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Can Dogs Eat Octopus? Vet-Approved Nutrition Info & Risks

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on June 22, 2024 by Dogster Team

Can Dogs Eat_octopus

Can Dogs Eat Octopus? Vet-Approved Nutrition Info & Risks


Dr. Lorna Whittemore  Photo


Dr. Lorna Whittemore

BVMS, MRCVS (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Octopus isn’t a common household food, but if you have some in your home, you might be wondering if it’s a healthy option for your dog.

The truth is that while octopus is generally healthy and safe for dogs, it all comes down to how you prepare it and how much you’re giving your dog. It’s easy to overdo it, so keep reading, and we’ll walk you through everything that you need to know.

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Can Dogs Eat Octopus?

Yes! If you have unseasoned cooked octopus meat, you can give a small amount to your dog occasionally. Octopus is full of healthy fats, proteins, vitamins, and minerals that support various parts of your dog’s overall health.

However, you should only feed octopus to your dog in moderation, as it doesn’t meet all their dietary needs on its own.

freshly cooked octopus
Image By: margareatei, Shutterstock

How Much Octopus Can You Feed Your Dog?

We recommend following the 90/10 rule when feeding octopus to your dog. Consider it a treat, and don’t let the total number of treats that your dog eats in a single day make up more than 10% of their diet. This means you’ll need to monitor how much food your dog normally eats to decide how much octopus you can feed them.

Things to Know When Feeding Your Dog Octopus

If you’re feeding octopus to your dog, it is important you keep several factors in mind. First, you should only feed your dog cooked octopus. Otherwise, the octopus can have bacteria that can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, or other more serious infections.

Next, you should only feed unseasoned octopus to your dog. So, if you’re cooking octopus for yourself and using seasonings, you shouldn’t give this to your pup. While the octopus might be safe for your dog, the seasonings you’re using might not be. Even small amounts of sodium or oils and spices can create adverse side effects for your dog.

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Other Healthy Treat Options for Your Dog

While you can certainly feed your dog some octopus if you prepare it for them correctly, it’s far from your only option. Here, we’ve highlighted a few different healthy treat ideas that you can feed your pup if you’re looking to mix things up.


Blueberries come packed with antioxidants that are great for your dog’s health. They have tons of vitamins C and K and fiber. You need to be careful due to their sugar content, but overall, they’re an excellent option for your dog.


Carrots are great for us and they’re great for dogs too! They have fiber and beta-carotene, which will help with their digestion and can ward off certain diseases. If your dog eats carrots, you can happily feed them a few. Just ensure that you cut up raw carrots into small bits so your dog doesn’t end up choking on the hard vegetable.


You’ll want to remove the core and seeds from the apple before feeding it to your dog, but from there, it’s a great healthy snack that they’ll love. Apples have tons of fiber to help with your dog’s digestion, and they have vitamins A and C too.


With cantaloupe, you’ll need to remove the rind and the seeds, but many dogs love the taste of the sweet fruit. It has fiber, folate, niacin, potassium, vitamins, and beta-carotene, meaning it’s full of healthy nutrients. It’s full of natural sugars too, though, so feed it to your dog in moderation.


If your dog prefers a crunchy treat, celery is a great choice. It’s a lot of water, but it also has tons of vitamins. Just keep in mind it doesn’t have many calories, so you don’t want your pup filling up too much on celery and skipping the other foods they need.

Happy Labradoodle Dog with Head Tilt and Tongue Out Looking at Camera
Image By: The Dog Photographer, Shutterstock

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If you have some octopus that you’re trying to get rid of, feeding it to your dog might be the perfect solution. Sure, it can be tempting to try and add a ton of seasonings to make it taste better for them, but it’s really not good for them, and they don’t really mind the bland taste. As long as it’s fresh, they should happily gobble it up!

See Also:

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