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15 Fascinating Puppy Facts That Will Surprise You

Written by: Ashley Bates

Last Updated on April 12, 2024 by Dogster Team

siberian husky puppies on the grass

15 Fascinating Puppy Facts That Will Surprise You


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One truly astounding thing about owning a puppy is that we never stop learning about them. With every passing day, we grow with their new quirks and personalities. You might wonder what more you can learn about these amazing creatures. Let us present you with 15 fun facts about our canine companions you might not know.

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The 15 Most Fascinating Puppy Facts

1. Labrador Retriever Pups Are a Feverishly Popular Breed

Labrador Retriever
Image Credit: Angel Luciano, Unsplash

The Labrador Retriever has been on the AKC list of popularity for the past 30 years in slots 1 through 10. They are the only dog holding this record–a real American favorite. It is no wonder that they are one of the most common puppies to enter households. These charming, energetic, affectionate dogs make excellent family additions to many lifestyles.

2. Puppies (and Seniors) Dream Frequently

jackrussell puppy sleeping on blanket
Image Credit: Gladskikh Tatiana, Shutterstock

When your dog is a puppy, they will sleep more often, and dream more heavily, than the adult versions of themselves. This is also common for seniors. You might be over the moon watching your little puppy flinch and fuss while they dream. It truly is one of the cutest sights while your puppy grows.

3. Your Puppy Has Millions More Scent Receptors than You

8 weeks old maltipoo puppy
Image Credit: Xuan Nguyen, Unsplash

How fascinating is it to know that dogs have such an impeccable sense of smell; it’s one of their most well-known attributes. Humans have relied on dogs for centuries for their sniffing capabilities. A human’s nose contains roughly 5 million scent receptors. That absolutely pales in comparison to the 100 million plus that our canines possess.

4. Your Puppy’s Nose Is as Unique as Your Fingerprint

close up of a black and white dog's wet nose
Image Credit: Suzzamar, Pixabay

Your puppy’s nose has a particular pattern associated with your dog and your dog only. Much as our fingerprints are entirely our own, the same goes for your canine’s snout.

5. Beagle Pups Have Maintained Popularity

Beagle wearing a red leash standing on grass flo-dnd, Pexels
Image Credit: flo-dnd, Pexels

When the AKC started ranking dogs in popularity in 1934, the Beagle was at the top of the list. Since then, the Beagle has remained in the top five consistently. It’s no wonder! They are so very sweet with people and pets.

6. Pups Share Yawns Like Us

dog yawning
Image Credit: RogerMayhem, Pixabay

Everyone grasps the concept that yawns are contagious. Scientific studies have been done to unveil the underlying significance of contagious yawns. Some studies conclude that it is a direct link to our empathy. It’s no surprise that our dogs yawn when other dogs yawn or when we do. Dogs are some of the most empathetic creatures on the planet.

7. Puppies Literally Decrease Stress and Anxiety

person carrying adorable maltipoo puppies
Image Credit: OlgaOvcharenko, Shutterstock

Many scientific studies have shown that puppies, and dogs of all ages for that matter, decrease stress hormone levels in humans.

8. Dogs See in Two Main Colors

shih tzu puppy dog eyes
Image Credit: Angel Sallade, Shutterstock

A dog’s retina only has cones (a type of photoreceptor that differentiates colors) for two colors – blue and yellow. While this is a limited color spectrum than we humans have, dogs are still not considered colorblind.

9. All Puppies Are Born Deaf

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Puppy
Image Credit: kelatout, Pexels

Just like it takes puppies a little time to develop their vision, the same is true of their hearing. All puppies are born deaf. They begin to process sound when they are roughly 2 1/2 to 3 weeks old.

10. Basenji Pups Can Yodel!

basenji dogs on the grass
Image Credit: Verbitskaya Juliya, Shutterstock

The Basenji is known for being a barkless breed, meaning that they do not bark to alert the way that others do. But they make up for their lack of barking; they can yodel. That’s right! Basenjis can outdo the Ricola man any day of the week.

11. Pups Kick Backward After Defecating

Golden retriever puppy getting ready to poop on green grass in the backyard
Image Credit: JulieK2, Shutterstock

You’ve probably indirectly watched your pup use the potty. You might notice that when they’re finished, they kick their feet as if trying to cover it up. So what causes this behavior? This is actually because your dog has scent glands on its feet. They kick to spread this pheromone, marking their territory.

12. Dalmatian Pups Are Born All White

Dalmatian with different eye color
Image Credit: Rita_Kochmarjova, Shutterstock

By the time you were to get your Dalmatian puppy, those little cuties will already be covered in spots! But did you know that when they are born, all the puppies are 100% snow white? Their first spots typically appear around the 10-day mark.

13. Puppies with Fur Don’t Sweat Like Humans

pomeranian puppies
Image Credit: tkach-artvitae, Shutterstock

You might have already noticed that dogs don’t sweat like people. Instead of perspiring, dogs pant and sweat through their paws to regulate their body temperature.

14. Puppies Can’t Taste Like We Can

puppies eating food from food bowls
Image Credit: demanescale Shutterstock

Dogs have an impeccable sense of smell. We already know this. But what we lack in our olfactory senses, we trumped in taste.

So, if you’re wondering why your puppy can scarf down the most disgusting, rotten substances, it is because they cannot taste the same way that we can. The putrid nature of certain foods doesn’t register on your dog’s palette.

