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Buying Dog Food In Bulk: Benefits & Risks

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 25, 2024 by Dogster Team

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Buying Dog Food In Bulk: Benefits & Risks

According to statistics, the typical American dog owner spends an average of $1,380 annually on their dog’s basic expenses.1 While our pooches deserve the world, $1,380 is a lot.

As such, any avenue that allows us to save on pet care costs without compromising the quality of care is worth considering.

One of the best ways of saving on dog care costs is by buying dog food in bulk. However, many pet owners shy away from purchasing dog food en masse because of the fear that it will go bad. So is buying dog food in bulk a good idea? In general, yes it is! Here’s everything you need to know.

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How Long Does Dry Dog Food Last?

Like with human food, both wet and dry dog food can expire. Unfortunately, if your animal eats expired food, it might get ill, and in some cases, death may occur. Food can also go bad if it is not packaged properly or not stored in the right conditions.

When stored right, dry dog food should last between 12 and 18 months. Wet dog food has a longer lifespan that extends up to 2 years (before it is opened).

In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits and risks of buying dog food in bulk, helping you determine whether it is an option worth pursuing.

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Image Credit: Jaja Fekiacova, Shutterstock

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Top 4 Benefits of Buying Dog Food in Bulk

From cost savings to better food quality, many benefits come with purchasing in bulk. Here is a breakdown of all the advantages you can enjoy by going down this road.

1. Discounts

It should not come as a surprise that pet food vendors reward customers who purchase in bulk. It is worth noting that wholesalers do not pass this discount on to you out of the kindness of their hearts; rather, it is due to you eliminating the middleman.

Typically, you buy dog food from a retailer. However, when purchasing in bulk, you will likely be buying from a wholesaler. As a result, you will get the same benefits a retailer receives. Remember, the price you pay at a retailer is higher than that of a wholesaler since the retailer has to cover business overheads such as transportation costs, rent, electricity, employees’ salaries, etc.

2. Quality Assurance

Buying your pup’s food directly from the source allows you to talk to people who are knowledgeable about the product. That is because wholesalers, unlike retailers, deal with the manufacturer directly. As a result, they are better positioned to answer all the questions you might have about the product.

3. Feeding Multiple Pets

As mentioned, taking care of one dog costs an average of $1,380 per year. However, since dogs are pack animals, they do not do well alone. Consequently, you might have more than one. The costs of caring for multiple pets can leave a huge dent in your pocket.

Fortunately, by buying by the ton, the resulting cost savings can allow you to keep several dogs without feeling the pinch.

4. No More “Out of Stock”

How many times have you gone to buy your pup’s favorite food at the retailer, only to find it is out of stock? That can be frustrating, especially when it comes to senior dogs that tend to be finicky eaters.

When you purchase in bulk, the food lasts much longer. That means it might go out of stock and return to the shelves without you knowing. Moreover, most suppliers will be courteous enough to inform you in advance if they decide to stop stocking a particular food. That allows you plenty of time to introduce another recipe to your pup gradually.

  • Note: Vets advise against switching dog food types abruptly, as doing that can cause your doggo an upset tummy. Ensure you make any food change a gradual one.

What Are the Risks of Buying Dog Food in Bulk?

There is only one disadvantage to purchasing dog food en masse—it might go rancid before your pooch finishes eating it. How long does dry dog food last? It depends on several factors, including how you store it. However, give or take, it should last you up to 18 months.

Therefore, be reasonable about the amount of food you buy at once.

  • Determine proper dog food portions and ideal daily intake with our helpful calorie calculator here.

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Is it advisable to buy pet food in bulk? Absolutely. Doing so not only allows you to save a lot of money but also ensures your pup is getting high-quality food—as long as you’ve purchased a quality product. Nonetheless, avoid going overboard with this strategy, lest the food goes bad before your dog can eat it.

Featured Image Credit: Ekaterina Markelova, Shutterstock

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