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Dog Names by Breed: A Complete List From A to Z

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on May 19, 2024 by Dogster Team

Dog Names by Breed

Dog Names by Breed: A Complete List From A to Z

When it comes to naming your dog it seems there are some names that are just more common and better suited for a certain breed than others. Sometimes how we name our dog is dependent on their fur types, like naming your Pomeranian “Fluffy”, or the shape of their body, like calling a Dachshund “Hot Dog”. Some names are also more suitable in terms of how big or small the dog is, but out of all these examples, the real defining factor is the dog’s breed. You are more likely to find a Rottweiler called Bruiser than a Chihuahua, just like you are more likely to find a Poodle named Fifi than a German Shepherd.

In this article, we have created dog name lists specific to the most popular dog breeds. Simply click on the breed you have bought or adopted and hopefully, our in-depth lists will help you find the perfect name!


Browse Dog Name by Breed (Listed A–Z)

Featured Image Credit: Dora Zett, Shutterstock

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