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Eurasier Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Origin & More

Written by: Jessica Kim

Last Updated on July 5, 2024 by Dogster Team

eurasier dog in snow

Eurasier Dog Breed: Info, Pictures, Origin & More

The Eurasier is a charming, fluffy dog that was bred to be the ultimate family dog. They’re known for their intelligence, loyalty, and playful personalities. They’re devoted to their families and are quick to secure a spot as a beloved family member.

Eurasiers are a relatively new breed, and there’s still so much to learn about them. Here’s what we know so far about this breed. Getting to know them better will help you determine if they’re the right dog breed for you.

Breed Overview


19–24 inches


40–70 pounds


12–16 years


Black, fawn, red, sable, wolf gray

Suitable for:

Active families, service dog work, families with children


Loyal, hardworking, protective, playful

Because Eurasiers are a fairly new dog breed, they’re rare and can be difficult to find. However, we’re hopeful about seeing more appear, as there are breeding programs in the US that are working to develop the breed.

Eurasiers are gaining popularity because of their charming appearance and equally charming personality. They can be a bit aloof with strangers, but they’re affectionate and loving toward their families. When you gain a Eurasier’s trust, and they reveal their true selves to you, you’ll find that you’ve gained a lifelong loyal friend.

Eurasier Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Eurasier Puppies

eurasier puppy sitting on the grass
Image Credit: Christian Mueller, Shutterstock

Eurasiers are a relatively rare breed in the US. They’re not officially registered with the American Kennel Club (AKC) as a purebred dog. So, it can be challenging to find breeders with puppies ready for new homes. You can start your search by looking through the United States Eurasier Club’s (USEC) breeder list. However, it can still be difficult to find a breeder that’s located near you because there aren’t that many in the US.

The USEC also has a Eurasier Rescue Service that takes in houseless Eurasiers, so you might be able to locate a Eurasier through this service. Just keep in mind that most Eurasiers will be adult dogs, not puppies. Also, since Eurasiers are an uncommon breed, it’s unlikely you’ll come across one at your local pet adoption center.

As puppies, Eurasiers can take some time to get used to living with their new families. However, once a strong bond has been formed, they’ll be loyal friends for life. You can help your Eurasier get adjusted to their new lives with you by establishing a consistent daily routine that includes plenty of play sessions. Eurasiers have a love for play that extends well into their adulthood. So, playing plenty of fun games like fetch and tag will earn your Eurasier’s heart eventually. Getting a head start on obedience training can also help establish a strong bond and build trust between the dog and owner.

Eurasier Origin & History

Eurasiers are a relatively new dog breed that first appeared in the 1960s. They’re native to Germany, and German breeder Julius Wipfel is most often credited for developing this breed. He began cross breeding Chow Chows with Wolfspitzes. Later on, Samoyeds were incorporated into their breeding program.

Eurasiers were bred with the intention of creating a family dog that also bore resemblances to their wolf ancestors. As a result, Eurasiers are often said to have an “ancestral” appearance, and they have loyal and well-mannered temperaments. They were first recognized by the Federation Cynologique Internationale (FCI) in 1973 and received later recognition by the United Kennel Club (UKC) in 1996.

eurasier dog sitting at the beach
Image Credit: rebeccaashworthearle, Shutterstock

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Eurasier 🧠

Eurasiers are commonly referred to as the ultimate family dog. They were bred to be loyal, gentle, and family-oriented. They thrive in families that are able to include them in all the action. Eurasiers probably enjoy summertime the most because that’s when children are on summer break, and the family can go on vacations together. They’ll love family camping trips and tagging along on weekend excursions.

While they’re not aggressive, Eurasiers are picky with people. They have a clear preference for their families and usually form a strong bond with one or two people. Eurasiers tend to be aloof with strangers and also make good watchdogs, as they’re naturally wary of strangers and have a loud bark.

Since they have strong protective instincts, early socialization is especially important for Eurasiers. They must be gradually and gently exposed to different social situations and environments and learn to behave appropriately in each one. A lack of socialization will cause Eurasiers to become more timid, withdrawn, and wary of people and other animals.

Eurasiers also have a strong work ethic and are fast learners. They’re dependable dogs that like to have a job or responsibility, and they’re excellent candidates for service dog work. They have a lot of stamina and are a decent size, even-tempered, and very trainable. This combination of traits makes them well-suited for working as therapy dogs, military dogs, and search and rescue dogs.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

Eurasiers have a knack for understanding children and often make good playmates. They’re gentle and nurturing with children in their families and do their best to protect them from harm. That being said, Eurasiers may not be as patient with other children outside of their families. They may not act aggressively, but they’ll be less patient and quicker to withdraw and remove themselves from children who are being too loud or rowdy. It’s important to give Eurasiers their space and provide an area they can retreat to and be left unbothered when they’re seeking their alone time.

It’s also equally important to teach children how to interact with Eurasiers in a respectful manner. They must learn how to handle dogs gently and avoid touching sensitive areas like the face, tail, paws, and underbelly. Children must also know when a Eurasier wants to be by themselves and when to leave them alone.

eurasier dogs in the mountain
Image Credit: Karen Appleby, Shutterstock

Does This Breed Get Along With Other Pets? 🐶 😽

Eurasiers can be choosy with dogs. They’ll prefer spending time with dogs that they grew up with as puppies, and it can take them extra time to get used to a new dog in their home. Therefore, it’s important to introduce your Eurasier to other dogs gradually. Over time, most Eurasiers will consider new dogs as members of the family and can co-exist with them amicably under one roof.

