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Can Dogs Eat Brisket? Vet Reviewed Nutrition Facts

Written by: Cassidy Sutton

Last Updated on June 30, 2024 by Dogster Team

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Can Dogs Eat Brisket? Vet Reviewed Nutrition Facts


Dr. Lauren Demos  Photo


Dr. Lauren Demos

DVM (Veterinarian)

The information is current and up-to-date in accordance with the latest veterinarian research.

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Brisket is a cut of beef from a cow’s lower breast muscles. The lower breast is a well-worked area of the body, so the meat cooks best in a slow cooker combined with seasoning and vegetables. The result is a delicious dinner that everyone loves, including your dog. However, brisket isn’t always a good treat to offer your dog, as the seasonings and ingredients used for cooking it can be harmful. Learn more about brisket below.


When Brisket Isn’t Safe for Your Dog

Beef alone is highly nutritious for dogs. It is full of protein, vitamins, and minerals that benefit dogs’ health.

The issue with brisket lies in how it’s cooked. Brisket can be cooked in several ways depending on the household and culture. However, most recipes contain high amounts of garlic, onion, salt, and fat, damaging your dog’s health if consumed in high amounts.

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When It’s Okay to Offer Brisket to Your Dog

If you can serve plain brisket to your dog without seasonings or additives. This can be hard since most people want to cook brisket with flavor enhancers, but it is worth setting aside a snack for your dog if you can.

Red meat is high in protein and fat, and it fuels your dog’s energy and builds muscle. It is also rich in B vitamins and iron, perfect for healthy fur and blood. Active dogs do very well with red meat, but some should avoid it because of its high-fat content.

What if My Dog Eats Seasoned Brisket by Accident?

Should you panic if your dog eats seasoned brisket? Not really. A small portion generally won’t hurt your dog except to cause some digestive issues. If, somehow, your dog eats a significant amount, like from a plate, you should monitor your dog for signs of illness.

Dogs with sensitive stomachs or those on a special diet may need to visit the veterinarian, but realistically, your dog should be fine. The important thing is to refrain from feeding your dog seasoned meat regularly.



Brisket is a tough piece of red meat slow-cooked in various seasonings and sauces. For that reason, it isn’t always a good snack for dogs. However, if you can provide your dog with plain brisket, it’s safe for them to eat. It can serve as a special treat but should not become part of your pup’s regular diet.

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