15. Your Pup Has Three Eyelids

puppies in a bucket
Image Credit: Pixabay

Does that sound creepy? It’s true! Your dog has three different eyelid components in their anatomy. They have a top, bottom, and nictitating membrane. The nictitating membrane is on the corner of the eye and may be visible between the sleep/wake cycle.


The 16 Extra Fun Dog Facts

16. Bloodhounds Noses Can Be Used in a Court of Law

Bloodhounds have such an accurate sense of smell that they are often used as prime evidence proof in a courtroom setting. So if you’ve done something terrible and are hoping to get away with it after a Bloodhound is hot on your trail, you can expect to be convicted of your crimes.

17. The USA Has More Dogs Than Any Other Country

It’s no secret that people from the United States love their pets. But what might be interesting to you is that The United States has over 75 million dogs, more than any other country in the world.

18. Greyhounds Can Outrun Cheetahs

Two Brindle Greyhounds running
Image: Pxfuel

Cheetahs run at impeccable speeds and are considered the fastest land animal. We all know this. But did you know that a greyhound could beat them at a race? It’s true. While cheetahs might start out ahead, greyhounds can run 35 miles an hour for seven miles straight.

Cheetahs might start at 50+ miles an hour, they tucker quickly. Cheetahs work better in small bursts, whereas Greyhounds have more stamina.

19. Zorba the Mastiff Was the World’s Largest Dog

In the Guinness Book of World Records, the largest dog known to exist was a Mastiff named Zorba, weighing 343 pounds and measuring 8 feet from nose to tail.

20. Dogs’ Feet Usually Smell Like Corn Chips

It’s not your imagination. Fido’s feet probably smell like the crunchy baked snack you eat—and it’s called “Frito” feet. It’s caused by bacteria and sweat between the folds of the paws.

21. Dog Jealousy Is a Real Thing

Science has spoken. According to experts, it’s not exactly how we experience jealousy, but it’s on the same wavelength. It’s comparable to the way toddlers feel jealousy. So, when your dogs are fighting to get all the attention—it’s because they really are offended about the lack of attention.

22. “Dog Years” Depend on Breed

We all know different breeds of dogs have slightly varying lifespans. That also means that your dog’s age can change a bit in human years for the same reason. Always look up your particular breed when comparing age to humans to get the most accurate estimate.

23. Some Dogs Can’t Swim

australian shepherd dog going for a swim
Image Credit: Sebastian Moreno, Shutterstock

It’s rather classic to think about a dog splashing around in the water. Most dogs are tremendous swimmers, capable of performing proficiently. But other dogs have a lot of trouble. So, if you’re taking your dog to the beach, you should research their specific breed to see how they hold up in the waters.

24. Dogs Have 18 Ear Muscles

Everyone loves pooches’ perky ears. They are constantly moving them around and different motions make all of their expressions so much sweeter. It also can tell us a lot about the kind of mood your dog is in. Dogs have an average of 18 muscles per ear which allows for them to tilt, rotate, and raise their ears independent of one another, as well as hear sounds from far away.

25. Leg Lifting Is a Sign of Dominance

A dog lifting their leg is a very common sight to behold. But unlike what you might think, dogs aren’t actually peeing for relief. They are peeing to mark their territory.

26. Dogs Favor a Certain Paw

Would you believe some dogs are right-pawed or left-pawed, just like their human companions? It’s true. Studies show that some dogs favor one paw over another during playtime and other exercises. This indicates that they definitely have a dominant side of their body.

27. Smaller Dogs Live the Longest

pomeranian dog outdoor_
Image Credit: Piqsels

Unlike some other mammals, smaller dogs live much longer than their larger counterparts. It isn’t uncommon to see larger dogs live only between eight and ten years. Some smaller dogs, namely the chihuahua, can live upwards of 20 years!

28. Dogs Can Detect Your Emotions Through Scent

We all know that our dogs are pretty darn good at picking up on our moods. Some are even heavily trained to detect different levels of chemicals in our bodies to protect us from health-related issues, too. Our dogs’ remarkable noses never cease to amaze us. So it’s no surprise to any dog owner to know that our canines can literally smell our emotions!

29. Whiskers Are Night-Time Navigators

You might not realize that your dog’s whiskers have a great purpose. Consider them feelers to detect what’s close by—really helping them get from A to B. On top of helping them navigate their daily lives, it also assists them in seeing in the nighttime hours.

30. Dogs Curl Up to Sleep—and It’s Primal

Dogs look so cozy, all curled up in a ball. But as sweet as it looks, it has a legitimate underlying reason. In the wild, dogs curl up to protect their vital organs in the event of an attack. So, even though it is oh-so-adorable, it’s purposeful, too.

31. Dogs Can Sense Radiation

Dogs’ noses are so amazing that many are tasked with big-time duties. In mammalian prey studies, it shows that dogs can sense a weak heat of radiation—a remarkable scientific discovery. Our dog’s capabilities never cease to amaze!

search and rescue team with their dogs
Image Credit: hxdbzxy, Shutterstock



Now, you have learned some new information about your canine companion you might not have before. Whether you have a puppy, an adult, or a senior, our dogs will continue to astound us with their unique talents and fun whimsy.

Of all the dog-related facts you learned, which one surprised you most? Tell a friend or two and spread the word.

Featured Image Credit: ANURAK PONGPATIMET, Shutterstock

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