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The Peagle is a cross between a Pekingese and a Beagle. These puppies are usually on the smaller side. While they do have tracking instincts, they are mostly used as companion animals.
Breed Overview
6 – 16 inches
13 – 18 inches
12 – 14 years
Suitable for:
Families looking for a companion animal
Affectionate and laidback
Some mixed breeds are becoming increasingly popular today. However, the Peagle does not fall into that category. It is difficult to find them, despite the prevalence of both the Pekingese and the Beagle.
These dogs are affectionate and laidback. They don’t require significant amounts of care, making them a suitable option for busy families. They also don’t require much activity throughout the day.
Peagle Characteristics
Peagle Puppies
Peagle puppies are known to be friendly, curious, and affectionate. They are great with children and other animals, and they are typically good-natured and easy-going. However, their strong hunting instincts and love for adventure can make them a bit stubborn at times.
The first obstacle to purchasing these dogs is finding them. They are not that popular, so many breeders do not produce them. Even backyard breeders don’t produce these puppies often. They are quite rare. Many breeders provide their puppies with vet care, including vaccinations. They often genetically test the parents to help reduce the odds of genetically linked diseases passing onto the puppies. The quality of food also matters, as feeding a pregnant female and a bunch of puppies can get expensive. Be sure to ask your breeder a lot of questions to make sure you feel comfortable before making a final decision.
Temperament & Intelligence of the Peagle 🧠
The temperament of the Peagle is not particularly set in stone. Since this is a mixed breed, they can inherit their traits from both parents. You never know what they’re going to inherit from what breed. Therefore, we don’t recommend purchasing this dog unless you can deal with a bit of uncertainty.
Often, these dogs are affectionate and enjoy being with their family. They’re companion animals through-and-through, so expect to provide them with plenty of attention. They are prone to separation anxiety for this reason.
They are confident animals that enjoy attention from just about anyone. They are not wary of strangers and will greet just about anyone who walks in the door. They do not make good guard dogs for this reason, though their noisiness can make them good alert dogs in some situations.
Often, these dogs aren’t as trainable as you might like. Neither Pekingese nor Beagles were bred to listen to humans in a working relationship. Therefore, their mixed-breed puppy usually doesn’t either.
Still, these dogs do need proper socialization and training to remain friendly. They are small, so they can easily become fearful of strangers and other dogs if not properly socialized. We recommend socializing them as early as possible to prevent possible fear-based aggression later on.
Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡
Yes, these dogs are fairly good with families. They are affectionate and friendly, usually without many difficulties and socialization requirements.
However, they aren’t the best with children. While they are sturdy animals, they are small enough to be injured by small children. Therefore, Peagles can easily become fearful of kids.
Most biting aimed at children from dogs is fear-based or due to injury. Since these dogs can easily become injured, they tend to bite children more often. One injury can also make these dogs fearful of children over the long term.
That said, they are great for older children.
Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets? 🐶 😽
Yes, with socialization, this breed can get along with other dogs. If your dog is not introduced to other dogs regularly, they can become fearful and territorial.
Take them to puppy classes as early as possible; these provide both proper socialization and training.
That said, these dogs are not great with cats. They tend to chase cats due to their high prey drive. Some dogs are less likely to chase cats than others. It just depends on what traits they inherit from what breed.
Those that take more after their Beagle parent are more likely to chase cats and other small animals. Of course, there is no way to know your dog’s prey drive level until you put them in a room with a cat. Therefore, if you own a cat, you should probably look elsewhere for a puppy.
Things to Know When Owning a Peagle
Food & Diet Requirements 🦴
This mixed breed generally doesn’t have specific nutritional needs compared to other dogs. They often do just fine with any commercial dog food. However, small-breed dog food may be particularly helpful, as the kibble size will be small enough for them to consume. Sometimes, they have a hard time with normal-sized kibble. But it depends on the size of the dog, which can vary widely. Some of them do just fine with medium-breed food.
When these dogs are puppies, they do require puppy dog food. This food provides them the perfect nutrition that puppies need to thrive. Otherwise, these dogs may be unable to develop properly.
Beyond that, they don’t require any specific nutrition. They are not prone to any medical conditions that can be put off with nutrition.
