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Daug (Dachshund & Pug Mix): Info, Pictures, Care & More

Written by: Kristin Hitchcock

Last Updated on July 24, 2024 by Dogster Team

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Daug (Dachshund & Pug Mix): Info, Pictures, Care & More

The laidback and affectionate Daug is often advertised as the perfect family pet. They are a cross between a Dachshund and a Pug. You never exactly know what kind of dog you’re going to get since they can technically inherit any trait from either parent. That is the game you play when you adopt a mixed breed. However, because the Dachshund and Pug make pretty good family dogs, the Daug is usually a remarkable pet. They’re relatively easy to care for and don’t require much exercise.

Breed Overview


11–13 inches


15–20 pounds


12–15 years


Black, fawn, brown

Suitable for

Laidback families, those looking for a relaxed dog


Affectionate, People-Oriented, Low-Maintenance

Usually, Daugs weigh less than 20 pounds. Some can be rather muscular and stoat, while others are skinny. They aren’t very energetic, but they enjoy some light playtime. Instead, they prefer to spend time in their owner’s laps.

Daugs don’t require advanced care and are suitable for first-time owners. Just be aware that some have health problems, despite the fact that they’re often healthier than other breeds.

Daug Characteristics

High-energy dogs will need a lot of mental and physical stimulation to stay happy and healthy, while low-energy dogs require minimal physical activity. It’s important when choosing a dog to make sure their energy levels match your lifestyle or vice versa.
Easy-to-train dogs are more skilled at learning prompts and actions quickly with minimal training. Dogs that are harder to train will require a bit more patience and practice.
Some breeds, due to their size or their breeds potential genetic health issues, have shorter lifespans than others. Proper exercise, nutrition, and hygiene also play an important role in the lifespan of your pet.
Some dog breeds are prone to certain genetic health problems, and some more than others. This doesn’t mean that every dog will have these issues, but they have an increased risk, so it’s important to understand and prepare for any additional needs they may require.
Some dog breeds are more social than others, both towards humans and other dogs. More social dogs have a tendency to run up to strangers for pets and scratches, while less social dogs shy away and are more cautious, even potentially aggressive. No matter the breed, it’s important to socialize your dog and expose them to lots of different situations.

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Daug Puppies

Less-popular, hybrid pups, like the Daug, are harder to find. There just aren’t as many breeders that specialize in the Daug, and the options in your area may be limited. Still, because they are prone to so many health problems, it is essential that you purchase them from a high-quality source.

It is vital for any breeding dogs to be health tested, which helps ensure that the resulting puppies don’t inherit any preventable health problems. Daug puppies are energetic, but it doesn’t take long for them to calm down. If you want to cuddle your pup, you will love the Daug, as they’re quite affectionate.

Image Credit: Pixabay

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Daug

The Daug was developed to be a companion animal. Unlike other breeds, they weren’t designed for hunting, herding, or anything of that sort. Instead, they were simply bred to lay in their owner’s laps and be happy. They are great family dogs in most cases and don’t require years of experience to train.

They are laidback, friendly, and people-oriented, and they will follow you around the house. Many bond equally well with everyone in the family and typically don’t care who is giving them attention as long as they are getting it. They aren’t as hyperactive as other small breeds and spend much of their time lying around.

This is even more true for dogs with shorter snouts since it’s more difficult for them to breathe and engage in rigorous physical activity. This will cause them to wear out faster than other dogs, which leads to more lying around.

Due to their people-oriented nature, Daugs usually don’t like being left alone for long periods. They are not ideal if you’ll be gone for much of the day. Instead, they do best when they are with someone for much of the time. They can have separation anxiety problems, which can result in destructive behaviors.

Some Daugs are not friendly to strangers, especially if they are not socialized correctly. They can be a bit unsure and may bark loudly at visitors. They aren’t as bright as some breeds, and it takes patience to train them. It can take a while for them to learn new commands.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 🏡

We recommend Daugs for families with older children only. Smaller children can easily injure these dogs, which can lead to fear-based biting. Furthermore, they aren’t always confident around children. Their smaller size often complicates matters since most hyperactive toddlers outweigh them. This can lead to fear-based biting, especially if the dog isn’t raised around children.

However, they get along great with older children. If they are treated gently, they are very affectionate and friendly. They will curl up with older children on the couch and follow them around the yard. They may not be best for very active families since they’re not very energetic. Some may be unable to exercise much due to their shorter snouts.

Therefore, we recommend them for families who aren’t necessarily looking for a dog to keep up with them. This canine will usually be much happier just lying in your lap.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets? 🐶 😽 

Daugs can happily live with other dogs and cats. They do not have a very high prey drive, so you usually don’t have to worry about them chasing cats. Plus, they aren’t much bigger than most cats, so you don’t have to be concerned about them hurting them.

They are usually just fine with other dogs. They will happily play with most other dogs as long as you socialize them properly from a young age. Sometimes, they can be a bit unsure and defensive. They aren’t exactly the most confident breed. They aren’t territorial or anything of that sort, though, which is always a plus. Socialization is all they need to get along with other dogs.

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Things to Know When Owning a Daug

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Because Daugs are small, they don’t eat very much. You won’t be spending much on their food each year, which will allow you to purchase more expensive food.  Like all dogs, it is vital to keep them at a healthy weight. Obesity can be particularly troublesome for this breed, as they are more prone to breathing difficulties. The extra weight can lead to other health problems. You can measure the amount of food you want to feed your dog and be sure to watch their weight.

Some Daugs are prone to food allergies. Therefore, you may need to be careful about what you feed them. Dogs aren’t born with food allergies. They develop after the dog eats the same protein for an extended period. The best way to avoid food allergies is to feed them formulas with different protein sources.

