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Great Dane Price: How Much Do They Cost in 2024? Facts & FAQ

Written by: Kerry-Ann Kerr

Last Updated on June 25, 2024 by Dogster Team

female great dane

Great Dane Price: How Much Do They Cost in 2024? Facts & FAQ

Great Danes are the largest lapdogs you’re ever going to meet; they’re gentle dogs that think they can fit snuggly in your lap. They’re loyal, affectionate, and pretty expensive to keep.

Bringing home any new pet is always expensive when you factor in the cost of equipment, food, and various supplies. With smaller breeds, you can get away with keeping your costs low, but a giant breed like a Great Dane grows a massive amount in a short space of time again.

Preparing everything for your new pet can be daunting, especially when you’re trying to figure out exactly what you’ll need. We’ll help you out with our detailed guide that examines the cost of owning a Great Dane.

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Bringing Home a New Great Dane: One-Time Costs

The first costs you’ll probably factor in are those you only need to plan for once. Buying a dog is a great example of this. However, just because it’s a one-time cost, it doesn’t mean it isn’t going to shock you when it comes time to hand the money over, and it’s best to plan for it in advance.

great dane puppy
Image Credit: Melissa Askew, Unsplash


You might end up with a Great Dane in your life in an unusual way. Maybe it’s been gifted to you, or someone could not care for it the way it needs. A dog that starts off free doesn’t always end up staying free. You might need to get a health check-up for your new dog, depending on its age, health, and vaccination status.

Some adopted dogs are abused or neglected, and caring for them after this abuse could be costly in vet and behaviorist bills.


  • $75–$300

When you adopt, your options are limited; you might not get the puppy you’re dreaming of. But it will save you money and give a forever home to a Great Dane in need. While adopting is not as cheap as getting a free dog, it is still a lot less expensive than going through a breeder.

Puppies are in higher demand and will be more expensive. Your costs will lower if you take home a senior dog. However, many people are against adopting because finding purebred Great Danes in shelters or pounds is tough. You could contact a giant breed rescue, and while there might be a wait for a dog you want, it is an excellent option to consider.


  • $600–$3,000+

Great Danes are incredibly popular. According to the American Kennel Club (AKC), they were ranked the 17th most popular dog breed in the US in 2021. So, don’t expect them to come cheap, especially if they’re a pure breed. If you’re looking for a pet, you will probably pay around $1,000 on average. The price will shoot up if you want a Great Dane with a premium bloodline that you can breed or show. Prices climb even higher if the breeder has papers to back up their dog’s lineage.

Before you buy from a breeder, make sure you do your research first. Unethical breeders will not only mistreat their dogs, but the puppies they go on to sell are more prone to health problems than ones that are raised responsibly. Some people are more concerned about profits than their dogs’ welfare, and adopting from puppy farms only increases the prices of the dogs further.

Initial Setup and Supplies

  • $100–$500

Dogs from shelters are affordable because the facility often provides vaccinations, spaying or neutering, and microchipping as part of the adoption fee. The downside is, of course, that a dog is then usually exposed to conditions like kennel cough. If the shelter doesn’t treat these problems, the cost will fall on you.

We’ve made a list of items you might consider before the arrival of your new family member:
  • A crate or bed
  • Food and water bowls
  • Jacket
  • Treats
  • Collar and tag
  • Leash and harness
  • Car seatbelt
  • Toys
  • Puppy pads for toilet training
  • Poop bags
  • A brush
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Dog shampoo
  • Blankets

List of Great Dane Care Supplies and Costs

Great dane with toy in mouth
Image Credit: mtajmr_Pixabay

Care costs for your Great Dane extend beyond everyday items like poop bags or doggy toothpaste. Teeth cleaning generally isn’t covered by insurance, and you’ll have to pay for it out-of-pocket. Here are the costs of common services for new dogs.

ID Tag and Collar $10–$30
Spay/Neuter $35–$250
X-Ray Cost $150–$250
Ultrasound Cost $250–$600
Microchip $45–$55
Teeth Cleaning $150–$700
Nail Clipper (optional) $7–$15
Vaccinations $50–$100+

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How Much Does a Great Dane Cost Per Month?

  • $75–$200+ per month

Food alone for an adult Great Dane could cost you around $100 a month. You’ll also learn that when you own a large canine, veterinary services, such as vaccines, require a larger dose and higher price. If your pet destroys its bed and toys often, you’ll experience higher monthly costs.

Health Care

  • $60–$200+ per month

Great Danes are prone to some health problems in their short lives, and you will spend more on vet visits. But health care extends beyond this. It involves looking after the general health of your dog, like getting dog shampoo, toothpaste, and a toothbrush. Dental health is crucial for your dog’s overall health, but daily exercise and a healthy diet are also vital.

