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8 Health Benefits of Working From Home as a Pet Owner & FAQ

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 15, 2024 by Dogster Team

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8 Health Benefits of Working From Home as a Pet Owner & FAQ

People have known about the many benefits that animals bring to humans for thousands of years. People first domesticated dogs around 30,000 years ago,1 and cats aligned themselves and eventually domesticated themselves with us (it was their decision, of course) around 10,000 years ago.2 Pet ownership has brought mutual gain to all parties for a very long time, and that’s still the case in the modern world.

Working from home has recently surged, with more than 17% of the American population now having a work desk in their homes.3 That means people and their pets are spending more time together. Read on to find out the ways that your pet can benefit your health when you work from home.


The 8 Health Benefits of Working From Home for Pet Owners

1. Decreased Stress Levels

It’s long been known that owning a pet decreases stress levels. People can benefit from having their pets around at any stage of their lives; this is the same for those working hard from home. As one study shows, pet owners working from home around their pets can lower their stress levels by just being around them.4

The levels of cortisol, a hormone linked to stress, were lowered in study participants when they were around dogs, meaning that even if your dog is just in the room while you work, they can still positively affect your health.

Another study looked at the levels of cortisol and oxytocin, a hormone highly associated with relaxation and bonding (particularly between parent and child).5 The study found that oxytocin levels increased and cortisol levels decreased when the participants petted dogs. The more they petted the dogs, the more this effect was shown, so having your dog close enough to touch can release feel-good hormones and reduce stress.

woman owner petting and playing with her cat at home
Image Credit: Stokkete, Shutterstock

2. Fewer Feelings of Isolation

Isolation is a widespread health issue that’s on the rise. It’s now known that 36% of all Americans report “serious loneliness” and that social isolation dramatically increases the risks of suffering from several health issues.6 Loneliness can:

  • Increase the risk of premature death from all causes
  • Lead to a 50% increased risk of dementia
  • Increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes
  • Increase the risk of depression, anxiety, and suicide

With the rise of remote working, there’s a real risk of these problems increasing. However, having a pet around can lessen feelings of loneliness,7 possibly due to humans and their pets bonding on the same level that parents and their children do.

Research has also shown that pets are widely considered part of their families,8 which is why having your dog around when you’re working from home can be so beneficial.

3. More Exercise

Having a pet around when you’re working at home can help you get more exercise.9 Home workers often spend a large portion of their day working at their desks. However, having an active pet, like a dog needing a walk or a cat meowing because they want to play, can help owners take regular breaks, stretch, and get out into the fresh air.

Dog ownership, in particular, can help people exercise more and improve their cardiovascular health, leading to longer lives and a happier experience working from home.

Man Petting His Husky Dog in a Home Office
Image Credit: ekaterina-bolovtsova, Pexels

4. Better Mental Health

Working from home can negatively affect a person’s mental health, with many home workers stating that they find it harder to distance themselves from their work. Isolation and not socializing with colleagues are also linked to increases in depression, anxiety, and thoughts of suicide.

Interestingly, having a pet in the home when you’re working can decrease anxiety and depression and lessen loneliness, which can be a big help when you’re away from colleagues and group interactions.

5. Boosted Immunity

It sounds like something from a science fiction movie, but it’s true: Having a pet around at home can boost your immune system. One study found that after petting a dog, the participants had significantly increased levels of an antibody, IgA, in their blood.

IgA is one of the key components of our immune system, and it’s been reported that cats and dogs help people produce different immune responses. People working from home can help themselves beat the winter blues by having their pets around, not only because the body’s immune system releases more IgA but also because it lowers tress levels.

young woman hugging her cat
Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock

6. Less Likelihood of Allergies

Pets can reduce the likelihood of allergies. This phenomenon is well documented in children, but adults working from home can also benefit from sensitization to dogs and cats to help battle allergic reactions like allergic rhinitis and asthma.

Admittedly, the effect is more prominent in children exposed to pets when they’re under a year old, but research shows that exposure to pets can also decrease the risk of skin allergies and other allergies in adults. This effect applies to indoor and outdoor allergens, so having your cat or dog around as you work can help minimize your spring hay fever.

7. Reduced Anxiety

The pressures that people feel when working from home are similar to those felt at the office, like meeting deadlines, interpreting messages from the boss, and struggling with large workloads. This can be anxiety-inducing, but having your pet with you can help increase productivity and decrease feelings of anxiety.

Interactions with your pet can reduce cortisol levels and increase the feel-good hormone oxytocin, which can, in turn, boost confidence and relieve anxious thoughts.

two person holding a black dog and using a laptop
Image By: karolina grabowska, Pexels

8. Lower Blood Pressure

The effect of pets on blood pressure is well documented. Petting a dog or a cat (and a cat’s purr) can lower blood pressure due to its relaxing effect on the owner. Having your dog sit beside you as you work or coaxing your cat to sit purring on your lap can prompt the body to do several things that lower blood pressure:

  • Reduce cortisol levels in the blood
  • Release “feel-good” hormones
  • Lower cholesterol levels

With the general increase in exercise that pet owners get when working from home, this all results in significantly lower blood pressure and better heart health.


What Does Your Pet Get Out of It?

Pets can also reap the benefits of their owners not going to the office. Dogs and cats get to spend more time with their owners, strengthening their bond. They get more attention, are generally exercised more, and have their needs met faster than when their owner works at the office.

These are all excellent benefits for your pets, and the work-from-home dynamic can often suit you both perfectly. However, there are sometimes downsides to this arrangement.

cat playing hepper nest bed
Image Credit: Hepper

What Are the Downsides to Having a Pet When Working From Home?

Owners can quickly become distracted by their cat jumping on their keyboard or their dog howling to go for a walk. They can also inadvertently increase the potential for separation anxiety, particularly if working from home is only a temporary arrangement.

Studies after the COVID-19 pandemic have shown that 76% of dogs in the U.S. now experience separation anxiety, as many were raised with their owners being around all the time. The change to being alone for 8-plus hours a day can be jarring.

That said, the downsides to having a pet around are generally less impactful than the benefits.

Which Pet Is Best for a Working Person?

When working from home, the options that you have when picking a pet to adopt are much broader than if you had to work in the office. For example, animals that usually don’t do well when left alone for long periods can thrive when their owners are always around.

Cats are cuddly, loving, and affectionate pets that generally do better at being alone for extended periods than dogs. They’re small and easy to clean up after, and they can entertain themselves while you’re working at your desk. Just don’t be surprised if they jump on your keyboard!

Small pets like rodents or rabbits can also be good choices. Of course, they still require upkeep, interaction, toys, stimulation, and affection. But rats, for example, are crepuscular, meaning they’re more active at dawn and dusk, which is perfect for working folks.

cat and dachshund dog on a rug
Image By: Africa Studio, Shutterstock



Working from home can be more or less stressful for people, depending on their outlook. Owning a pet that can keep you company as you work is an excellent way to de-stress and improve your health, with some pets dramatically improving cardiovascular health. Of course, there can be downsides to being around your pet 24/7, but these can be managed easily, and the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Featured Image Credit: nakaridore, Freepik

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