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Are Corgis Hypoallergenic? Breed Facts & FAQ

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on May 30, 2024 by Dogster Team

woman sitting on sofa and giving treat to the pembroke welsh corgi dog

Are Corgis Hypoallergenic? Breed Facts & FAQ

When it comes to pet allergies, dog owners are often in search of the “Holy Grail.” Lower-shedding dogs may be the answer they’re looking for. While there is no such thing as a 100% allergy-free breed, some breeds have been deemed lower-shedding by veterinarians and pet experts due to their coat type and minimal hair loss.

Lower-shedding dogs tend to have hair instead of fur, which may not produce as much dander that can trigger an allergic reaction. While regular grooming is necessary for these breeds, the amount of hair fall produced is significantly less than in other dog breeds with fur coats. Some of the most popular lower-shedding dog breeds include Bichon Frise, West Highland White Terrier, Poodle, Portuguese Water Dog, and Schnauzer. Unfortunately, Corgis are not on that list and are not considered to be low-shedding (hypoallergenic).


Corgis Are Not Hypoallergenic

The Corgis, contrary to popular belief, are not suitable for allergy sufferers. Why? Well, “hypoallergenic” refers to animals that are less likely to trigger allergies in humans. Just like every other breed of doggo, Corgis shed heavily and produce copious amounts of other protein allergens.

And although Corgis come in two varieties—the Cardigan Welsh Corgi and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi—neither of these fluffy butts can be considered hypoallergenic. These puppers will almost certainly cause an allergic reaction in people who have allergic reactions to canines. This means that if you—or a family member—suffer from allergies or asthma, you will most likely have a reaction when interacting with a Corgi or having one as a pet.

corgi puppy on wooden table
Image credit: Olena Kovtun, Shutterstock

What Can I Do If I Have a Reaction to My Corgi?

Although having an allergic reaction to your Corgi can be a very stressful situation to navigate, and having a pet allergy may seem like the end of your relationship with your bestie, it doesn’t have to be. With the right steps, you can manage and even prevent reactions without having to give up on your furry BFF.

For many Corgi owners, their beloved pup can cause painful and uncomfortable allergic reactions. For some, simply being near their pup brings tears to the eyes and wheezing to the lungs. Taking care of a pet with allergies is tricky; however, there are steps you can take to reduce your symptoms while still caring for your beloved companion.


When it comes to grooming your Corgi, there are several strategies that may help reduce the effects of allergies. Proactively removing hair and dander will go a long way toward reducing the number of allergens in the atmosphere. Regular brushing and bathing can help keep your pet free of allergens that may bother you.

When selecting grooming supplies, look for products formulated specifically for dogs with sensitive skin. A soft brush or comb is best for long-haired breeds like Corgis and will help keep their fur clean and tangle-free. When bathing your pet, use a hypoallergenic shampoo designed to reduce flaking, itching, and other skin irritations that trigger allergic reactions in humans. After each bath, give your Corgi an appropriate coat conditioner designed to improve their coat’s texture and shine while also controlling allergens in the air.

owner brushing a corgi
Image Credit: Pixel-Shot, Shutterstock

Cleaning and Hygiene

Cleaning and hygiene play key roles in mitigating the symptoms of pet allergies. Regularly cleaning your home is important for minimizing allergens that come with having a pet like a Corgi. Vacuuming carpets, couches, beds, curtains, and other fabric surfaces regularly can greatly reduce allergens that may cause symptoms.

It is also important to avoid carpeting, if possible, as this material tends to collect more hair and dander than many other floor coverings. Additionally, washing bedding and curtains on a regular basis will help control household allergens produced by your Corgi, such as dander and saliva proteins which often lead to sneezing or watery eyes. Consider washing your Corgi’s bedding regularly with hot water (at least once a week).

Air Filtration

One of the most effective ways to reduce the impact of allergies from your Corgi is by utilizing air filtration systems in your home or office. Air filters work by trapping dander particles and other allergens that may be released into the air when a Corgi sheds its fur. By trapping these particles before they can reach your nose, eyes, or lungs, you will greatly reduce their impacts on any existing allergies you suffer from while being able to enjoy spending time with your beloved Corgi without the worry of sneezing attacks! Many owners find that using HEPA air purifiers in rooms where their pet spends time has a big impact on their quality of life.

an air purifier in the bedroom
Image Credit: Parinya Smithijaroenpon, Shutterstock


Whenever you want to hang out with your dog, pop an antihistamine. Antihistamines interfere with the synthesis of histamine in the body. Histamine is the stuff that causes sufferers to experience annoying allergy symptoms. Antihistamines block reactions such as sneezing, itching, and watery eyes. Taking antihistamines on a regular basis will allow you to stay comfortable around your Corgi pal without suffering from any of these reactions. When taking antihistamines for your dog allergy, it’s important to follow the dosage instructions carefully, as different products may require different dosages for optimal effectiveness.


Can Dog Allergies Become Life Threatening?

Although rare, ​​yes, dog allergies can become life-threatening. Allergies—whether to dogs or other animals—can trigger severe physical reactions that may lead to anaphylaxis. This is a severe—and potentially fatal—allergic reaction caused by the flooding of histamines into the body. Untreated, it can cause rapid organ failure and even death. Learn the signs of anaphylactic shock if you or someone you know is allergic to canines. Don’t worry too much; anaphylaxis is a rare complication in dog allergies. Anaphylaxis symptoms usually include rapid heartbeat, difficulty breathing, swelling of the face, and hives. When these symptoms occur after hanging out with a Corgi or any other dog, individuals with allergies should seek immediate medical attention. As rare as this is, it must be taken seriously.

doctor and patient talking about heart disease
Image Credit: Dragon Images, Shutterstock

The Worst Dog Breeds for Allergy Sufferers

There are some breeds that simply cannot be recommended for individuals with allergies. The list of breeds that tends to produce more dander includes German Shepherds, Golden Retrievers, Labrador Retrievers, St. Bernards, Siberian Huskies, Basset Hounds, Dachshunds, Great Pyrenees, and Pugs. This makes them less than ideal choices for allergy sufferers. Large dogs can present challenges, as they often have more fur and dander than their smaller counterparts.

When choosing a dog breed, it’s important to do your research and understand which ones are best suited for people with allergies.



In conclusion, the answer to the question of whether Corgis are hypoallergenic is a resounding no. Not only do they shed at an above-average rate, but they also produce dander and saliva, which can cause allergic reactions in some people. While there may be individual cases in which people have less of an allergic reaction to Corgis than other breeds, it cannot be classified as a hypoallergenic breed overall.

If you have allergies and are considering getting a Corgi, it is important to get tested for allergies before bringing the pup home. If your dog allergies are severe, you may be better off looking for another type of pet that is more suitable for your needs.

Featured Image Credit: LightFieldStudios, Shutterstock

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