Exercise 🐕
Peagles do need a moderate amount of exercise. They are not solely lapdogs, though they will spend much of their time cuddling and lying around.
Due to their small size, they are not particularly hard to exercise. A few fast walks are often enough.
Not providing this small exercise need can result in a hyperactive dog, though. At least two short walks a day are required. Otherwise, you can expect the dog to engage in destructive behavior. Without proper exercise, these dogs can be extremely noisy.
These dogs are perfect for those who want a laidback dog that can also keep up with moderate activities. For instance, these dogs can keep up with a game of fetch in the backyard. But they don’t need hours of fetch each day to stay happy, like some other dogs.
For this reason, we recommend them for moderately active families.
Training 🦮
For the most part, these dogs aren’t easy to train, though they aren’t particularly difficult either. They were never bred to listen to humans, so they generally don’t. They were bred to be lapdogs and independently track small game. Neither of these things involves being intensely trainable.
Luckily, these dogs have good house manners. They don’t require extreme amounts of training. However, basic training is recommended for all dogs. It provides them with mental stimulation and helps them stay controllable in a variety of other situations.
These dogs are often stubborn. It isn’t that they aren’t smart. They just aren’t used to listening to people. They’re as likely to ignore you as listen to you.
For this reason, we recommend training early and often.
Grooming ✂️
These dogs do not have significant grooming needs. It does depend somewhat on the dog’s genetics. Since they are a mixed breed, some of them have different coats than others.
They do tend to shed quite a bit, so we recommend brushing them regularly. This process removes much of their excess fur, helping prevent it from ending up all over your house.
Brushing also reduces dirt and dust from accumulating in your pet’s fur. This helps elongate the time between the baths. We don’t recommend them being bathed often, as this can result in skin irritation.
Health and Conditions ❤️
These dogs are quite healthy. They are not particularly prone to any genetic conditions. They inherit their genetics from a wider gene pool, so the odds of them inheriting genetic conditions are much lower than it is for purebred dogs.
They may be prone to epilepsy, though, as the Beagle is quite prone to this condition. If their back is longer like the Beagle’s, they may also be prone to intervertebral disc disease (IVDD), a serious spinal problem that usually results from trauma.
Hip dysplasia can take place, but it is not nearly as serious as it is with other breeds. Like most dogs, they are prone to a variety of eye conditions.
- Eye conditions
- Patellar luxation
- Cleft palate
- Epilepsy
- Hypothyroidism
- Hip dysplasiaS
- Skin fold dermatitis
Male vs Female
There isn’t a significant difference between the two sexes. Individual dogs differ mostly due to being a mixed breed.
3 Little-Known Facts About the Peagle
1. They aren’t the best with cats.
Pekingese are often suitable options for those with cats, even in small spaces. They don’t have substantial hunting instincts. However, when you mix them with a Beagle, you can end up with a puppy with significant hunting instincts. Therefore, this mixed breed is often not suitable for homes with cats and similar animals, no matter how much they look like a Pekingese.
2. Moderate amounts of activity are required.
Pekingese need very little activity, especially since they are so small. Even a short walk is significant for these small dogs. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t require a certain amount of daily activity.
3. This breed is not recognized by any major kennel club.
While the Beagle and Pekingese are both recognized by the AKC, this mixed breed is not. They are not purebred dogs and therefore, cannot be registered. Some clubs do allow the registration of mixed-breed dogs, but this often doesn’t come with many benefits.
Final Thoughts
The Peagle is a mixed breed between a Beagle and a Pekingese. They are loveable companion animals and often enjoy being around their people. They need quite a bit of attention but are perfect for families looking for a companion animal.
This mixed breed doesn’t require much care and is quite healthy. They’re a solid low-maintenance animal for busy families.
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was searching for peagle puppies and saw this page and saw my boy on here. so cool thanks for including him 😊. he's the best dog ever. so we'll behaved. loves to be loved. knows a lot of tricks. (not as many as my beagle did) but very smart and food motivated. and as soft as velvet. peagles have the softest coat. everyone that meets him comments about how soft he is.
Oh wow, that's amazing! He sounds like such an awesome dog, and we really appreciate you letting us feature him in our article. 🙂