Dr. Emma Chandley BVM MRCVS (Veterinarian)

Dr. Emma is a experienced vet who is happy to share her knowledge and expertise about dogs with readers. With a focus on surgery, she is eager to engage in discussions on all topics related to animal care. Dr. Chandley graduated from The Royal Vet College and since graduation has worked in general practice in Great Britain. Her credentials include a postgraduate certificate in Small Animal Surgery and recognition as an Advanced Practitioner. She is also passionate about expanding her knowledge in clinical pathology, animal behavior, nutrition, and clinical pathology.

bully sticks in a cardboard box

My Dog Swallowed a Bully Stick: Should I Be Worried? Our Vet Explains

You’re likely reading this because your dog has swallowed a bully stick and you need to know what to do next. A bully stick is a dog chew usually made from the penis of a bull. They are long thin chewy stick treats for dogs. They are designed to be chewed over a long period, […]

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boxer dog leaning on a sofa

Soft Tissue Sarcoma in Dogs: Treatment, Causes & Prevention (Vet Answer)

Soft tissue sarcomas are a category of tumors that originate from muscle, connective, or nervous tissue in dogs. The tumor arises from an abnormal, uncontrolled overgrowth of cells. They can be found in any location in the body that houses these cell types. They are commonly seen in or on the skin. They are malignant

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golden retriever dog licking its mouth

My Dog Keeps Licking His Lips & Swallowing: 9 Reasons Why (Vet Answer)

If you’ve noticed your dog licking their lips and swallowing, there are many possible reasons for this behavior. Some are completely harmless and a normal part of their routine, some are an indication that there is something wrong, or a warning sign of something about to happen. If your dog is licking and swallowing or

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Dogster_Health Problems of Boston Terrier

13 Boston Terrier Health Issues to Look Out For (Vet Answer)

Boston Terriers can make excellent family pets. They are an affectionate, lively breed, and they respond well to mental stimulation so they can easily be trained. They are a brachycephalic breed. This means they have a short skull shape which gives them the appearance of a flat face, and there are health and welfare issues

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Dogster_Health Problems of Airedale Terriers

8 Airedale Terrier Health Issues: Our Vet Explains the Signs & Care Tips

Airedale Terriers are affectionately called the “King of the Terriers.” They are lovable creatures and make brilliant family pets. They can be stubborn, though, and require a great deal of exercise. Airedale Terriers are, unfortunately, also prone to certain hereditary diseases. It is important that owners are well-informed and understand the breed’s potential health problems

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My Dog Ate a Dead Bird

My Dog Ate a Dead Bird: Should I Be Worried? Our Vet Answers

If you are reading this article, the likelihood is that your dog has eaten a dead bird. This is a very common question vets get asked, as unsurprisingly, dogs often find dead birds when they are out on their walks. Curiosity gets the better of them, instincts kick in, one thing leads to another, and

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Rhodesian Ridgeback dog sick with vet

Hookworm in Dogs: Causes, Signs & Treatment Options (Vet Answer)

Hookworms are, unfortunately, a common parasite found in dogs. Hookworms include: They dwell in the intestines of dogs, and they have gained their name from their characteristic hook-like mouth parts. They use these mouthparts to firmly attach themselves to the lining of a dog’s intestines. Hookworms are relatively small in size; they can only just

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a border collie dog looking sick covered with blanket on couch

Epilepsy in Border Collies: Causes & Care Guide (Vet Answer)

Border Collies are historically working dogs; however, they are commonly chosen as household pets.  Border Collies are a medium-sized, athletic breed. They are inquisitive, highly energetic, and very intelligent. Despite all their admirable traits, they can be susceptible to epilepsy. The prevalence of idiopathic epilepsy in the Border Collie dog breed is high 1. It

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My Dog Ate a Toothpick

My Dog Ate a Toothpick: Should I Be Worried? Our Vet Answers

Has your dog eaten a toothpick? This is a surprisingly common occurrence, and your vet will be well-equipped to deal with this situation. It is extremely dangerous for canines to eat toothpicks, so if you think your dog has swallowed one, seek veterinary help immediately. Toothpicks, also known as cocktail sticks, are often consumed by

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a sick dog lying on the floor

My Dog Is Losing Balance & Falling Over: 8 Vet Explained Reasons

If your dog is unsteady on their feet or falling over frequently, it is likely your dog needs veterinary attention. If you see your dog stumbling over or staggering around, this usually means there is a medical issue. This can include things such as traumatic injury, poisoning, infection, or a stroke. You need to take

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Dog Sneeze

Do Pitbulls Have Allergies? Vet-Explained Signs, Treatments & Tips

Pitbulls are a very popular breed, despite the controversy that often surrounds them. It is important to be aware that the “Pitbull” breed isn’t officially recognized by the major kennel clubs. Pitbull has been adapted to be an umbrella term used to describe a mix of breeds including Staffordshire Bull Terriers, Bull Terriers, and American

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person picking up dog's poop

Yellow Dog Poop: Meaning & When to Worry (Vet Answer)

Have you noticed your dog’s poop has suddenly turned yellow? Are you wondering if you need to be worried or not? This vet-written guide will give you all the information you need on yellow poops and when to panic. Dog poop can give owners some useful insight into how their dog’s body is functioning and

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person putting bandage to a Jack Russell Terrier dog

How to Treat Dog Fight Injuries: Important Health & Safety Tips (Vet Answer)

Do you need to know what to do if your dog has been in a dog fight? It is an extremely stressful time for all parties involved and panic can set in quickly. If your dog has sustained injuries in a dog fight, it is vital that you act quickly to prevent them from being

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Oregano Oil for Dogs: Benefits, Usage & Side Effects (Vet Answer)

