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Are Yorkies Hypoallergenic Dogs? Vet-Reviewed Allergy Sufferer’s Guide

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on April 18, 2024 by Dogster Team

Yorkshire Terrier

Are Yorkies Hypoallergenic Dogs? Vet-Reviewed Allergy Sufferer’s Guide


Dr. Marta Vidal-Abarca Photo


Dr. Marta Vidal-Abarca


The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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The Yorkshire Terrier, or Yorkie, is one of the most popular breeds in the US and a small, relatively low-shed dog. Are Yorkies hypoallergenic dogs?

Unfortunately, no, Yorkies are not hypoallergenic. In fact, no dog truly is. The Yorkie doesn’t shed much, but this doesn’t mean that they are less likely to trigger allergies. They do also require a fair amount of grooming to keep their coats in excellent condition. Keep reading to learn more about how dog allergies work and what you can do if you are an allergy sufferer.


Do Hypoallergenic Dogs Exist?

The idea of a hypoallergenic product originated with cosmetics manufacturers. They could claim their products were gentler on sensitive or allergy-prone skin compared to conventional counterparts. It was mostly hype, but the name still stuck.

The term is now also used in reference to pets for people with dog and cat allergies. Plenty of breeds are purported to be hypoallergenic, but in reality, they’re low-shedding dog breeds. These dogs shed less frequently and heavily than some other breeds, however this doesn’t guarantee that they won’t trigger allergies in susceptible people.

Image By: murPhotographer, Shutterstock

Are Yorkies Hypoallergenic?

No, no dog breed can be considered hypoallergenic. All dogs produce allergens regardless of their breed or coat type, but dog breeds that shed little hair have been incorrectly called hypoallergenic.

Purebred Yorkies don’t shed much, which is why they’re regarded as a hypoallergenic or low-allergy breed. This doesn’t apply to all Yorkies, however. Designer Yorkies, which are Yorkshire Terriers crossed with another breed, may have different traits. Depending on the other breed, a hybrid Yorkie may be a heavy shedder compared to a purebred Yorkie.

However, they could also be mixed with a dog that’s considered allergy-friendly, such as a Poodle.

What Causes Dog Allergies?

A pet allergy is an allergic reaction to proteins found in an animal’s skin cells, saliva, or urine. When the person with the allergy comes in close proximity to one or more allergens, the allergy symptoms appear. According to the National Institutes of Health, as much as 10% to 20% of the population has a dog allergy. For people who love dogs, a severe allergy can be devastating.

Any animal with a coat that sheds could potentially cause an allergy, including ones you’ve been around for years because in order for allergies to develop, it is necessary to have a previous prolonged exposure to the allergen.

Here are some common allergy signs caused by the condition:

  • Runny nose
  • Sneezing
  • Nasal congestion
  • Itchy nose, throat, or mouth
  • Postnasal drip, facial pressure, and pain

A pet allergy that expands to asthma may mean you’ll experience difficulty breathing, chest pressure or pain, audible wheezing sounds while exhaled, and trouble sleeping due to coughing or wheezing.

Not all allergy signs are respiratory, however. Some people with other forms of allergies may develop skin issues. This is known as allergic dermatitis.

Here are some signs of allergic dermatitis:

  • Raised patches of skin (hives)
  • Rash
  • Itchy skin

The signs of pet allergies can seem like other conditions, such as the common cold. If they get severe, like your nasal passages feeling blocked or wheezing, it’s important to speak to your doctor. Visit the emergency room if you experience shortness of breath and wheezing without exercise.

yorkie dog standing in the grass
Image By: Petra, Pixabay

How to Reduce Dog Allergens in Your Home

Mild allergies can be a real nuisance, so you should speak to your doctor if you have a dog allergy and you’re thinking of getting a Yorkie. Here are some tips to reduce your signs and enjoy some peace with your dog:

  • Create an allergy-free room that your dog can’t access, ideally your bedroom
  • Avoid brushing your dog, and if not possible, use a disposable face mask
  • Wash your hands anytime you touch your dog
  • Use HEPA air cleaners in your home
  • Clean regularly and wash fabric coverings and carpets
  • Bathe your pet weekly
  • Consult with your doctor about the different treatment possibilities
  • Consider immunotherapy, also called allergy shots


Final Thoughts

Yorkies aren’t hypoallergenic dogs, no dog truly is. The reason for this is that all dogs, no matter their breed or coat type, produce the proteins (allergens) that are responsible for triggering allergy symptoms in susceptible people. Yorkies are low shedding, which will reduce the amount of hair in the house, but not so much the amount of dander that is released to the environment.

No dog is free of allergens, but by following your doctor’s advice and with some lifestyle changes, you might be able to reduce your symptoms and achieve a balance between your allergies and your pet, as long as your allergy is mild. Unfortunately, not everyone manages to live harmoniously, so make sure you speak to your doctor before committing to adopting a Yorkie.

Featured Image Credit: Josep Monter Martinez, Pixabay

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