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Beagleman (Beagle & Doberman Pinscher Mix): Pictures, Info, Care & More

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 23, 2024 by Dogster Team

beagleman on bed

Beagleman (Beagle & Doberman Pinscher Mix): Pictures, Info, Care & More

The Beagleman is a relatively new crossbreed between a Beagle and a Doberman Pinscher. This crossing results in a unique breed that is naturally protective and alert. While this canine can make a good family dog, they really shine when used as a watchdog.

They are known for being affectionate and playful. However, they also require quite a bit of attention due to their high exercise needs. The Beagleman works best for active families who don’t mind taking long and sometimes rigorous walks.

As vocal animals, they are not particularly suitable for living in an apartment. They alert often and will bark at just about everything that passes by. This can be diminished only so much with training, so we don’t recommend them for people looking for quiet animals.

Breed Overview


16 – 22 inches


40 – 50 pounds


10 – 12 years


Black, brown, tan, cream

Suitable for

Those looking for a watchdog, families with children


Playful, alert, protective

As a mixed breed, the traits of the Beagleman can vary somewhat. You never know what traits a dog is going to inherit from which parent, so there can be significant differences between littermates. You’re basically playing the lottery when adopting a mixed breed canine. However, they are also generally healthier because they’re inheriting traits from a larger gene pool.

In this article, we discuss the common traits of the Beagleman, although you should remember that each dog can vary widely.

Beagleman Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Beagleman Puppies

The main issue with adopting this dog is finding a puppy. There are not many breeders dedicated exclusively to this breed, so it can be difficult to find new litters of puppies. Sometimes, you will get lucky and find one at your local animal shelter or rescue. If you adopt a dog from one of these locations, you can expect to pay a fee toward the dog’s medical bills and vaccinations.

If you happen to find a breeder, you can expect to pay quite a bit more than you would at a shelter. Be extremely careful when adopting this type of dog, as many come from backyard breeders that may have varying degrees of knowledge. Some do a good job at raising puppies, while others do not. Because this mixed breed is not registered with any large kennel association, it is hard to determine which breeders are good and which are not.

We recommend asking to see the parents and where the puppies are kept. If the breeder refuses to show you, they likely aren’t keeping the animals in good conditions. On the other hand, if the breeder shows you a clean and spacious area and the dogs appear happy, they are likely doing a good job at raising puppies.

Image Credit: Pixabay

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Beagleman

The temperament of the Beagleman can vary quite a bit. This dog is usually quite intelligent. However, they can also have the stubbornness of a hound. This can make them difficult to train. They may be able to learn commands, but that doesn’t mean they’ll necessarily listen to you when the time comes. They are prone to “selective hearing,” especially when they are playing or sniffing around. Beagles are notorious for getting on a trail, tracking it for miles, and then becoming lost. The Beagleman may have similar problems.

However, the Doberman is extremely obedient. The Beagleman could just as easily inherit this trait instead of the stubbornness of the Beagle. In all likelihood, your dog will be somewhere in between. For this reason, we recommend plenty of early training to take advantage of the eager-to-please nature that the puppy might have.

Training is also good for mental stimulation, which these intelligent dogs need to thrive. Without proper mental exercise, it is common for Beaglemans to become bored and start trying to make their own fun. This often includes the dog doing everything that you’d rather them not, such as eating drywall and digging under the fence.

These dogs tend to get extremely attached to their family. They are not one-people dogs and generally bond with all family members, including kids. They often make good companions for children, as they are gentle and not that rough. They enjoy playing and can be quite adventurous, though they should always be kept on a leash due to their tracking abilities.

The Beagleman is an alert and noisy dog. They will bark at nearly everything. They often have good noses, so they will often bark at things that they smell. Some bay like the Beagle and can be exceedingly loud. We do not recommend them for those looking for a quiet dog. There isn’t much that you can do to prevent their barking; it is simply who they are.

Are These Dogs Good for Families?🧑‍🧑‍🧒

Yes, these dogs are good for families as long as they are socialized properly. They get along well with children due to their playful nature. They aren’t particularly gentle, so you do have to be careful around smaller kids. They can get a bit rambunctious when they play, which may cause them to knock over toddlers. But their courageous nature means that they are often not fearful of children. Their somewhat larger size also means that kids are less likely to accidentally hurt them in their roughness, which goes a long way toward preventing bites.

Their protective nature can be good if you’re looking for a dog to protect your family. However, if you plan on having regular visitors and house parties, it is important to socialize these dogs appropriately. Otherwise, they can make family functions difficult and stressful.

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets?

While they tend to have protective instincts against other people, this usually doesn’t always apply to other dogs. Most get along quite well with dogs when properly socialized. Many actually love other dogs, as they tend to be rather pack-oriented. They can thrive with multiple dogs in the household.

Cats are often a different story. These dogs do have a bit of a prey drive, so they should not be left alone with cats. They will chase them. Some will even track their trails around the house. Early socialization can be helpful, as their prey drive isn’t necessarily as strong as some other dogs. Many Beaglemans that are brought up around cats often get along with them.

Due to this dog’s prey drive, we do not recommend them around rabbits and other small pets. They will chase and possibly kill them. They are not good for farms with small animals like chickens, though their fearlessness can make them comfortable around larger livestock.

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Things to Know When Owning a Beagleman:

Food & Diet Requirements🦴

As an active dog, the Beagleman can eat quite a few calories. We recommend a diet high in protein to help support their muscles, which they will put to good use. Look for formulas with whole meat and similar high-quality ingredients. Avoid food with high amounts of veggies and grains. Some vegetables and grains are fine, as they do contain vitamins that your canine needs. However, some companies add far too many to their formulas and use them as fillers.

