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How Long Do Labradoodles Live? Average Lifespan, Data & Care Guide

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 1, 2024 by Dogster Team

brown labradoodle lying on the grass

How Long Do Labradoodles Live? Average Lifespan, Data & Care Guide

It is important to consider the dog’s expected lifespan whenever you are thinking about getting a new pet. The primary reason is so that you can be sure that you are ready and willing to provide it with the proper care and attention for the rest of its days.

If you’re thinking about getting a Labradoodle, you’ll quickly discover what wonderful pets they can be. It’s hardly surprising that Labradoodles are one of the most loved pets because of their intelligent, affectionate, and fun-loving personalities.

The average lifespan of a Labradoodle is about 12–14 years, but several factors can affect how long they live. We’ll discuss those factors that affect longevity, and with this knowledge in hand, you can provide your Labradoodle with a happy and healthy life.

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What’s the Average Lifespan of a Labradoodle?

A Labradoodle can live approximately 12 to 14 years, and where each dog is likely to fall on this scale depends on various factors. Standard Poodles and Labrador Retrievers typically live about 12 years, and you should anticipate a standard Labradoodle to live for around 12 years.

Toy and miniature Poodles live longer because smaller breeds usually have longer lifespans. Therefore, if your Labradoodle is mixed with a toy or miniature Poodle, it could live more than 12 years.

Golden labradoodle on a leash
Image Credit: Lopolo, Shutterstock

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Why Do Some Labradoodles Live Longer Than Others?

Genetics is one of the most significant factors that can shorten a Labradoodle’s lifespan. A Labradoodle can be affected by the health conditions that its parents may be predisposed to. However, the following factors can also affect the Labradoodle’s lifespan.

1. Nutrition and Diet

If your Labradoodle is fed a diet lacking vital nutrients, it will drastically affect its health and longevity. You should choose a high-quality brand that doesn’t include any unnecessary ingredients, and your veterinarian can help you choose the best one.

The first ingredient should be a quality meat-based protein followed by healthy fats and essential vitamins and minerals. You also need to watch your dog’s portions to avoid overfeeding, and the treats you provide should be accounted for in the calorie count.

2. Size

Your Labradoodle’s size can also affect its longevity. Smaller dogs generally have longer lifespans than larger dogs because larger dogs are more likely to experience health issues affecting their joints and bones because of their body weight.

In general, Labradoodles are mixed with standard Poodles, which means they are classified as medium-sized dogs but can be bigger or smaller. If your Labradoodle has a mini Poodle parent, it is likely to live longer.

Young black labradoodle
Image Credit: gbellphotos, Shutterstock

3. Health and Genes

Genetics plays a significant role in a Labradoodle’s lifespan because they can be predisposed to specific health conditions. Labradoodles can inherit health issues from either parent, especially if the condition can occur in either breed. These health issues, if not prevented, managed, or treated, can impact the quality of your dog’s life and lifespan.

Choosing a reputable breeder who selects healthy parents for breeding is one way to ensure a healthier life for your Labradoodle. They will have health checks performed on the parents to ensure they are clear of any genetic health conditions.

4. Exercise

Adequate exercise should never be overlooked, especially in an active breed like a Labradoodle. It helps keep them mentally and physically stimulated and is vital for their overall health. Regular exercise is essential for weight maintenance and the prevention of obesity, which can lead to more severe health issues.

5. Healthcare

Your Labradoodle should have a checkup with the vet at least once a year, and you should keep up with its vaccine schedule to help prevent any disease or conditions. Healthcare also includes treatment for parasites such as fleas and ticks and treatment for worms. Regular deworming and tick and flea treatments will prevent parasites in the intestines and flea or tick infestations.

Dental hygiene should also not be overlooked since it is vital to your dog’s health. Regular brushing will help reduce the chances of dental disease, which can heavily impact your dog’s life.

Grey Labradoodle Isolated On Grey Background
Image Credit: Studio_Shot, Shutterstock


The 4 Life Stages of a Labradoodle


The puppy stage of a Labradoodle is considered to last 1–1.5 years old. The puppy stages are where most of the development and growth take place. Their bones are growing, their immune system is developing, they gain weight and height, and they develop sexual maturity.

Young Adult

Labradoodles are considered young adults at the age of 2–4 years old. Their bodies should be fully developed at this stage, and they will be their most energetic and playful.


Between the ages of 4–9, a Labradoodle is an adult. They will typically still be energetic and playful but begin gaining weight if they are not exercised enough. You will notice their energy drop a bit; this is the stage where minor health issues may develop.


Labradoodles will reach their senior year at around 9–10 years. They will be less energetic and playful and will want to sleep more. At this stage, they are most likely to develop health issues. Healthcare and veterinary visits are most crucial during this time.

White labradoodle standing in the forest
Image Credit: Jumpstory

How to Tell Your Labradoodle’s Age

If you adopt a Labradoodle from a shelter and are unsure of its exact age, your veterinarian can determine your Labradoodle’s age by examining various body parts, including their teeth. A dog’s adult teeth should emerge between 12 and 16 weeks at the front of the mouth and between 16 and 24 weeks at the back.

However, a puppy’s baby teeth should erupt between 3 and 6 weeks of age. The size, number, and condition of a dog’s teeth can provide clues to its age.

Purchasing your Labradoodle from a breeder with documents detailing their date of birth is the surest way to determine their age. Younger dogs are usually more active, energetic, and responsive and become less active as they get older. They may have difficulty with certain daily tasks and may sleep more.



The average lifespan of a Labradoodle is 12–14 years. However, many factors can reduce or increase this lifespan. You can help your Labradoodle live a long, healthy, and happy life by giving them a balanced diet, frequent exercise, and routine veterinary care.

It is also important to be aware of any health issues it may be predisposed to so you know what to look out for. Choosing a reputable breeder can also ensure a healthier life for your Labradoodle.

Featured Image Credit: EvgeniiAnd, Shutterstock

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