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Can Dogs Eat Scallions? Vet-Approved Facts!

Written by: Brooke Bundy

Last Updated on July 10, 2024 by Dogster Team

Can Dogs Eat Scallions

Can Dogs Eat Scallions? Vet-Approved Facts!


Dr. Lauren Demos  Photo


Dr. Lauren Demos

DVM (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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If your dog licks their lips as your vegetable stir-fry sizzles on the stove, you might wonder if it’s safe to slip them a bite. It might not seem dangerous to give them just a taste, but you should first make sure your dish doesn’t contain scallions, or green onions.

As members of the Allium family of plants, scallions are incredibly toxic to dogs and can be deadly in large amounts. While we don’t know exactly how many green onions it would take to harm a dog, you definitely don’t want to take any unnecessary risks, so we urge you to avoid giving your pet anything that could have this deadly ingredient.

divider-pawWhat Is a Scallion?

If you like to cook, you might be familiar with a scallion, or the stalk of a bulb-less onion. Scallions, or green onions, have a mild taste that resembles that of chives more than mature onions. They can be commonly found in Asian dishes, such as vegetable stir-fry, and multi-cultural savory pastries, such as quiches and biscuits. Therefore, it’s important to know the full list of ingredients in a dish before you feed it to your dog.

Onion Scallion
Image Credit: Barry Campbell, Pixabay

Why Are Scallions Dangerous?

Onions belong to the Allium family, a group of plants that produce bulbs and include leeks, garlic, and chives. All these plants are incredibly toxic to dogs and cats. They contain an oxidizing agent that can damage red blood cells, inducing anemia and even causing death at high doses. Concentrated Allium products like garlic powder and minced onion are much more toxic than a relatively mild scallion, but your dog should still avoid all these ingredients out of caution.

close up of a green onion
Image Credit: byrev, Pixabay

What to Do If Your Dog Eats a Scallion?

If your dog accidentally grabs hold of a scallion, you should definitely try to make them spit it out. Don’t panic if it’s already down their throats, but take note of how much you think they ingested, and call the vet. They may recommend that you induce vomiting. In low amounts, Allium plants are only likely to cause gastrointestinal upset, such as vomiting and diarrhea. However, red blood cell damage may occur if they eat a large amount.

Take your pet to the vet immediately if you notice signs of anemia or shock, such as:

  • Pale gums
  • Elevated heart rate
  • Respiratory distress
  • Lethargy
  • Red urine

Unfortunately, it takes a few days for the compounds in Allium plants to fully affect dogs. Your vet will likely need to monitor them with frequent blood tests for up to a week following ingestion. They will probably recommend dog-friendly charcoal tablets to absorb the toxins. In severe cases, your dog may need intravenous fluids or a blood transfusion to keep them hydrated and replace the red blood cells that were destroyed.

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All members of the Allium family, including scallions in all of their various parts and stages of life, are considered toxic to dogs and cats. Since green onions aren’t safe, you shouldn’t feed your dog anything that might contain them, such as commercially produced stir-fry or quiches. In addition to limiting what human foods they’re allowed to sample, you should also keep your canine from poking around in your flower garden, since many ornamental bulbs belong to the Allium family.

Featured Image Credit: Barry Campbell, Pixabay

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