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The Boston Terrier is one of the top 25 dog breeds in the United States. They’re intelligent, affectionate, and wonderful with children, and it’s no wonder this playful dog has won over so many hearts. The Boston Terrier is so popular that there’s even a holiday just for them: National Boston Terrier Day! It’s held annually on February 19 and is intended to celebrate everything that makes the Boston Terrier breed so adorable.
If you’re the lucky owner of a Boston Terrier and want to know more about this memorable holiday created just for them, read on! We have all the details below, including what you can do to celebrate with your Boston Terrier.
How Can You Celebrate National Boston Terrier Day
With a little imagination, you can celebrate National Boston Terrier Day in many ways! Let’s be honest; your canine companion won’t know the difference between the holiday and any other day, so anything extra you do for them will be a welcome surprise. Below are some of the best ways to celebrate National Boston Terrier Day with your favorite four-legged friend.
Spend the Entire Day with Your Boston Terrier
In today’s non-stop, mile-a-minute world, having an entire day to spend with your pet is rare. That’s precisely what you should do on National Boston Terrier Day. You can start by making a special breakfast for your Boston Terrier and doing whatever they like all day.
Your Boston Terrier might not realize what’s going on, but by the end of the day, they will undoubtedly be happy about it!

Take Your Boston Terrier to a Dog Park to Make New Friends
Boston Terriers love meeting other dogs and making new friends and rarely have anger issues. That’s why bringing yours to the local dog park on National Boston Terrier Day is a great idea. Of course, some dogs are shy; if that’s your Boston Terrier, going to the dog park might not be their favorite experience. However, if yours is social like most Boston Terriers, we can guarantee they will love it!
Volunteer at a Dog or Animal Shelter
Whether you have a Boston Terrier at home or not, volunteering at an animal shelter on National Boston Terrier Day is a fantastic idea. To begin with, most shelters, no matter where you live, are understaffed and overworked.
Lending a hand for the day, even if it’s scooping poop, will be welcome and make you feel really good about yourself. Who knows, you might even meet a dog that you decide to adopt!
Adopt a Boston Terrier
What better way to celebrate National Boston Terrier Day than to adopt a Boston Terrier? There’s a holiday for these dogs because they’re adorable and make fantastic family pets. Of course, to adopt one on the day of the holiday, you may need to contact a reputable breeder and ensure a puppy will be available.
On the other hand, every once in a blue moon, a Boston Terrier shows up at a shelter. That’s why checking the local shelters is an excellent idea if you live in a big city. If you volunteer and show the shelter some love, you might be able to get them to call you if a Boston Terrier shows up at their door.

Spoil Your Boston Terrier
If you can’t spend the entire day with your Boston Terrier, you can at least spoil them for part of it. Purchasing their favorite treats or a new toy or taking them wherever they love to go are excellent ways to spoil your pup. If they love going to your local park, take them there and bring treats and toys with you.
The same can be said for the beach, dog park, or hiking trail your dog likes the most. Whatever your Boston Terrier loves doing or eating, National Boston Terrier Day is the best day of the year to lavish it on them.
6 Fun Facts About the Boston Terrier
Besides being adorable, Boston Terriers are an interesting breed with a fascinating history.
1. Boston Terriers Were First Bred in Boston in The Late 1800s
That’s when a local Bostonian named Robert C. Hooper mated an English bulldog and an English terrier. The Boston Terrier is the first official dog breed from the United States!
2. Playing Is a Boston Terrier’s Favorite Thing to Do
Whether with you, children, or other dogs, the average Boston Terrier is always down to play! They will surprise you with their incredible energy and stamina!
3. Their Nickname Is “The American Gentleman”

The Boston Terrier gained this regal nickname because their black and white coat looks like a tuxedo, and they were developed in a US city.
4. Boston Terriers Flatulate a Lot
Because of their brachycephalic (pushed-in) face, Boston Terriers swallow a lot of air, and that air randomly and regularly shoots out the other end!
5. President Gerald Ford Owned Two Boston Terriers
Their names were Fleck and Spot.
6. Boston Terriers Were Initially Bred for Dog Fighting
They were bred to combine certain traits of the Bulldog with a compact Terrier body. Luckily, this fiendish and deadly “sport” is no longer practiced.

Final Thoughts
If you made it to this end of the article, you know National Boston Terrier Day is a special day to celebrate everything wonderful about Boston Terriers. You also know the holiday is celebrated annually on February 19th and is a great day to do something special for your favorite furry friend. If you love Boston Terriers, February 19 is the best day of the year to show it!
- See Also: How Much Do Boston Terriers Cost?
Featured Image Credit: Eve Photography, Shutterstock