Furthermore, we recommend being careful regarding the source of the food’s protein. These dogs can be prone to cardiac problems. To keep them healthy, it is essential that they consume all the amino acids that their heart needs, including taurine. Meat-derived proteins are “complete” in that they contain all the essential amino acids. Plant-derived proteins aren’t always complete and can lead to deficiencies, even though they do raise the protein content of the food. Beaglemans should avoid formulas that contain excess pea protein, potato protein, and similar ingredients.

This dog is not particularly prone to food allergies. However, we still recommend switching their food regularly. This prevents dietary deficiencies and possible food allergies. Most food allergies develop after the canine has eaten the same protein source for an extended period, such as chicken.

Luckily, these dogs do not suffer from many health problems that are caused by diet. Meat-rich formulas are best, but these dogs don’t have any specific dietary needs that make them stand out from other breeds.

Exercise 🐕

This dog is considered moderately active. They require daily exercise, but not excessively so. A short walk or so every day paired with playtime should be enough. These dogs are often fine with a romp in the yard if you’re looking to avoid walks.

If you do walk your dog, we recommend planning to be out longer than they may necessarily need and letting them smell around. As scent hounds, they love to sniff, and this can be a great source of entertainment for them, as well as providing them with much of the mental stimulation that they need.

These dogs love basically any activity, especially if it has to do with their people. They enjoy hiking, especially if they get a chance to sniff around.

Even if you aren’t that active, you can meet this dog’s exercise needs. Just plan for about an hour of activity a day.


Training this breed may be easy, impossible, or somewhere in between. The Doberman is an obedient dog that will listen to just about any command from their owner. They are eager to please and train easily. On the other hand, Beagles are stubborn. They may learn commands, but they tend to have selective hearing. When it really matters, Beagles tend not to listen.

The Beagleman may end up being like either of their parents or somewhere in the middle. Each puppy is different, so you never quite know what you’re going to get. For this reason, we recommend early training, just in case your dog appears to be less trainable than you would hope. Furthermore, puppy classes provide socialization, which is essential for this breed.

While you train your dog, you should also socialize them regularly. These dogs can be quite defensive against other people, so you should introduce them to many people to curb this trait. If these dogs experience many nice people at a young age, they’ll be more accepting of people when they get older.

Grooming ✂️

This breed has a coat of bristly fur. It does shed but requires little care beyond this. We recommend brushing them about once a week. During seasonal changes, they may require a bit more brushing than usual. Regular brushing sessions will remove some of the loose hair, making the dog more comfortable and keeping your home cleaner.

These dogs do develop a bit of a smell after a while, so you will need to bathe them regularly. You should use a soap designed for sensitive skin, especially if your dog tends to get dirty often. Otherwise, you can dry out their skin and cause problems. If one shampoo seems to negatively affect your dog, don’t be afraid to switch and use another at the next bath. We recommend bathing them no more than once a month.

You will also need to clip their nails regularly, as they can become overgrown. This can cause pain and split nails eventually. You can do this at home or have a groomer do it. Many accept walk-ins for inexpensive nail clippings. You should check their ears during every brushing session. If they are floppy, dirt can easily become stuck and cause infections. You may need to clean their ears gently with a cotton ball, which can help prevent infection.

Their teeth should be brushed several times a week to prevent dental disease, a common and serious problem in dogs.

Health and Conditions 🏥

As a mixed breed, this canine is quite healthy. They inherit a wide range of genes from their parents, so they are less likely to develop any genetic conditions. Purebred dogs often have a relatively small gene pool, which makes genetic conditions more common.

Furthermore, the Beagle and Doberman do not share many similar health conditions. For this reason, their puppies are less likely to develop any problems that their parents may have. For example, Beagles are prone to intervertebral disk disease. However, Dobermans are not. Beaglemans are therefore less likely to develop it. The Doberman’s genetics go a long way toward protecting them from this problem.

That said, Beaglemans are prone to a few health issues. If they have floppy ears, they will be more likely to have ear infections. This is largely because their ears can get dirt and debris stuck inside, which can cause problems if the ears aren’t cleaned. You should wash them any time you notice that they’re dirty. Check them at least weekly so any potential dirt doesn’t sit around in their ears for long.

Serious Conditions: None

Minor Conditions:
  • Ear infections
  • Intervertebral disk disease
  • Epilepsy
  • Hypothyroidism

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Male vs Female

Males and females do not differ widely in this breed.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Beagleman

1. They vary widely

You never really know what a Beagleman puppy is going to inherit from either parent breed. The puppies can end up similar to a Beagle, or they can be an even mix of both parents. If you aren’t prepared for a bit of chance, then adopting a mixed breed probably isn’t for you.

2. The Beagleman makes a great watchdog

These canines are alert and protective. They are also loud. This makes them a suitable option for owners looking for a watchdog. They will bark at nearly anything and are extremely observant. They aren’t huge like most guard dogs, though, so don’t expect them to defend your home against intruders.

3. They vary in price

You may be able to find these dogs at local rescues and shelters for fairly cheap. However, breeders usually charge a large range of different prices for these dogs. Some may charge around $500, while others can potentially charge thousands. The Doberman Pinscher is a decently expensive breed, and this can sometimes get carried down to their puppies.

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The Beagleman can be a good companion dog for certain families. They have moderate exercise needs and require about an hour of exercise a day, which is easy for the average family to meet. They are a bit protective and territorial, making them a good choice for those who need a watchdog. However, they do require quite a bit of socialization. Otherwise, they can be unwelcoming of new people.

Generally, we recommend this dog for those looking for a watchdog. They can make good companion dogs if you socialize them appropriately. They are quite good with children, as long as the children aren’t too rough with them.

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Featured Image Credit: Jillian McArthur, Shutterstock

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