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Papipoo (Papillon & Poodle Mix) Dog Breed: Pictures, Guide, Info, Care & More!

Written by: Genevieve Dugal

Last Updated on April 17, 2024 by Dogster Team

Papipoo - Papillon and Poodle Mix

Papipoo (Papillon & Poodle Mix) Dog Breed: Pictures, Guide, Info, Care & More!

Brain, brawn, and beautiful. The Papipoo, also known as Papi Doodle, Papidoodle, or Papi Poo, has it all. This mixed breed is a cross between the Papillon and the Poodle, which results in an endearing and super smart tiny pup.

Breed Overview


Up to 11 inches


6-14 pounds


10-14 years


White, black, cream, red, sable, apricot, and gray

Suitable for:

Singles, families, seniors, people living in an apartment or a house


Loyal, affectionate, intelligent, lively, friendly, gets along with other pets

Indeed, his adorable looks will melt your heart, and his intelligence will make you a very proud doggie parent! What more could you ask for from your four-legged best friend?

Let’s take a look at other Papipoo traits and characteristics, to help you decide if you are right for each other.

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Papipoo Puppies

Papipoo puppies are known for their cheerful and affectionate personality. Papipoos are a unique breed that combines the lively, energetic nature of the Papillon with the intelligence and trainability of the Poodle. They typically have a small, athletic build, a curly or wavy coat, and long, floppy ears, reminiscent of the Papillon. Papipoos come in a wide variety of colors, often featuring a mix of the two parent breeds’ colors.

Papipoos are typically good with children and other animals, and they are known for their strong affection for their owners, making them a wonderful choice for those who want a loyal and loving pet. However, their small size and playful personality can make them a bit difficult to handle for some people, so it’s important to make sure you have the time and energy to keep up with a Papipoo. Overall, Papipoo puppies are a charming and intelligent breed that is sure to bring joy and excitement to your life!

Image Credit: Pixabay

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Papipoo

The best thing about the Papipoo is that its personality is as adorable as its cute little face. One look at this little furball would melt any heart, but on top of that, this little dog will love you unconditionally back. Besides, it is better not to keep him constantly on you and to teach him to be a little independent, otherwise, he may suffer from separation anxiety.

That said, the Papipoo has a fabulous personality: this little clown is very intelligent, affectionate, and devoted to his family. If he is well socialized, he will not be shy or aggressive towards strangers, or other dogs. However, he has a tendency to bark, which makes him a good watchdog but a potential source of annoyance to your neighbors!

Are These Dogs Good for Families?

Absolutely! The Papipoo especially enjoys playing and chasing after children around the house. However, it is essential to show toddlers caution with this little dog, as his delicate bone structure makes him susceptible to fractures in the event of a fall.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?

The Papipoo, well socialized, will have no problem with other animals in the house, whether they are dogs, cats, rabbits, or chameleons. He is lively, alert, and is not afraid to face dogs three times the size of him; however, this great recklessness can sometimes cause him some problems. As a result, it is better to watch him closely during outings to the dog park!

divider-pawThings to Know When Owning a Papipoo:

Food & Diet Requirements

The Papipoo is a very small dog but with quite high energy requirements; you will therefore need to provide him with a diet suitable for dogs of this size and adjust the amounts according to his level of daily activity. In addition, his needs will vary as he moves from puppyhood to adulthood. As a rule of thumb, one cup of good quality dry kibble, divided into two daily meals, will be enough to cover his needs as an adult.

In any case, resist his piteous little eyes if he starts begging for leftover tables: it would not be doing him a favor. Indeed, digestion and overweight problems are common in these small breeds of dogs.


The Papipoo can easily adapt to apartment living, as long as it has enough space to run and play. A house with a fenced yard is also a perfect place for the energy needs of such a puppy. However, the Papipoo will also appreciate daily outings in the great outdoors with his owner; a short 30-minute walk will be enough to make him happy, and a good reason for him to curl up in your lap when you get home!

If you have to be away for a long time, leave him some toys, soft toys, balls, and other puzzles to distract him and prevent him from chewing your furniture out of boredom.


Training your Papipoo puppy should be a snap, or almost! Indeed, his great intelligence combined with his desire to please you makes his training easier and faster than with other breeds of dogs. As with all breeds, positive reinforcement methods with rewards are more successful than punishments and other harsh methods, especially on those small dogs who can be very sensitive. Be firm, consistent, and patient; in no time, your Papipoo will be perfectly well-trained and eager to please you!

Grooming ✂️

The Papipoo is a high-maintenance dog, due to his rather long coat, which can be wavy or straight. You will need to groom him frequently and brush him about four times a week to keep his coat shiny and free of knots. In addition, it will also be necessary to give him a bath from time to time. Don’t hesitate to go to a professional groomer to save yourself time, especially if you are new to grooming this type of dog. You can then ask him for some basic advice and do the grooming yourself the next few times.

Health and Conditions

To know the health problems that can affect the Papipoo, you have to look on the side of its parents. In any case, be aware that hybrid dogs are less likely to suffer from genetic defects, and that dogs of small sizes generally live longer than breeds of large dogs.

Here are some of the minor and more severe health conditions that Papipoos may suffer from:

Minor Conditions
Serious Conditions
  • Addison’s disease
  • Gastric torsion
  • Seizures
  • Obesity

divider-pawMale vs Female

There are no notable differences between male and female Papipoos: some owners mention that males tend to be more affectionate and playful, while females are more stubborn and independent. This does not mean that your puppy will develop these particular traits, as it is impossible to predict your pet’s personality and temperament, whether it is a purebred or a hybrid. However, vets and experts alike agree that neutered females and males are generally calmer and cuddly.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Papipoo

1. He’s not the only “poo” breed around!

Akipoo, Maltipoo, Cockapoo, Yorkipoo, Pomapoo … these are just a few of the multiple Poodles mixes you can find on the market! In fact, there are over 50 mixes of these adorable dogs, and the list is likely to grow as breeders are always looking for new crosses with the ever-popular Poodle.

2. He is blessed with remarkable intelligence.

It’s no wonder why this hybrid is so smart, being that his Poodle parent is one of the smartest dog breeds in the world! This is one of the reasons why Poodle’s lovers are so inclined to crossbreed this breed of small, fluffy dogs.

3. His parent Papillon has won the “Best in Show.”

This is why they say that the Papipoo has beauty and brains! Not only is he very intelligent thanks to his Poodle parent, the Papillon parent breed also won “Best in Show” at the Westminster Kennel Club in 1999, making this toy dog a recognized and admired breed.

divider-dog pawFinal Thoughts

A bundle of joy that is happy to cuddle and smarter than the other pups: that’s what you get by adopting the sweet and lovely Papipoo! He is also perfectly suited to apartment living due to his small size, and he gets along well with children and other pets. The Papipoo is definitely one of a kind, but you will have to spend enough time with him while teaching him to be a little more independent. But, if you have enough time to devote to this tiny furball, you will be rewarded with a wonderful and loyal fluffy friend!

Featured Image Credit: Pixabay

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