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15 South Africa Pet Industry Statistics to Know in 2024: Trends, Market Size & FAQ

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on June 25, 2024 by Dogster Team

Pet Industry Statistics South Africa

15 South Africa Pet Industry Statistics to Know in 2024: Trends, Market Size & FAQ

Note: This article’s statistics come from third-party sources and do not represent the opinions of this website.

Many South Africans have become pet owners since the pandemic hit in 2020. This has helped drive growth in the pet industry, more significantly in the pet food and healthcare sectors. There have also been some drawbacks since the pandemic, where financial loss has negatively affected pet ownership and care, but the love that South Africans have for their pets will keep the pet industry booming for years to come.


Top 15 South Africa Pet Industry Statistics

  1. South Africa’s pet industry is worth R7.1 billion ($61,868,266.99), and is expected to grow 2.5% between 2021 and 2026.
  2. Absolute Pets plans to own 200 stores by 2026 in South Africa.
  3. The South African pet care market will grow to more than R8.5 billion. ($309,341,334.96) by 2025
  4. A 100% increase in surrendered pets was reported in 2021 due to financial strain.
  5. Dog food accounts for 75% of the South African pet food market.
  6. Over R7 billion is now spent on dry and wet dog food in South Africa.
  7. The pet food Industry releases 106 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year.
  8. Supermarkets are the most common distributor of pet food and account for 70% of the pet food value sales in South Africa.
  9. Running a veterinary clinic costs an average between R300, 000 ($19,034.00) and R450, 000 ($28,551,00) a month.
  10. 85% of vets feel intimidated by pet owners because of the cost of treatments.
  11. It is estimated that only 1% of dogs and cats are insured in South Africa.
  12. At least 500,000 domestic animals are put down every year in South Africa.
  13. Without proper dental care, it is estimated that 70% of cats will show signs of oral disease by the age of 3.
  14. Dental Disease affects 78% of dogs over the age of 3.
  15. South Africa only has between 60 and 70 vets per million people.
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Top Market Statistics in South Africa

1. South Africa’s pet industry is worth R7.1 billion ($61,868,266.99), and is expected to grow 2.5% between 2021 and 2026.

(Business Insider)

Since the pandemic, pet ownership in South Africa has increased, thereby increasing the pet care market and industry too. It is expected to grow by 2.5 % in the next 5 years.

2. Absolute Pets plans to own 200 stores by 2026 in South Africa.

(Daily Maverick)

With the growth in pet ownership and a growing pet care market, the nationwide company Absolute Pets has added more stores across the country. It plans to open 200 stores by 2026, creating over 1,000 jobs and rapidly increasing its online market. Online sales are currently lower than 5% but are slowly increasing.

costumer buying at pet shop
Image by: hedgehog94, Shutterstock

3. The South African pet care market will grow to more than R8.5 billion. ($309,341,334.96) by 2025.

(Daily Maverick)

Since the pandemic, new work policies have allowed pet owners to spend more time with their pets as they are able to work remotely. This trend has also benefited the pet care industry.

4. A 100% increase in surrendered pets was reported in 2021 due to financial strain.

(Pet Health Care)

Because the pandemic placed a serious financial burden on South Africans, several animal rescue organizations have seen an influx in surrendered pets. The Animal Welfare Society of South Africa (AWSSA) reported a 100% increase in the rate of surrendered cats and kittens between October and November 2021, while the rate of surrendered dogs and puppies increased by 23% in October, with a further spike of 55% in November 2021.

two street cats sitting on the background of a medieval Italian street lined with pots of flowers
Image by: Inna Italy, Shutterstock


Top Pet Food Statistics in South Africa

5. Dog food accounts for 75% of the South African pet food market.

(Research and Market)

Dogs are the most popular pets in South Africa.. Therefore, dog food dominates the pet food industry and accounts for 75% of the market.

6. Over R7 billion is now spent on dry and wet dog food in South Africa.


The pet food industry in South Africa is a multibillion-rand industry and continues to show growth.

dry and wet pet food on white background
Image by: Jiri Hera, Shutterstock

7. The pet food Industry releases 106 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year.

(Daily Maverick)

The carbon footprint of the pet food industry is enormous. It uses large amounts of land to grow ingredients and releases 106 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year.

