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Male vs. Female Beagles: The Differences (With Pictures)

Written by: Nicole Cosgrove

Last Updated on July 5, 2024 by Dogster Team

Male vs Female Beagles

Male vs. Female Beagles: The Differences (With Pictures)

Beagles are considered one of the most popular dogs in the nation because of their fun personality and gentle behavior around children and other pets. Even though both males and females fall under this category, there are some notable differences between the two genders.

Most importantly, males are more independent, laid back, and prone to barking, whereas the females are much more fun, require a lot of attention, and sometimes demonstrate moody behavior.

If you are deciding between a male and female Beagle, it’s important to look at your expectations for barking and personality. For example, a male Beagle is ideal for people who are away from home often, don’t mind a loud dog, and don’t need a constant playmate. In contrast, female Beagles are great for families that want a super clingy and playful dog and don’t mind slight moodiness.

To learn more about the difference between male and female Beagles, read on.

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Visual Differences

Male vs Female Beagle - close up
Image Credit: Left: (Male Beagle) Somo_Photography; Right: (Female Beagle) christinescha, Pixabay

At a Glance

Male Beagles
  • Average height (adult): 14–16 inches
  • Average weight (adult): 22–24 pounds
Female Beagles
  • Average height (adult): 13–16 inches
  • Average weight (adult): 20–22 pounds

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Beagle Pet Breed 101

beagle puppy biting a chew ball
Image By: tetiana_u, Shutterstock

Beagles are known for being one of the most lovable and family-friendly breeds. Whether you have other pets or children in your household, Beagles are likely to fit in perfectly without being aggressive, standoffish, or dangerous.

Instead, Beagles are incredibly funny, pleasant, and lovable dogs in just about any home. At the same time, they make excellent hunting dogs because they are loyal companions, make great company, and were bred for hunting purposes.

All the while, Beagles are considered low-maintenance dogs. Their coat does not require much care, and the breed is very healthy. As long as you provide your dog the right diet, attention, and care, your Beagle will more than likely be a loyal and faithful addition in your home.

There are two main reasons why a Beagle may not be right for you, nevertheless. As a hunting dog, Beagles are pretty vocal and require a lot of playtime. If you can’t put up with a vocal dog or have the time to commit to it, you should go with a different breed instead.

Even with these drawbacks in mind, Beagles are considered one of the easiest and most lovable hounds to have in your home. If you have children, they will likely play with your Beagle enough to satisfy most of its play needs. At the same time, you won’t have to worry about the hound being mean or overly aggressive with your children.

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Male Beagle Overview

Personality / Character

For most dog breeds, the males are known for being more outgoing and fun than the females. This is not the case for the Beagle. Male Beagles tend to be much more laid back and lazy than the female. That does not mean that the males do not like attention or are standoffish. It simply means that they aren’t as playful.

Although some people may prefer an overly playful pup, the male Beagle makes a great choice if you are away from home frequently. The male will play with you whenever you are home and love your attention, but he will also find something to do on his own when you are away.

The males also have pretty standard personalities and characters. They don’t have mood swings and you can pretty much anticipate how your male will respond to most situations. In other words, males are more laid back and predictable in their personality.

One personality trait that is a bit annoying about male Beagles specifically is that they are highly likely to bark and howl if they see someone or something moving outside. This won’t be an issue if you specifically want a dog to be on the lookout, but it can be annoying for apartment dwellers.


Male Beagles are known for being very intelligent and quick to learn. That being said, males can get distracted very easily, which can make training a bit difficult. Especially if you try training a Beagle puppy, you will likely notice very quickly that it has trouble concentrating at the task at hand.

Once your male Beagle grows up, they will learn how to concentrate much easier. Then, your male Beagle will likely respond to training better since they’re so intelligent and eager to please. Just know you might have to have toys or treats on hand to keep your dog’s attention.

Health & Care

Beagles are relatively healthy dogs, but they are prone to certain health conditions like any other breed. Males are specifically at risk of testicular cancer, but you can get your dog neutered to prevent this issue entirely.

Some other diseases to keep an eye out for include the following.

