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What and When Is National Responsible Dog Ownership Day? (2024 Update)

Written by: Brooke Billingsley

Last Updated on June 13, 2024 by Dogster Team

owner stroking the head of a cane corso dog

What and When Is National Responsible Dog Ownership Day? (2024 Update)

Taking care of your dog should be a given for all pet owners, but unfortunately, we’ve all fallen prey to making irresponsible decisions when it comes to our dogs. It’s impossible to know every single thing about the health and well-being of your pet, but it’s extremely important to learn as much as you can to make sure you are a responsible dog owner that provides your dog with a happy, long, safe life. National Responsible Dog Ownership Day is just the holiday to help you out, and it falls on the third Saturday of September every year.

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When Is National Responsible Dog Ownership Day?

Every year, National Responsible Dog Ownership Day is celebrated on the third Saturday in the month of September. In 2024, National Responsible Dog Ownership Day will be celebrated on Saturday, September 21st. Sometimes, animal care organizations may celebrate this holiday on a different day around the same time to make it more convenient, like moving the celebration to a Sunday or a Friday.

Not uncoincidentally, National Responsible Dog Ownership Day falls right in the middle of Responsible Dog Ownership Month through the entire month of September.

bernese dog cuddling with his owner
Image Credit: Africa Studio, Shutterstock

What Is National Responsible Dog Ownership Day?

Sometimes, we all need a little reminder of the commitment we made to our dogs when we brought them home to provide them with a happy, safe life. National Responsible Dog Ownership Day is the perfect opportunity to take stock of the commitment to care for your dog and find other ways to improve your dog’s life.

Responsible Dog Ownership Day was first organized by the AKC in 2003. This holiday was established to support dogs by providing education, demonstrations, activities, health clinics, and games for dogs and their people. The AKC celebrates National Responsible Dog Ownership Day in Raleigh, North Carolina, inviting around 5,000 breed clubs and dog organizations to celebrate with them.

How to Celebrate National Responsible Dog Ownership Day

There are multiple things you can do to celebrate this holiday, from celebrating at home alone to hosting an event. If you have connections to organizations in your area or your community, then you may find a way to host the holiday to help dog owners and organizations in your area.

If hosting an event isn’t your thing, you may consider finding things you’d like to research to help you be a better dog owner, whether it’s learning more about agility and obedience competitions or brushing up on the most recent medical studies about the care and well-being of dogs. You may also make sure to schedule any checkups that your dog may need on this day, from vaccines to microchips to spaying or neutering procedures.

dog sniffing owner's hands
Image Credit: Prostock-studio, Shutterstock

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National Responsible Dog Ownership Day is celebrated annually on the third Saturday in September, although the day sometimes shifts based on the needs of whoever is hosting an event. You can celebrate the day in a variety of ways, from research to hosting an event yourself. If you want to visit the original holiday event, the AKC hosts National Responsible Dog Ownership Day every year in Raleigh, North Carolina.

See also:

Featured Image Credit: Jaromir Chalabala, Shutterstock

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