Exercise 🐕

The Daug isn’t very active and can experience exercise-induced health problems if they’re overworked. Many have shortened faces, which can cause breathing problems. When you make a dog that already can’t breathe exercise too much, it can cause some severe issues.

Still, Daugs need daily exercise. A short walk in the morning and evening and a few daily play sessions are all they need. You should not force them to exercise for extended periods. They should be allowed to rest often.

However, you may have to go out of your way to encourage play since they can be lazy, which can lead to obesity. While they don’t need much exercise, they need to move at least a little each day.

Training 🎾

Daugs aren’t extremely intelligent. They also weren’t bred to listen to people or work closely alongside us. Therefore, they are usually more challenging to train. Luckily, they are very well-behaved, so they often don’t require much training before they are suitable family dogs. They are usually well-mannered indoors and don’t cause many problems.

However, they need quite a bit of socialization. They aren’t the most accepting of other dogs and strangers without socialization. They must be introduced to many dogs, people, and situations at a young age. This will help them be friendly and accepting when introduced to new people.

Puppy classes will help since they can meet other dogs in a safe and controlled environment. Often, puppy obedience classes involve getting the dog socialized, with some extra training thrown in.

Grooming ✂️

Thanks to their short fur, Daugs do not require much grooming. However, they shed quite a bit, though it may be particularly bad during certain times of the year. We recommend brushing them twice a week to reduce the shedding. Otherwise, they can quickly cover your house with hair.

Brushing their fur will also remove dirt from their coat, elongating the time they can wait between baths. This also spreads around the natural oils in their fur, which can keep their coat and skin healthier. Daugs do not need baths very often. We only recommend bathing them if they get dirty.

Otherwise, they may need a bath every few months at the most. If they have wrinkles on their face, you must clean them regularly to prevent bacteria and moisture from building up. Dog wipes are often the best option for that.

Health and Conditions 🏥

Despite being a hybrid, the Daug isn’t particularly healthy. Both of their parents are prone to several health problems, which this mixed breed can inherit as well. They are vulnerable to brachycephalic syndrome. This condition occurs when the dog’s snout is very short, which compromises the bone structure in their face. This can make it difficult for them to breathe, as all the bones and facial muscles are shoved together.

Brachycephalic syndrome affects both the dog’s airway and eyes. Flat-faced Daugs usually cannot breathe properly and have difficulty cooling themselves, leaving them open to heat exhaustion and exercise-induced collapse. This condition is precisely why they are prone to snorting and coughing. They simply can’t breathe!

Due to their bone structure, Daugs can also have eye problems. Their eyes tend to pop out of their heads, which causes all sorts of eye problems. The Daug may be affected by the extreme brachycephalic syndrome, or they could hardly have it at all. It depends on the shape and size of their muzzle. Dogs with more of a snout will typically be affected less.

Cushing’s disease is also a concern. It’s common among Dachshunds and affects how their adrenal gland works. It makes it produce far too many hormones, which can make it seem like your dog is growing and aging too quickly. If it is caught early, the condition is treatable.

Intervertebral disk disease can occur in dogs with long backs when the area within the spinal column becomes swollen, cutting off the nerves going to the lower body. Typically, dogs with long backs are more likely to develop this condition. It is usually caused by an injury, jumping, or similar physical activity. The signs don’t show up right away, so it can be difficult to link them to a specific event.

Dogs with IVD will typically experience pain in their lower legs, followed by muscle weakness. Eventually, they will become paralyzed in their lower body, including their legs and bladder. Treatment for this condition includes crate rest and surgery. Surgery can be helpful for some canines, but it is expensive and does not always work.

Minor Conditions
  • Skin infections
  • Allergies
Serious Conditions
  • Brachycephalic syndrome
  • Cushing’s disease
  • Intervertebral Disk Disease

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Male vs. Female

There is no significant difference between male and female Daugs. They are about the same size and have the same temperament. Which gender you choose is essentially one of personal preference.

Because the Daug is so rare, it is often best to avoid getting attached to a specific sex. It’s more difficult to be picky about the sex with fewer breeders and dogs available.

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3 Little-Known Facts About the Daug

1. They Have a High Tendency to Get Sick

The Dachshund and Pug are prone to many health problems. For this reason, their puppies are usually unhealthier than most mixed breeds.

2. The Daug Is Quite Rare

Despite being the result of two relatively common dogs, the Daug is a rare pup. Not many breeders produce them, which can complicate matters when you’re trying to adopt one. Your only option may be to find them at an animal shelter or rescue, but even that can be difficult.

3. They Can Get Expensive

Some of these dogs can cost up to as much as $3,000, while others cost even more. This is because they are rare, so the demand is higher than the supply. At the same time, they are unhealthy and can be difficult to breed. Breeders often perform health tests on the parents and get the puppies a lot of medical care. This can add up.

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Final Thoughts

The Daug is a companion breed and loves being around people. They spend most of their time relaxing with their family and enjoying warm days lying in the sun. They aren’t terribly active and may be more prone to heat exhaustion, so it is crucial that they are not forced to exercise more than their little bodies can handle.

They do best in laidback families that simply want their canines to follow them around the house. Daugs can’t hike or keep up with their owners as other breeds can. They are best in homes with older children. Their small size makes it easy for them to become injured, which can cause fear-based biting. They are usually fine with other dogs and cats, especially if they are socialized properly.

In the end, Daugs can make great family pets as long as you understand their abilities and temperament. They are not dogs that will run around with children all day. Instead, they’ll prefer to curl up on the couch and relax.

Looking for more crossbreeds? We have lots of Dachshund Mixes and Pug Mixes for you to explore!

See Also:

Featured Image Credit to: soundandpic66, Shutterstock

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