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Do Dobermans Like to Cuddle? Affection, Temperament & FAQ

Written by: Krystal Facey

Last Updated on July 26, 2024 by Dogster Team

doberman pinscher dog sitting with owner on the living room floor

Do Dobermans Like to Cuddle? Affection, Temperament & FAQ

When you are researching a certain dog breed, there are a few general things that you want to know: Are they shedders? Do they have health issues? How much should you feed them?

You may also want to know their behavior patterns. These can include things like whether they have a natural wariness of strangers and how they are with other pets. Dobermans are considered loving and affectionate animals—if they’re trained properly.

The following article explores the affection levels of the Doberman, a breed that is generally misunderstood as aggressive and dominant.

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Do Dobermans Show Affection?

Although Dobermans are often seen as aggressive and standoffish, their behavior depends on the actions and training from their owners. Much like other breeds, their behavior can greatly rely on how their owners treat them and how they teach them to react to others.

These dogs will show loyalty and affection toward their owners and others whom they are used to. For example, if they are raised in a happy, calm, family environment with young children, they won’t be fearful in a similar situation. Fear can lead to aggressive behaviors in canines.

a young girl hugging her pet doberman
Image By: Primorac91, Shutterstock

Do Dobermans Like to Cuddle?

Yes, in short, Dobermans are much like other dogs and do like to cuddle. In fact, they love affection from their owners and will ask for snuggles as much as any other pet. Not many people know that they are loving and social dogs that do not like to be left alone for too long without human interaction.

Socializing with them regularly will get them used to affection and touch. The more they are used to specific actions from their owners and others, the more they will understand that these are not something to respond to negatively or with fear. If you constantly cuddle and show affection to your Doberman, they will seek it out.

Can Dobermans Be Aggressive?

Any breed will be aggressive if they have an uneducated, unaware, or ill-prepared owner. Sometimes, people become pet owners in negative or unplanned circumstances, and this is not always indicative of a bad owner, but it can greatly impact a dog.

People teaching a dog to be aggressive will inevitably result in an aggressive dog. This includes owners who give them positive reinforcement for aggressive behaviors in social situations, such as when greeting people, other dogs, people who come to the door (i.e., the mailman), and others. The reinforcement can be as simple as not scolding them in these situations or essentially doing nothing to teach them otherwise.

dobermans sitting on grass
Image By: Piqsels

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With the right upbringing, Dobermans enjoy the occasional cuddle and are generally affectionate dogs. Any breed can be aggressive around unfamiliar people or food, but most of these behaviors can be mitigated with good training. A good and knowledgeable dog owner can positively impact the way that their pet reacts to social interactions and their commands as their owner and ultimately, stay safe. Your pet will mimic your behaviors toward them with you and other people.

Featured Image Credit: gemphoto, Shutterstock

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