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Are Dogs Allowed on Greyhound Buses? (Updated in 2024)

Written by: Patricia Dickson

Last Updated on May 21, 2024 by Dogster Team

Beautiful young woman standing in city bus with her pug

Are Dogs Allowed on Greyhound Buses? (Updated in 2024)

Even though the Greyhound Bus is named after a dog, dogs are not allowed on the buses. While traveling by bus is the perfect way to get from point A to point B and a great way to see the sights, it won’t be on a Greyhound if you want to take your pet along for the ride as Greyhound does not allow dogs, other than service dogs. So, what’s Greyhound’s policy on pets? Are no pets allowed at all? We’ll answer these questions and more below, so grab your duffle bag and come along for the ride.


What Is Greyhound’s Pet Policy?

Greyhound is strict about the dogs it allows onboard its buses. No animals are allowed unless they’re service dogs. Also, pets are prohibited in the cabins, with other travelers, or in the storage compartments below the bus.

What Is Considered to Be a Service Dog?

Greyhound only allows service animals on their buses. A service dog is classified as a dog that is trained to perform tasks or work with a person who is disabled in some way. Under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), businesses like Greyhound can ask two questions to confirm service dog status:

  • Is the dog a service animal that is needed for a disability?
  • What specific task is the dog trained for?

For the service dog to be allowed on the bus, it must be able to perform a specific task for the accompanying owner and be well-behaved and trained. If the dog is out of control or not housebroken, the pet parent and the dog will be asked to leave the bus at the next scheduled stop.

Service dog giving assistance to disabled person on wheelchair
Image Credit:24K-Production, Shutterstock

What About Emotional Support Dogs?

Many stores and transportation services allow emotional support dogs in their locations and on their airplanes or trains. However, the ADA doesn’t recognize emotional support dogs as service dogs, so Greyhound doesn’t allow them on their buses.

Other Options for Traveling With Your Pet

If you have to take your pet with you when you travel, there are other options that allow you to take your pet along for the ride. Of course, one of them is driving, but that’s not always practical. We’ll give you the options we found and a little about them below.


Taking your dog with you by train is one option you could explore. While dogs are allowed on some trains, travelers must follow certain rules. For example, only two dogs are permitted per passenger for free, and additional dogs may require a surcharge. You’ll also need to keep your pet on a lead. It’s best to contact the train company you are considering to get their specific rules and requirements for dogs.


You may know that most airlines allow pets. However, before you plan your trip, you need to check with that specific airline about their rules and regulations. Airlines have size and weight restrictions, and some brachycephalic breeds, such as French Bulldogs and Pugs, are prohibited from traveling in the cargo area. In the cabins, only one pet is allowed, but some airlines allow you to travel with more than one pet if they’re secured in the cargo area.

Dog on an airplane
Image Credit: RyanTaylor, Shutterstock

PK paw divider

Wrap Up

Greyhound Buses only allow service dogs to ride on their buses. The ADA does not include emotional support dogs, so Greyhound doesn’t allow them to travel with their owners. Luckily, there are trains and planes that you can use that will enable you to travel with your furry friend. However, you need to contact the airline or train station to see their rules for traveling with a canine. The last thing you want is to show up with your pet in tow only to find you cannot board with your pet.

Featured Image Credit: hedgehog94, Shutterstock

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