Owner with her Great dane at veterinary
Image Credit: hedgehog94, Shutterstock


  • $75–$200+ per month

Depending on your dog’s weight, age, and activity level, your Great Dane will eat between 2,500 and 3,500 calories a day, split into two meals. Buying food for your Great Dane is, understandably, going to be expensive. This might tempt you to cut corners and get cheaper food, but that isn’t the wisest investment.

Cheaper food is generally missing some vital nutrients that are required to keep your dog healthy. The money you save in the short term will likely be used in vet visits in the future.

You will also have to keep an eye on your dog’s weight. Larger dogs are prone to joint problems, which are exacerbated when they put on weight. Obesity also brings more health risks and could shorten your Great Dane’s already short life.


  • $0–$35 per month

Great Danes are very low maintenance when it comes to grooming. They have short, manageable coats you can easily take care of at home by brushing them a few times a week. They shed, which increases in Spring and Fall, so you might have to brush them most often during this time to stop hair from clinging to your furniture.

You’ll only have to bathe them once or twice a year, and their nails should be trimmed regularly. Dental issues cause significant problems for dogs, but with regular brushing, you can prevent painful treatments later on and save money.

Medications and Vet Visits

  • $10–$100+ per month

Generally, Great Danes should visit the vet twice a year for checkups. This will increase if they have any chronic health problems or develop any health issues as they age. Dogs are also unpredictable and can become sick without warning if they eat something they shouldn’t, for example.

Pet Insurance

  • $40–$150+ per month

Even if your dog is young and healthy, expect your premium to be higher than usual because Great Danes are prone to expensive medical problems. Some people might put money aside in case of an emergency instead of taking out insurance for this reason, while others will go with an insurance company for the peace of mind of knowing it can help in an emergency.

Monthly insurance payments can seem expensive, but compared to the thousands of dollars it can cost if something goes wrong, it isn’t.

Great Dane dog
Image Credit: muroPhotographer, Shutterstock

Environment Maintenance

  • $10–$50+ per month

Great Danes are powerful chewers, and you’ll go through chew toys much faster than you’re probably expecting. Chew toys satisfy your pup’s urge to chew on objects and protect your belongings from damage. With a heavy chewer in the house, you can save money by enrolling in a toy subscription service, where new toys can be sent straight to your door.

Chew Toys $20+/month
Poop Bags $5/month
Stain and Odor Remover $11/month


  • $20–$50+ per month

Great Danes have a goofy streak and love to play with toys. A good way of saving some of the toys from an untimely death is to join in the fun. Your Great Dane would appreciate nothing more than you getting down on their level and playing with them. Ropes are cheap, and very few Great Danes are opposed to playing tug-of-war.

It’s essential to remember that Great Danes should avoid anything high-impact, like jumping, running, or climbing, as this will put too much stress on their joints.

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Total Monthly Cost of Owning a Great Dane

  • $150–$300+ per month

Owning a dog isn’t cheap, and big dogs can be the most expensive. Your Great Dane will rely on you to take care of its mental and physical well-being, which comes in the form of getting them toys, taking them on walks, and buying them suitable food.

Great Dane Dog Walking outdoor
Image Credit: Nikolas Otto, Shutterstock

Additional Costs to Factor In

There’s always going to be something to surprise you that you probably haven’t thought about yet because animals don’t stick to plans. You’ll need a petsitter if you go on vacation or a dog walker if you’re out of the house for long periods.

Great Danes are very destructive, especially when they’re young, so expect to replace dog beds or a few pairs of shoes—we suggest keeping your fanciest items somewhere your puppy can’t reach. Training is essential for this breed, and it’s best to seek a professional trainer if you do not have the time.

Owning a Great Dane on a Budget

Owning a pet on a budget isn’t impossible, but it’s always easier with smaller breeds. Even if you can save money at first with a Great Dane, the dog will cost you a lot of money over time. The best advice we can give is that a different breed might be a better idea for your family if you’re on a tight budget.

Saving Money on Great Dane Care

The best way to save money on health care is to invest in your dog’s health from the very start. It’s attractive to buy cheap food or not go to the vet regularly, but these decisions can put your dog at risk. Putting the money into good food, reliable dog toys, and veterinary check-ups will save you money later on.


Great Danes are wonderful pets. They’re goofy, affectionate, and loyal, so it’s not difficult to see why they’re so popular. However, they’re expensive to care for. Owning a pet is generally split into items you will only need to buy once or every month, but with a Great Dane, you might have to replace toys and equipment more often when they’re damaged or destroyed.

Life with a pet can be unpredictable, and expenses can pop up at any point. No one plans for their dog to eat a chunk out of their favorite shoe and vomit on the brand-new couch, but it happens. With any pet comes a big responsibility, but with a Great Dane, you’ll need to set aside more money to keep them healthy and entertained.

Featured Image Credit: David Pegzlz, Shutterstock

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