Dr. Kelly DeBaene DVM MPH (Veterinarian)

Dr. DeBaene is a small animal veterinarian with over a decade of experience working in general practice and animal shelters in the Netherlands and in the USA. She holds a DVM and MPH from the University of Illinois and is board-certified with the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine. Kelly is a cat lover, One Health advocate and enjoys spending time with her family and her cat, Murray.

dalmatian dog barking outdoor

Deafness in Dalmatians: Why So Many Are Deaf (Vet Answer)

Dalmatians are well-known for their striking white and black appearance and their playful, loyal personalities. However, like many purebred dogs, Dalmatians suffer from specific health problems, including deafness. Up to 30% of Dalmatians worldwide are reported to be suffering from congenital deafness. Deafness, especially full bilateral deafness affecting both ears, can seriously impact a dog’s […]

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Activated Charcoal

Activated Charcoal in Dogs: Vet-Explained Uses & Potential Side Effects

Toxin ingestion in dogs is a common reason for an emergency trip to the veterinarian, which no one wants! Activated charcoal is a typical treatment veterinarians use to decontaminate the gastrointestinal tract and reduce a toxin’s impact on the entire body. Activated charcoal is often considered the “universal antidote” to many toxins that both humans

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Pomeranian dog and cat sitting on the carpet

Can Dogs Be Allergic to Cats? Our Vet Explains

Many people know someone who suffers from a cat allergy. Despite their uncomfortable symptoms, many allergic pet owners choose to still live with their feline companions. We often associate a cat allergy with humans, but many people will be surprised to learn that dogs can also be allergic to cats. While cat allergies are not

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welsh corgi pembroke dog after a knee surgery

Can a Dog Recover From a Torn ACL? Our Vet Answers

When a dog suddenly starts limping on one of their hind legs, it may have torn an important ligament in its knee called the ACL or anterior cruciate ligament. An ACL tear is among the most common reasons for hindlimb lameness and subsequent arthritis in dogs. Because this ligament plays an important role in stabilizing

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male veterinarian doctor holding a black puppy

Portosystemic Shunts in Dogs (PSS): Signs, Causes & Treatment (Vet Answer)

Portosystemic shunts are defects in the blood flow between the abdominal organs and the liver. Shunts are due to abnormal blood vessels, shunting blood into the systemic circulation and bypassing the liver and its metabolic processes. When blood does not flow normally to the liver, several health issues can result, including poor growth, weight loss,

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pug dog with red inflamed wounds on his face

What Is Canine Acne? Signs & Care Guide (Vet Answer)

Most people have experienced a pimple or two over the course of their lifetimes. But can our favorite canines experience the same thing? If you’ve ever noticed a red bump appear on your dog’s face, you likely were left wondering if dogs ever get acne too. Indeed, dogs can suffer from acne on their faces,

What Is Canine Acne? Signs & Care Guide (Vet Answer) Read More »

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