Eurasiers can get along with other types of pets, and you’ll have the most success if your Eurasier has been socialized and introduced to other animals when they were a puppy. It can take some time, but most Eurasiers eventually come to understand that other animals are a part of their family and won’t bother them. However, it’s still recommended to always keep an eye on your Eurasier when they’re around other pets and to never leave them alone unsupervised.

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Things to Know When Owning a Eurasier

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

A Eurasier’s food and diet requirements will depend on their life stage, activity level, and current health condition. Since there are a variety of factors that contribute to their nutritional needs, it’s best to have them assessed by a veterinarian before deciding on what diet to feed them. A veterinarian can help you determine what types of dog food best suit your dog’s needs and may be able to recommend specific brands.

In general, Eurasiers are medium-sized dogs that don’t often require eating specialized diets. They often do well with eating complete and balanced meals developed by reputable dog food brands. Eurasiers with particularly active lifestyles may benefit from eating high-protein diets that can sustain them when they’re engaged in high-performance activities.

Eurasiers may develop joint issues and eye issues as they age. So, it’s recommended to consult your veterinarian to determine if it’s appropriate to add supplements that support eye and joint health into your dog’s diet.

eurasier dog at the park
Image Credit: Zeralein99, Shutterstock

Exercise 🐕

Eurasiers are relatively easygoing, but they still require at least 45 minutes of exercise per day. They can get their exercise by going on long walks, playing games with you, or roaming around a securely fenced yard. Most Eurasiers won’t prefer playing with other dogs they don’t know. So, they may not enjoy going to dog parks and may end up wanting to leave if there are too many dogs there.

It’s also important to note that Eurasiers are smart dogs that like using their brains. Therefore, they need plenty of mentally stimulating and enriching activities scheduled throughout their day. They can develop a hobby of learning new tricks or participating in dog sporting events, like agility courses and frisbee tosses. You may also want to consider training your Eurasier in therapy work and having them volunteer. Their calm, gentle demeanor and fluffy coats often make them approachable and welcome guests at hospitals and nursing homes.

Training 🦮

Eurasiers were bred to be easy to train, which often makes them a good fit for first-time dog owners. They usually learn the best when training sessions are short and frequent, and they typically respond very well to praise, treats, and other positive affirmations. Eurasiers have a tendency to respond and listen to one or two people. So, it’s important to have your whole family involved with training so that they learn to listen to every family member.

When training a Eurasier, it’s important to be mindful of your own emotions and voice. Eurasiers are very sensitive to their owner’s emotions, and being on the receiving end of impatience and frustration will only hurt their self-confidence. Therefore, if you notice your patience is wearing thin, it’s better to take a break and walk away than continue pushing through a training session. You can always continue when both you and your dog have calmed down.

eurasier dog running outdoor
Image Credit: cynoclub, Shutterstock

Grooming ✂️

Eurasiers have thick double coats and are seasonal shedders that shed heavily once or twice a year. Brushing your Eurasier’s coat every day or every other day during their shedding season can help manage shedding and reduce the amount of loose hair around your house. Outside of shedding season, Eurasiers usually only need to be brushed weekly with a pin brush or slicker brush.

Overbathing a Eurasier can lead to skin and coat issues, so only bathe your Eurasier when necessary. They’re relatively clean dogs that only need baths when they start to smell or if they get exceptionally dirty from playing outdoors.

It’s important never to shave your Eurasier’s coat. Eurasiers rely on their coats to regulate their body temperature and protect their skin from sunburn. You can take your Eurasier to a professional groomer for a trim and routine coat maintenance, but nothing extreme should be done to their coat.

Health and Conditions ❤️

Eurasiers are fairly healthy dogs, but as with all purebred dogs, they have a higher risk of developing specific health issues as they age. Most of the health issues that Eurasiers experience are also found in Chow Chows, Samoyeds, and Wolfspitzes.

Minor Conditions
  • Patellar luxation
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Eye issues
Serious Conditions
  • Dandy Walker-Like Malformation Syndrome

Male vs Female

It’s common for male Eurasiers to grow slightly larger than female Eurasiers. Their temperaments don’t seem to be affected by their sex. Some people claim that male Eurasiers are more affectionate than female Eurasiers. However, there isn’t enough evidence to support this claim. Temperament is often more attributed to a Eurasier’s genetics and the environment they grow up in.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Eurasier

1. There are about 9,000 registered Eurasiers in the world.

Eurasiers aren’t very common, and most of them are found in Germany and Switzerland. However, they’re gaining popularity due to being known as good family dogs. Although they’re less common in the US, you can find a few active Eurasier breeders in several states.

2. Eurasiers aren’t officially recognized by the AKC.

While Eurasiers are registered with other international dog breed clubs, they’ve yet to be recognized by the AKC. The breed is currently categorized as a Foundation Stock Service breed by the AKC and can work towards official recognition. Eurasier breeders in the US currently use the FCI Breed Standards for their dogs.

3. Eurasiers got their name from their lineage.

Eurasiers have both European and Asian dogs in their lineage. The Chow Chow is native to China, while the Samoyed is native to Siberia, and the Wolfspitz originates from Germany. Therefore, Eurasiers are a combination of the words “European” and “Asian,” and they’re also known as Eurasian dogs.

eurasier dog sitting in the woods
Image Credit: elias6347, Shutterstock

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Final Thoughts

Overall, Eurasiers are happiest when they’re with their families. They grow strong bonds with their family members and really don’t like being left alone for long hours. Eurasiers have the energy and stamina to participate in all kinds of activities, and they’ll love accompanying you everywhere you go. They’re easy going and laid back but also have a playful side to them that makes them some of the best companions for outdoor adventures. Once you befriend a Eurasier, you’ll have a loyal friend for life.

Featured Image Credit to: Beatrice Foord-St-Laurent, Shutterstock

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