fully understand cloning, and your expectations might be unrealistic.

scientist working at a laboratory
Image Credit: Alexander Raths, Shutterstock

Personality Differences

Your clone pet will not have the same personality as your previous pet. This is a common misconception. The dog you get will indeed be the exact carbon copy of your previous dog. However, their personality could be like night and day.

For instance, your dog might have been hyper, active, or protective, but this new dog could be docile and timid. There’s no sure-fire way to know precisely what you’ll get. Think of it as having an identical twin rather than a total mind transfer.

If you get a dog under the pretense that they will be exactly like their old self or have any of the same memories, you will be sadly mistaken or let down. Make sure to ask any questions you have about personality or characteristics before opting for the service.

Ethical Concerns

Some would argue that you’re playing with nature when it comes to cloning. You are taking an organic process and making it lab-created, essentially changing the life form entirely. So, there are several questions as to the ethics involved in cloning.

Successful Embryo

It takes so many attempts most of the time to get a successful embryo. Even after the successful embryos are implanted, the pregnancies don’t always reach full term. There is a chance that the DNA sample that you give to the lab won’t take. They might not get any good somatic cells out of the sample, creating the dilemma of not replicating the genetic structure. If that happens, it’s going to be a massive letdown for you.

You must consider whether you want to experience the financial and emotional impact if the process doesn’t work. Cloning doesn’t always work out as planned, and it’s still a relatively new science.

research scientist testing rats in a laboratory
Image Credit: Gorodenkoff, Shutterstock

Financial Burden

Since this is such a huge financial burden, is the reality of having a look-alike around your household going to soothe your grieving when it comes to your original pet? If not, you could pay all the money in the world and never be satisfied with the result.

This is an emotional choice. We love our pets more than anything in the world, and we can never copy them, no matter how identical the DNA structure is. You have to consider whether it would be worth it to you in the long run.

Everyone is different and responds to grief in various ways. So, ultimately, the decision is yours.


Timeline of DNA Transfer

an adorable puppy sitting on its owner's lap
Image Credit: Amina Filkins, Pexels

Since DNA starts to deteriorate quickly upon death, it is crucial to get a DNA sample as quickly as possible. ViaGen Pets can preserve your pet’s DNA long before they ever pass. However, there is a fee for the service. You can find out more information about DNA storage here.

Otherwise, it is a gamble on whether you can get the DNA sample in time. It won’t be until the laboratory specialist starts to break down the DNA that they will see if it is viable and able to work in cloning. This can be an incredibly lengthy process.

If you are genuinely interested in cloning services, we recommend asking a professional at the facility.


Final Thoughts

The likelihood of the average pet owner being able to clone their pet is incredibly low. But with science advancing all the time, it might become a commonplace practice in the future. However, there are arguments against the effectiveness of cloning.

In any case, now you know that the only active cloning company in the United States, ViaGen Pets, will clone your dog for $50,000 and even preserve your dog’s DNA before they pass. Does cloning seem like the right fit for you?

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Featured Image Credit: ElfinFox, Pixabay

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