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6 Great Off-Leash Dog Parks In The Netherlands You Can Visit Today!

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 11, 2024 by Dogster Team

dog jumping over a log in a forest park in Netherlands

6 Great Off-Leash Dog Parks In The Netherlands You Can Visit Today!

If you’re a pet parent living in the Netherlands, rejoice! We have three awesome off-leash dog parks that will provide your pup with plenty of fun and safe outdoor activities.

Not only will this be enjoyable for your furry friend, but it’s an excellent way for you to get some fresh air and exercise, too. So don’t wait any longer—grab that leash so you can embark on your own doggy adventure today!


The 6 Great Off-Leash Dog Parks in The Netherlands

1. Beatrixpark

️ Address: Diepenbrockstraat 21, 1077 VX Amsterdam
Open Times: 24/7
Cost: Free
Off-Leash: Yes
  • Not as busy as other parks
  • Lots of ponds and grassy areas for your dog to explore
  • Peaceful atmosphere; weekday mornings are typically quite serene
  • Scenic views abound

2. Vondelpark – Amsterdam

️ Address: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Open Times: 24/7
Cost: Free
Off-Leash: Yes
  • Popular attraction for pet owners
  • Spacious play area, spanning 120 acres
  • Lots of nature to take in
  • 8 million tourists visiting annually, one should brace for some hustle-bustle

3. Oosterpark – Amsterdam

️ Address: Oosterpark, 1012 AA Amsterdam
Open Times: 24/7
Cost: Free
Off-Leash: Yes
  • Lots of history in this park, with the park’s oldest pavilion from 1881 still standing today
  • Park offers the perfect combination of trails and spacious fields for your pup to discover
  • Separate areas for people and dogs
  • Features a tranquil lake that is just right for any water-loving dog

4. Sarphatipark

️ Address: 1073 VN Amsterdam, Netherlands
Open Times: 24/7
Cost: Free
Off-Leash: Yes
  • Separate areas for people without dogs to relax in
  • Has a doggy playground for your fun-loving canine
  • Close to Albert Cuyp Market, where you can buy snacks and drinks
  • Plenty of grassy areas, making it ideal for lounging

5. Ankerpark

️ Address: 2312 RT Leiden, Netherlands
Open Times: Monday through Friday, 9 am to midnight; Saturday and Sunday, all day
Cost: Free
Off-Leash: Yes
  • Large park shaped like a ship’s anchor—hence the name
  • Lots of off-leash trails you can take your dog
  • Dog owners need to bring waste bags as there are none on site

6. Nationaal Park Loonse en Drunense Duinen

️ Address: 5151 RG Drunen, Netherlands
Open Times: All year, from dawn to dusk
Cost: Free
Off-Leash: Yes



If you and your pup find yourself in Amsterdam, make sure you check out the Netherlands’ collection of amazing off-leash dog parks! With three spectacular locations to choose from, both you and your canine companion can explore all that this beautiful country has to offer.

Feel free to bask in the unique sights and smells without worrying about safety; every pet parent deserves a stress-free adventure with their best friend!

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: Jesper Brouwers, Unsplash

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