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What Is a Heart Dog? The Amazing Meaning Explained

Written by: Sarah Psaradelis

Last Updated on July 24, 2024 by Dogster Team

owner holding or hugging a happy puppy Labrador

What Is a Heart Dog? The Amazing Meaning Explained

A soulmate is someone with whom you have a deep connection or natural affinity. This could be a close friend, family member, or romantic partner. However, did you know that dogs could be your soulmate too? This is where the term “heart dog” is used, as it refers to the special canine and human bond that you feel a deep connection to.

It is another name for a canine soulmate and can also be called a “spirit dog” or “soul dog.” Although we can share a strong bond with almost every dog, a heart dog makes you feel a deeper bond that is unlike most canine-human bonds.

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What Is the Meaning of a Heart Dog?

A heart dog is a canine that you feel deeply connected to in ways that you didn’t with other dogs. It can be described as a deep soul connection that only you and your heart dog will understand. Many people say it is a once-in-a-lifetime bond that can alter your life in all the best ways.

Heart dogs are likely named after the way they connect to us so deeply that they take up permanent residence in our hearts. The bond you share with a heart dog cannot be easily described in words. It is a bond based on genuine feelings that both you and your heart dog feel.

You might feel that your heart dog was put into your life for a reason, whether it’s to understand the true meaning of love or perhaps to feel understood in ways humans could not make you feel.

Cute boy hugs his border collie on the road
Image by: encierro, Shutterstock

How to Tell If You Have a Heart Dog

You will be able to tell who your heart dog is because the connection you have with them will be unlike any other dogs you have owned. The bond you share will feel unique and different from the typical canine-human you might have experienced before. A heart dog can be any breed, as it is based on feelings and deep connections rather than the physical.

Here are a few signs that you could have a heart dog:
  • Deep understanding: You and your heart dog will feel you have a deep understanding of each other. They might make you feel understood in ways humans cannot and feel and help you feel accepted. This is one of the many reasons we feel so connected to our heart dogs. You first need to understand each other to have a deep connection.
  • Trust: You and your heart dog will share mutual trust that feels different than usual. You will feel calm and safe around them and being in their presence is comforting. Your heart dog can rely on you just as much as you can rely on them, which is important when building trust.
  • Soul connection: You might feel a deep soul connection with your heart dog which makes your bond so special. You can feel the connection to them in your soul and feel as if they were meant to be in your life.
  • Inseparable: You and your heart dog will be inseparable. You will crave their presence when you are separated from them and want to stay around them because of the familiarity and connection you both share.
  • Lasting impact: Heart dogs can leave a lasting impact on our lives. The bond you share with a heart dog can last for a lifetime and other dogs might not seem to have such a significant impact on your life the way a heart dog does.

What Is the Difference Between a Heart Dog and a Regular Dog?

The bond and connection you share with a heart dog are different from that of a regular dog. It will feel deeper on an emotional level in a way that you might not have experienced with other dogs. You will instantly be connected to your heart dog and develop a meaningful bond based on mutual trust, understanding, and love.

You will feel more connected to your heart dog than a regular dog. If you own multiple dogs, you will be able to distinguish your heart dog from the others because of the more intense way you feel towards them.

Welsh Corgi dog being petted by owner outside at a park
Image by: Tanya Consaul Photography, Shutterstock

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is every dog a heart dog?

Not everyone will experience a heart dog even if they own multiple dogs throughout their life. Not every dog can be a heart dog and you cannot force the connection that will make them a heart dog. They can be rescues, purebreds, or mixed breeds, as heart dogs can be any breed or size.

Can you have more than one heart dog?

You can have more than one heart dog, although it’s not the norm. Most people believe you can only have one heart dog, while others believe you can have two. Some individuals might experience two heart dogs in their lifetime a few years apart. It’s rare to have two heart dogs at once.

The connection you feel with a heart dog is not easily replicated and often makes you compare it to other dogs.

Is a heart dog the same as a soul dog?

Heart dogs and soul dogs are the same thing. Both terms describe the deep connection you feel in your soul with them. Some people prefer to call them heart dogs because of the way they stay in your heart forever, while others prefer “soul dogs” because of the special soul connection.

happy dog getting pet by owner
Image by: Bachkova Natalia, Shutterstock

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Heart dogs are canines with whom we share a deep connection and bond, and it is the equivalent of a human’s soulmate. Although not everyone will have a heart dog in their lifetime, most people only have one. You will feel different towards your heart dog than regular dogs and only you will be able to determine who your heart dog is.

Featured Image Credit: Helen Sushitskaya, Shutterstock

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