8. Supermarkets are the most common distributors of pet food and account for 70% of the pet food value sales in South Africa.

(Research and Markets)

Supermarkets offer a wide range of products, making them the most popular channel for the distribution of pet food. They account for over 70% of the pet food sales.


Top Pet Healthcare Statistics for South Africa

9. Running a veterinary clinic cost an average between R300,000 ($19,034.00) and R450,000 ($28,551.00) a month.

(Pet Health Care)

The high costs of setting up a veterinary clinic can account for the expensive medical products, which average between R300,000 ($19,034.00) and R450,000 ($28,551.00). This excludes business expenditures and earnings, making this a very costly business to operate.

10. 85% of vets feel intimidated by pet owners because of the cost of treatments.

(Pet Health Care)

Veterinary bills can be costly, and some owners are forced to put their pets to sleep if they don’t have the financial means to pay the bills. It can potentially cost R40,000 ($2,474.73) or more in veterinary bills to save your pet’s life, and because of these costs, 85% of vets feel threatened by pet owners.

german shorthaired pointer dog check by vet
Image by: New Africa, Shutterstock

11. It is estimated that only 1% of dogs and cats are insured in South Africa.

(Pet Health Care)

Despite the growth in the pet care industry, it is estimated that only 1% of dogs and cats are insured.

12. At least 500,000 domestic animals are put down every year in South Africa.


At least 500,000 domestic animals are euthanized annually in South Africa at a cost of around R37,5-million ($234,756.68).

13. Without proper dental care, it is estimated that 70% of cats will show signs of oral disease by the age of 3.

(Vet Directory)

Periodontal and gum disease is caused by the build-up of tartar and plaque and is the number one health concern for cats. Without proper dental care, 70% of cats will show signs of oral disease by the age of three. Cats can have healthy teeth and gums their whole lives with regular checkups, brushing, and a nutritious diet.

brushing cat's teeth
Image by: cynoclub, Shutterstock

14. Dental Disease affects 78% of dogs over the age of 3.

(Vet Directory)

The most common disease for dogs is dental disease. In the United States, it affects 78% of dogs over the age of 3, and in South Africa, it is estimated to be a similar percentage.

15. South Africa only has between 60 and 70 vets per million people.

(Times Live)

There is only one tertiary institution that offers training in South Africa, and because of this, South Africa is facing a shortage of veterinary professionals. The international standard is between 200 and 400 veterinarians per million of a country’s population, while SA only has between 60 and 70 vets per million people.

vet checking shar pei puppy
Image by: VP Photo Studio, Shutterstock


Frequently Asked Questions

How Big Is the Pet Industry in South Africa?

The pet industry in South Africa is worth R7.1 billion ($61,868,266.99) and is expected to grow. Some retailers have taken note of this industry boom and are competing for some of the market shares in the pet economy. (Business Insider)

How Big Is the Pet Food Industry in South Africa?

The pet food industry in South Africa was worth $480.9 million ($29,696.77) in 2020 and is forecasted to grow at a CAGR of 4.0% from 2021 to 2026. The pet food industry in South Africa is well-developed, and the demand for pet food has been growing gradually. Dog food dominates the pet food segment accounting for 75% of the market. (Research and Markets)

german shepherd dog lying near food bowl
Image Credit: Snezhana_G, Shutterstock

What Are the Most Popular Pets in South Africa?

Dogs are the most popular pets in South Africa. Large dogs are preferred as many pet owners keep pets for protection, accounting for over 50% of the pet dog population. (Research and Markets)



South Africa has always had a well-developed pet industry, and while it is seeing and predicting growth, the weakened economy contributed to declines in certain areas. This includes pet food, abandonment of animals due to financial loss, and vet bills. However, with the rapid growth occurring, the pet industry in South Africa has a solid future.

Featured Image Credit: Jaroslaw Kurek, Shutterstock

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