Diseases the can affect male beagles:
  • Cherry eye
  • Congenital heart defect
  • Dwarfism
  • Epilepsy
  • Glaucoma
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Patellar luxation


Like most other breeds, breeding a male Beagle is much easier than the female simply because there are fewer hazardous conditions to be aware of. However, some unhealthy males are overbred, resulting in unhealthy puppies. This is largely due to unethical breeding practices.

  • Can entertain themselves
  • No mood swings
  • Barks and howls a lot
  • Not as playful as females

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Female Beagle Overview

Personality / Character

When most people imagine a Beagle, they think of the female Beagle. Female Beagles have extremely playful and outgoing personalities. It is the females that constantly want to go, go, go and play all day, nonstop.

Because of the females’ drive to play all day, they aren’t as well suited to be left alone. They will become destructive if they get bored and not properly cared for. So, female Beagles are best suited for families with young children who will give these dogs all the play they need.

Even though female Beagles are really playful, they are known for mood swings. In comparison to many other breeds, the female Beagles are far from being aggressive, but they are much less predictable than the males. After you’ve had the female for a while, you will be able to anticipate their mood swings and behaviors better.


Funnily enough, female Beagles are known for being easier to train than their male counterparts. That is not because the females are more intelligent. Instead, it is simply because females can concentrate for longer periods of time and mature faster.

Especially when your female Beagle is a puppy, they will be much easier to train than the male. Although they will still need treats and motivation to stay focused, you will be able to keep your female Beagle’s attention for longer than a male one.

Health & Care

Male and female Beagles have many of the same health conditions to be aware of. The one health condition that females are prone to specifically is mammary cancer. Getting your female Beagle spayed will remove this issue entirely.

Like male Beagles, female Beagles can also experience the following illnesses and diseases.

Diseases that can affect female beagles:
  • Cherry eye
  • Congenital heart defect
  • Dwarfism
  • Epilepsy
  • Glaucoma
  • Hip dysplasia
  • Intervertebral disc disease
  • Patellar luxation


Breeding is always more difficult on the female than the male simply because the females are the ones that have to undergo the pregnancy and labor. Luckily, female Beagles don’t have as many pregnancy and birthing issues as other breeds.

Still, one danger specific to females is overbreeding. Because Beagles are such a loved breed, many unethical breeders are just looking to make some money. So, they overbreed their females, putting their lives and the lives of the puppies at risk.

  • Super playful
  • Don’t bark as much
  • Moody
  • Not as independent as males

Ethical Breeding

One thing we wanted to point out if you are interested in getting a Beagle is to look for ethical breeders specifically. Because Beagles are so loved, they are now considered one of the most overbred breeds. Overbreeding any breed leads to increased health issues and unethical situations.

To make money, many Beagle breeders overbreed their females and males to the point that the females specifically are at risk of dying from birth and other pregnancy complications. As a result, the puppies are likely to have behavioral and health issues.

Whenever you go to buy a Beagle, make sure that the breeder is ethical and treats all of the dogs with respect. Ask to see both the mother and father if they are available and check out the breeding conditions.

If there are tons and tons of dogs with the females looking overworked and tired, the breeder is likely making bad choices. However, many ethical breeders will have plenty of room for their dogs and treat each one with the respect they deserve. Only buy a Beagle puppy from such ethical breeders.

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Which Gender Is Right for You?

Both male and female Beagles make great pets, but one gender may be more ideal for you and your home.

We recommend getting the male Beagle if you are away from home semi-frequently, want a more predictable dog, and don’t want a dog in constant play mode. Families with very young children will especially like these qualities in the male Beagle. However, you must be OK with the dog being loud, especially when looking out the window.

In contrast, you should get a female Beagle if you want an all fun dog to help keep your children entertained. You also don’t have to worry about the female barking too much. Keep in mind that females are a bit moodier, and your children should be taught how to behave around them as a result.

No matter which gender you decide to buy, make sure that the breeder treats all of the dogs with respect. That way, you aren’t knowingly enabling an unethical breeder. Plus, your Beagle puppy is more likely to be healthy and happy.

See Also:

Featured Image Credit: 1 – José Somovilla, Pixabay, 2 – Daniel Albany, Pixabay

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