In recent years, oregano oil has become more and more popular for use in humans. It is believed to have immune supportive and antimicrobial properties. This gives the essential oil a wide variety of different uses for humans. Lots of owners want to use more natural remedies for their dogs and this has led to

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boxer dog laying on the carpet looking a bit sad

Why Is My Dog Collapsing? 12 Likely Causes (Vet Answer)

It is any dog owner’s worst nightmare to find their dog collapsed. When your dog collapses, they experience a sudden loss of strength that results in them falling and being unable to get up again. They may also experience weakness, confusion, disorientation, and stagger around before they collapse. Collapse can be caused by many different

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avocado oil on white wooden

Avocado/Soybean Unsaponifiables (ASU) for Dogs: Big Benefits for Osteoarthritis (Vet Answer)

Avocado or soybean unsaponifiables are a natural supplement derived from avocados and soybeans. They contain several useful compounds, including fat-soluble vitamins and phytosterols. It has been suggested that there are benefits of using avocado/soybean unsaponifiable products in dogs with osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that causes pain and discomfort in dogs, and recent

Avocado/Soybean Unsaponifiables (ASU) for Dogs: Big Benefits for Osteoarthritis (Vet Answer) Read More »

pitbull dog throwing up

My Dog Is Throwing Up Blood, What Do I Do? Facts & FAQ (Vet Answer)

It is always alarming for any owner to see their dog vomit. If there is blood present, this can be even more stressful. If you find yourself in this situation, it is important to stay as calm as possible and act quickly to do everything to help your dog. This article will discuss exactly what

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bottle of borage oil with fresh blooming plant in a garden

Black Currant, Evening Primrose & Borage Oils for Dogs (Vet Answer)

Borage oil is a nutritional supplement that is derived from the seeds of the Borage plant. It has become increasingly popular as a natural supplement for humans and more recently animals. It is rich in a type of omega-6 fatty acid called gamma-linolenic acid. It is thought to have benefits such as improved coat condition

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sick old dachshund dog lying on the floor

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in Dogs: Causes, Signs & Treatment (Vet Answer)

Inflammatory bowel disease in dogs is a complex, multifactorial disorder that is caused by inflammation of the walls of the gastrointestinal tract. It can be a debilitating disease that has a significant impact on your dog’s quality of life. It is a chronic condition and if left untreated, can lead to severe weight loss, poor

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veterinarian examining dog through ultrasound

HGE – Hemorrhagic Gastroenteritis in Dogs: Causes, Signs & Treatment (Vet Answer)

Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis in dogs is a relatively common condition that results in vomiting and diarrhea containing blood. It is a medical emergency. You must seek veterinary attention if you think your dog may be suffering from this disease. The underlying cause is thought to be a bacteria that causes damage to the lining of the

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Erect penis of a dog up close

Paraphimosis in Dogs: Is Your Dog’s Lipstick “Stuck”? (Vet Answer)

Dog owners will be familiar with many of the weird and wonderful things our pets do. One of these is having their “lipstick” out. This is when their penis sticks out of its sheath. Dogs experience erections frequently; they can occur when they are sexually aroused, excited, nervous, or if they are having a particularly

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veterinarian using otoscope to check a beagle dog's ear

When to Take Your Dog to the Vet: 15 Emergencies Reviewed (Vet Answer)

All dog owners will know that our canine companions are very much a part of the family. It’s so important to keep them healthy with regular trips to the vet for their checkups and vaccinations. Most owners will be aware of the routine appointments they need to make for their dogs, but what about when

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two dogs afraid of fireworks

Can Dogs Get STDs? Important Health Facts (Vet Answer)

Can dogs get sexually transmitted diseases as humans do? Unfortunately, the answer is yes. There are a fair few canine-specific diseases that dogs pass on when they mate with other dogs. Dogs do not get the same sexually transmitted diseases as humans. Human sexually transmitted diseases are usually spread by direct contact with an infected

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dog Umbilical Hernia

Umbilical Hernias in Dogs: Our Vet Explains Causes, Signs & Treatment

Umbilical hernias are a relatively common condition seen in dogs. They present as a soft bulge over the area where the belly button is located. They occur due to a weakness in the abdominal wall where the umbilical cord has been attached. They vary in severity and the prognosis largely depends on if there are

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labrador retriever dog lying on the floor looking sad or sick

Dog Diarrhea: Our Vet Discusses Signs, Causes & Treatment

Almost all dog owners have encountered diarrhea at some point in their dog’s life. A variety of causes can lead to diarrhea in puppies and dogs. Luckily, most cases are mild and self-limiting and will often resolve on their own. It is still vital for owners to be aware that some cases of diarrhea in

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Labrador puppy in vet's arms

Coccidia in Puppies: Causes, Signs & Treatments (Vet Answer)

Coccidia is an infection of the intestinal tract frequently seen in puppies. It is caused by a single-celled organism called protozoa. These parasites invade the cells lining the intestinal tract, causing damage that leads to clinical signs such as watery diarrhea and weight loss. Puppies are particularly vulnerable to the disease as they have an

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Furry white dog is lying on floor and tongue out from mouth to cooling of body

Can Anesthesia Cause Seizures in Dogs? Our Vet Explains

Are you concerned about your dog having an anesthetic? Do you need to know about potential adverse reactions such as seizures? This article will discuss in depth the facts and common misconceptions about general anesthetics and seizures so that you will be fully informed. Read on to find out more! Can General Anesthetics Cause Seizures

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Dog pooping in the meadow

Why Does My Dog Have Chronically Loose & Soft Stools? 6 Vet-Reviewed Reasons

Have you noticed your dog is passing loose, soft stools regularly? While this may seem like the norm for your dog, it can be an indication of something wrong with their digestive system. It’s also disruptive to your dog’s daily routine, and it can be a nightmare for owners to deal with, as loose stools

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