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Cost to Spay or Neuter a Dog In Australia: 2024 Price Guide

Written by: Brooke Bundy

Last Updated on July 12, 2024 by Dogster Team

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Cost to Spay or Neuter a Dog In Australia: 2024 Price Guide

No matter where you live, the decision to spay or neuter your dog isn’t an easy one. Desexing surgery is marginally more expensive in Australia than in the United States, with an average price of about $146.19 AUD ($100 USD).

Females are spayed, which is the equivalent of a hysterectomy in humans, and it costs a little more than the male procedure, which is the same as castration. Here’s what to expect if you decide to follow through with the operation in Australia.

The Importance of Spaying/Neutering Your Pet

Most animal shelters in the U.S. and Australia automatically spay or neuter your pet before they’re adopted. This procedure has been enthusiastically adopted in both countries to control the animal population and reduce the number of homeless animals.

If you don’t have a rescue, you can spay or neuter your pet to prevent reproductive cancers such as prostate cancer or ovarian cancer. Since the neuter surgery eliminates male reproductive hormones such as testosterone, castration may also decrease territorial behaviors such as barking and aggression. Owners of female dogs may want to spay their girls to reduce their risk of mammary cancer and not worry about dealing with a menstrual cycle.

Spaying and neutering are both irreversible procedures, so it’s important to realize your dog will never be able to produce a litter. That is why it’s essential to consider the pros and cons before you commit.

How Much Does Spay/Neuter Surgery Cost?

Spay surgery for dogs costs about $438.57 AUD ($300 USD) on average in Australia. In the United States, it costs $292.38–$584.76 AUD ($200–$400 USD). However, while you probably won’t ever pay more than $730.96 AUD ($500 USD) in the U.S. for a spay procedure, it can cost as much as $877.15 AUD ($600 USD) in Australia for an extra-large breed such as a Great Dane.

A small breed spay can be even cheaper than average, and there are low-cost ways to have your dog spayed, such as using government vouchers or seeing if your nearby animal shelter offers a discount spay program. In general, spays are more expensive than neuters because they’re more invasive since they internally remove the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.

neutering dog
Image Credit: Simon Kadula, Shutterstock

Neutering is much simpler and cheaper. Typically, this surgery costs around $263.14 AUD ($180 USD) but no more than $730.96 AUD ($500 USD) for a very large dog. Unlike spaying, neutering isn’t usually an invasive surgery since it just removes the testicles from the scrotum. The only exception is if the procedure is performed on a young pup whose testicles haven’t descended. This becomes a more invasive internal surgery that’s also more expensive, with an estimated $146.19 AUD ($100 USD) additional fee.

In Australia, you may qualify for a low-income discount offered by the National Desexing Network. Additionally, July is National Desex Month, so many veterinary clinics have discounts during that time to encourage sterilization.

Additional Costs to Anticipate

The cost of spay or neuter surgery includes preoperative blood work, anesthesia, and the surgery. You’ll need an E-collar or a cone for your dog to wear in the days following surgery, as well as arrange a sitter if you can’t stay home with your dog for the next week or two following surgery. You’ll need to keep a close eye on them, making sure their stitches don’t tear and their incision site remains clean to prevent infection.

Does Pet Insurance Cover Spay/Neuter Surgery?

Most pet insurance policies won’t cover spay/neuter surgery since desexing is a planned procedure, not an emergency or illness. However, a few companies provide spay/neuter reimbursements in their wellness plan that will pay for some or all of it. If you already have pet insurance, call them to ask if spay/neuter is included in your plan.

Otherwise, you can purchase a wellness policy when you sign up for pet insurance to ensure coverage. Of course, since desexing is a one-time, planned procedure, you might decide it’s worth saving your wellness allotment for another event you’re not anticipating.

Dog Spaying
Image Credit: Kyla Metzker, Shutterstock


The cost to desex your dog in Australia depends on the vet clinic, the dog, and whether it’s a spay or neuter procedure. Generally, spays are more expensive than neuters because they’re more invasive, but neutering a male whose testicles haven’t dropped can match the price since it’s a more complicated surgery. Since dog sterilization is irreversible, it’s important to fully research the procedure before you decide so that you can make the right choice for your pup at the right time.

Featured Image Credit: Kamil Macniak. Shutterstock

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